Working on plugin packaging (for marketplace) script

This commit is contained in:
Steve Streeting 2023-06-14 11:23:56 +01:00
parent 9659b6b8aa
commit c39b450f86
6 changed files with 353 additions and 1 deletions

inc/pluginconfig.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
class PluginConfig {
PluginConfig([PSCustomObject]$obj) {
# Construct from JSON object
# Override just properties that are set
$obj.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object {
try {
# Nested array dealt with below
$this.$($_.Name) = $_.Value
} catch {
Write-Host "Invalid property in plugin config: $($_.Name) = $($_.Value)"
# Read pluginconfig.json file from a source location and return PluginConfig instance
function Read-Plugin-Config {
param (
$configfile = Resolve-Path "$srcfolder\pluginconfig.json"
if (-not (Test-Path $configfile -PathType Leaf)) {
throw "$srcfolder\pluginconfig.json does not exist!"
$obj = (Get-Content $configfile) | ConvertFrom-Json
return [PluginConfig]::New($obj)

inc/pluginversion.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
function Get-NextPluginVersion {
param (
if (($major + $minor + $patch + $hotfix) -gt 1) {
throw "Can't set more than one of major/minor/patch/hotfix at the same time!"
# Regex features:
# - Can read 2-4 version components but will pad with 0s up to 4 when writing
# - captures pre- and post-fix text and retains
$regex = "([^\d]*)(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?(.*)"
$matches = $currentVersion | Select-String -Pattern $regex
# 1 = prefix
# 2-5 = version number components
# 6 = postfix
if (($matches.Matches.Count -gt 0) -and ($matches.Matches[0].Groups.Count -eq 7)) {
$prefix = $matches.Matches[0].Groups[1].Value
$postfix = $matches.Matches[0].Groups[6].Value
$intversions = $matches.Matches[0].Groups[2..5] | ForEach-Object {
if ($_.Value -ne "") {
} else {
# We fill in the version numbers to 4 digits always
$versionDigit = 2;
if ($major) {
$versionDigit = 0
} elseif ($minor) {
$versionDigit = 1
} elseif ($patch) {
$versionDigit = 2
} elseif ($hotfix) {
$versionDigit = 3
# increment then zero anything after
for ($d = $versionDigit + 1; $d -lt $intversions.Length; $d++) {
$intversions[$d] = 0
$newver = "$prefix$($intversions[0]).$($intversions[1]).$($intversions[2]).$($intversions[3])$postfix"
Write-Verbose "[version++] Bumping version to $newver"
return "$newver"
} else {
throw "[version++] Error: unable to read current version"

inc/uplugin.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
. $PSScriptRoot\packageconfig.ps1
function Get-Uplugin-Filename {
param (
$projfile = ""
if ($config -and $config.ProjectFile) {
if (-not [System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($config.ProjectFile)) {
$projfile = Join-Path $srcfolder $config.ProjectFile
} else {
$projfile = Resolve-Path $config.ProjectFile
if (-not (Test-Path $projfile)) {
throw "Invalid ProfileFile setting, $($config.ProjectFile) does not exist."
} else {
# can return multiple results, pick the first one
$matchedfile = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $srcfolder -Filter *.uplugin)[0]
$projfile = $matchedfile.FullName
# Resolve to absolute (do it here and not in join so missing file is friendlier error)
if ($projfile) {
return Resolve-Path $projfile
} else {
return $projfile

View File

@ -26,7 +26,11 @@ function Get-Uproject-Filename {
} }
# Resolve to absolute (do it here and not in join so missing file is friendlier error) # Resolve to absolute (do it here and not in join so missing file is friendlier error)
if ($projfile) {
return Resolve-Path $projfile return Resolve-Path $projfile
} else {
return $projfile
} }
# Read the uproject file and return as a PSCustomObject # Read the uproject file and return as a PSCustomObject

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"OutputDir": "/Path/To/Output/Parent/Dir",
"PluginFile": "OptionalPluginFilenameWillDetectInDirOtherwise.uplugin"

