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. $PSScriptRoot\packageconfig.ps1
function Get-Uproject-Filename {
param (
$projfile = ""
if ($config -and $config.ProjectFile) {
if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($config.ProjectFile)) {
$projfile = Join-Path $srcfolder $config.ProjectFile
} else {
$projfile = Resolve-Path $config.ProjectFile
if (-not (Test-Path $projfile)) {
throw "Invalid ProfileFile setting, $($config.ProjectFile) does not exist."
} else {
# can return multiple results, pick the first one
$matchedfile = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $srcfolder -Filter *.uproject)[0]
$projfile = $matchedfile.FullName
# Resolve to absolute (do it here and not in join so missing file is friendlier error)
if ($projfile) {
return Resolve-Path $projfile
} else {
return $projfile
# Read the uproject file and return as a PSCustomObject
# Haven't defined this as a custom class because we don't control it
function Read-Uproject {
param (
# uproject is just JSON
return (Get-Content $uprojectfile) | ConvertFrom-Json
function Get-UE-Version {
param (
# the uproject object from Read-Uproject
if ($uproject.EngineAssociation) {
$assoc = $uproject.EngineAssociation
} else {
# Plugin
$assoc = $uproject.EngineVersion
# If this is a GUID "{A1234786-..}" then it's a source build, we need to resolve it via registry
if ($assoc.StartsWith("{")) {
# Look up the source dir from registry setting
$srcdir = Get-ItemPropertyValue 'Registry::HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Epic Games\Unreal Engine\Builds' -Name $assoc
# In source build, read Build.version JSON
$buildverfile = Join-Path $srcdir "Engine/Build/Build.version"
$buildjson = (Get-Content $buildverfile) | ConvertFrom-Json
return "$($buildjson.MajorVersion).$($buildjson.MinorVersion)"
function Get-Is-UE5 {
param (
# the uproject object from Read-Uproject
return $ueVersion.StartsWith("5.")
function Get-UE-Install {
param (
# UEINSTALL env var should point at the root of the *specific version* of
# UE you want to use. This is mainly for use in source builds, default is
# to build it from version number and root of all UE binary installs
$uinstall = $Env:UEINSTALL
# Backwards compat
if (-not $uinstall) {
$uinstall = $Env:UE4INSTALL
if (-not $uinstall) {
# UEROOT should be the parent folder of all UE versions
$uroot = $Env:UEROOT
# Bakwards compat
if (-not $uroot) {
$uroot = $Env:UE4ROOT
if (-not $uroot) {
$uroot = "C:\Program Files\Epic Games"
# When using $ueVersion, strip off 3rd digit if any
$regex = "(\d+\.\d+)(\.\d+)?"
$match = $ueVersion | Select-String -Pattern $regex
$ueVersionTrimmed = $match.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value
$uinstall = Join-Path $uroot "UE_$ueVersionTrimmed"
# Test we can find RunUAT.bat
$batchfolder = Join-Path "$uinstall" "Engine\Build\BatchFiles"
$buildbat = Join-Path "$batchfolder" "RunUAT.bat"
if (-not (Test-Path $buildbat -PathType Leaf)) {
throw "RunUAT.bat missing at $buildbat : Not a valid UE install"
return $uinstall
function Get-UEEditorCmd {
param (
if ((Get-Is-UE5 $ueVersion)) {
return Join-Path $ueInstall "Engine/Binaries/Win64/UnrealEditor-Cmd$exeSuffix"
} else {
return Join-Path $ueInstall "Engine/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor-Cmd$exeSuffix"