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synced 2025-02-23 13:15:23 +00:00
Actually building for Development Editor mode
This commit is contained in:
@ -69,12 +69,13 @@ try {
throw "Multiple Unreal project files found in $(Get-Location)! Aborting."
throw "Multiple Unreal project files found in $(Get-Location)! Aborting."
Write-Output "Building $uprojfile for $mode"
# In PS 6.0+ we could use Split-Path -LeafBase but let's stick with built-in PS 5.1
$uprojname = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($uprojfile)
Write-Output "Building $uprojname for $mode"
# Check version number of UE4 project so we know which version to run
# Check version number of UE4 project so we know which version to run
# We can read this from .uproject which is JSON
# We can read this from .uproject which is JSON
$uproject = Get-Content $uprojfile | ConvertFrom-Json
$uproject = Get-Content $uprojfile | ConvertFrom-Json
$uversion = $uproject.EngineAssociation
$uversion = $uproject.EngineAssociation
# UE4INSTALL env var should point at the root of the *specific version* of
# UE4INSTALL env var should point at the root of the *specific version* of
@ -92,29 +93,70 @@ try {
$uinstall = Join-Path $uroot "UE_$uversion"
$uinstall = Join-Path $uroot "UE_$uversion"
# Test we can find RunUAT.bat
# Test we can find Build.bat
$uat = Join-Path "$uinstall" "Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat"
$batchfolder = Join-Path "$uinstall" "Engine\Build\BatchFiles"
if (-not (Test-Path $uat -PathType Leaf)) {
$buildbat = Join-Path "$batchfolder" "Build.bat"
throw "Unreal Automation Tool doesn't exist at $uat : Aborting"
if (-not (Test-Path $buildbat -PathType Leaf)) {
throw "Build.bat missing at $buildbat : Aborting"
Write-Verbose "Running $uat"
# Close UE4 as early as possible
# Close UE4 as early as possible
# if (-not $dryrun -and -not $nocloseeditor) {
if (-not $nocloseeditor) {
# # Check if Unity is running, if so try to shut it gracefully
# Check if UE4 is running, if so try to shut it gracefully
# $ue4proc = Get-Process UE4Editor | Where-Object {$_.MainWindowTitle -like "ue4localise*" }
# Filter by project name in main window title, it's always called "Project - Unreal Editor"
# if ($ue4proc) {
$ue4proc = Get-Process UE4Editor -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.MainWindowTitle -like "$uprojname*" }
# Write-Output "UE4 is currently running, trying to gracefully shut window "
if ($ue4proc) {
# $ue4proc.CloseMainWindow()
if ($dryrun) {
# Start-Sleep 5
Write-Output "UE4 project is currently open in editor, would have closed"
# if (!$ue4proc.HasExited) {
} else {
# throw "Couldn't close UE4 gracefully, aborting!"
Write-Output "UE4 project is currently open in editor, closing..."
# }
$ue4proc.CloseMainWindow() > $null
# }
Start-Sleep 5
# Remove-Variable ue4proc
if (!$ue4proc.HasExited) {
# }
throw "Couldn't close UE4 gracefully, aborting!"
} else {
Write-Verbose "UE4 project is not open in editor"
Remove-Variable ue4proc
$buildargs = ""
switch ($mode) {
'dev' {
# Stolen from the VS project settings because boy is this badly documented
# Target needs "Editor" on the end to make this "Development Editor"
# The -Project seems to be needed, as is the -FromMsBuild
# -Project has to point at the ABSOLUTE PATH of the uproject
$uprojfileabs = Join-Path "$(Get-Location)" $uprojfile
$buildargs = "${uprojname}Editor Win64 Development -Project=`"${uprojfileabs}`" -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild"
default {
# We probably want to use custom launch profiles for this
Write-Output "Mode '$mode' is not supported yet"
if ($dryrun) {
Write-Output "Would run: build.bat $buildargs"
} else {
Write-Verbose "Running $buildbat $buildargs"
$process = (Start-Process $buildbat -ArgumentList $buildargs -PassThru)
# Spinwait since -Wait doesn't seem to work?
do {
Write-Host "." -NoNewline
start-sleep -Milliseconds 1000
} until ($process.HasExited)
if ($process.ExitCode -ne 0) {
$code = $process.ExitCode
throw "*** Build exited with code $code, see above"
# Try to locate RunUAT.bat so we don't have to add UE4 version to PATH
# Try to locate RunUAT.bat so we don't have to add UE4 version to PATH
Reference in New Issue
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