ue-plugin-package.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
# Plugin packaging helper
# Bumps versions, zips for marketplace
# Put pluginconfig.json in your project folder to configure
# See pluginconfig_template.json
[CmdletBinding()] # Fail on unknown args
param (
[switch]$major = $false,
[switch]$minor = $false,
[switch]$patch = $false,
[switch]$hotfix = $false,
# Don't incrememnt version
[switch]$keepversion = $false,
# Force move tag
[switch]$forcetag = $false,
# Testing mode; skips clean checks, tags
[switch]$test = $false,
# Browse the output directory in file explorer after packaging
[switch]$browse = $false,
# Dry-run; does nothing but report what *would* have happened
[switch]$dryrun = $false,
[switch]$help = $false
. $PSScriptRoot\inc\platform.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\inc\pluginconfig.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\inc\pluginversion.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\inc\uproject.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\inc\uplugin.ps1
. $PSScriptRoot\inc\filetools.ps1
function Write-Usage {
Write-Output "Steve's Unreal Plugin packaging tool"
Write-Output "Usage:"
Write-Output " ue-plugin-package.ps1 [-src:sourcefolder] [-major|-minor|-patch|-hotfix] [-keepversion] [-force] [-test] [-dryrun]"
Write-Output " "
Write-Output " -src : Source folder (current folder if omitted), must contain pluginconfig.json"
Write-Output " -major : Increment major version i.e. [x++].0.0.0"
Write-Output " -minor : Increment minor version i.e. x.[x++].0.0"
Write-Output " -patch : Increment patch version i.e. x.x.[x++].0 (default)"
Write-Output " -hotfix : Increment hotfix version i.e. x.x.x.[x++]"
Write-Output " -keepversion : Keep current version number, doesn't tag unless -forcetag"
Write-Output " -forcetag : Move any existing version tag"
Write-Output " -test : Testing mode, separate builds, allow dirty working copy"
Write-Output " -browse : After packaging, browse the output folder"
Write-Output " -dryrun : Don't perform any actual actions, just report on what you would do"
Write-Output " -help : Print this help"
Write-Output " "
if ($src.Length -eq 0) {
$src = "."
Write-Verbose "-src not specified, assuming current directory"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
if ($help) {
Exit 0
Write-Output "~-~-~ Unreal Plugin Package Start ~-~-~"
if ($test) {
Write-Output "TEST MODE: No tagging, version bumping"
if (([bool]$major + [bool]$minor + [bool]$patch + [bool]$hotfix) -gt 1) {
Write-Output "ERROR: Can't set more than one of major/minor/patch/hotfix at the same time!"
Exit 5
if (($major -or $minor -or $patch -or $hotfix) -and $keepversion) {
Write-Output "ERROR: Can't set keepversion at the same time as major/minor/patch/hotfix!"
Exit 5
# Detect Git
if ($src -ne ".") { Push-Location $src }
$isGit = Test-Path ".git"
if ($src -ne ".") { Pop-Location }
# Check working copy is clean (Git only)
if (-not $test -and $isGit) {
if ($src -ne ".") { Push-Location $src }
if (Test-Path ".git") {
git diff --no-patch --exit-code
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Output "Working copy is not clean (unstaged changes)"
if ($dryrun) {
Write-Output "dryrun: Continuing but this will fail without -dryrun"
} else {
git diff --no-patch --cached --exit-code
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
Write-Output "Working copy is not clean (staged changes)"
if ($dryrun) {
Write-Output "dryrun: Continuing but this will fail without -dryrun"
} else {
if ($src -ne ".") { Pop-Location }
try {
# Import config & project settings
$config = Read-Plugin-Config -srcfolder:$src
$pluginfile = Get-Uplugin-Filename -srcfolder:$src -config:$config
if (-not $pluginfile) {
throw "Not in a uplugin dir!"
$proj = Read-Uproject $pluginfile
$pluginName = (Get-Item $pluginfile).Basename
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Plugin File : $pluginfile"
Write-Output "Output Folder : $($config.OutputDir)"
Write-Output ""
if (([bool]$major + [bool]$minor + [bool]$patch + [bool]$hotfix) -eq 0) {
$patch = $true
$versionNumber = $proj.VersionName
if (-not $keepversion) {
# Bump up version, passthrough options
try {
$versionNumber = Get-NextPluginVersion -current:$versionNumber -major:$major -minor:$minor -patch:$patch -hotfix:$hotfix
# Save incremented version back to uplugin object (will be saved later)
$proj.VersionName = $versionNumber
catch {
Write-Output $_.Exception.Message
Exit 6
Write-Output "Next version will be: $versionNumber"
# For tagging release
# We only need to grab the main version once
if ((-not $keepversion) -or $forcetag) {
$forcearg = ""
if ($forcetag) {
$forcearg = "-f"
if (-not $test -and -not $dryrun -and $isGit) {
if ($src -ne ".") { Push-Location $src }
git tag $forcearg -a $versionNumber -m "Automated release tag"
if ($src -ne ".") { Pop-Location }
# TODO: Save .uplugin changes!
# Zip parent of the uplugin folder
$zipsrc = (Get-Item $pluginfile).Directory.FullName
$zipdst = Join-Path $config.OutputDir "$($pluginName)_$($versionNumber).zip"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $config.OutputDir -Force > $null
Write-Output "Compressing to $zipdst"
$argList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$argList.Add("a") > $null
$argList.Add($zipdst) > $null
$argList.Add($zipsrc) > $null
if ($dryrun) {
Write-Output ""
Write-Output "Would have run:"
Write-Output "> 7z.exe $($argList -join " ")"
Write-Output ""
} else {
$proc = Start-Process "7z.exe" $argList -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow
if ($proc.ExitCode -ne 0) {
throw "7-Zip failed!"
if ($browse -and -not $dryrun) {
Invoke-Item $config.OutputDir
catch {
Write-Output $_.Exception.Message
Write-Output "~-~-~ Unreal Plugin Package FAILED ~-~-~"
Exit 9
Write-Output "~-~-~ Unreal Plugin Package Completed OK ~-~-~"