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synced 2025-02-23 09:35:25 +00:00
Merge branch 'rtt-pool'
This commit is contained in:
@ -249,6 +249,26 @@ void UStevesGameSubsystem::SetBrushFromAtlas(FSlateBrush* Brush, TScriptInterfac
FStevesTextureRenderTargetPoolPtr UStevesGameSubsystem::GetTextureRenderTargetPool(FName Name, bool bAutoCreate)
// On the assumption there won't be *loads* of pools, not worth a map, just iterate
for (auto Tex : TextureRenderTargetPools)
if (Tex->GetName() == Name)
return Tex;
if (bAutoCreate)
FStevesTextureRenderTargetPoolPtr Pool = MakeShared<FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool>(Name, this);
return Pool;
return nullptr;
bool UStevesGameSubsystem::FInputModeDetector::ShouldProcessInputEvents() const
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#include "StevesTextureRenderTargetPool.h"
#include "StevesUEHelpers.h"
#include "Kismet/KismetRenderingLibrary.h"
UE_LOG(LogStevesUEHelpers, Log, TEXT("FStevesTextureRenderTargetReservation: destruction"));
if (ParentPool.IsValid() && Texture.IsValid())
Texture = nullptr;
void FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool::ReleaseReservation(UTextureRenderTarget2D* Tex)
if (!Tex)
UE_LOG(LogStevesUEHelpers, Warning, TEXT("FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool: Attempted to release a null texture"));
for (int i = 0; i < Reservations.Num(); ++i)
const FReservationInfo& R = Reservations[i];
if (R.Texture.IsValid() && R.Texture.Get() == Tex)
UE_LOG(LogStevesUEHelpers, Verbose, TEXT("FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool: Released texture reservation on %s"), *Tex->GetName());
UnreservedTextures.Add(R.Key, Tex);
UE_LOG(LogStevesUEHelpers, Warning, TEXT("FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool: Attempted to release a reservation on %s that was not found"), *Tex->GetName());
FStevesTextureRenderTargetReservationPtr FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool::ReserveTexture(FIntPoint Size,
ETextureRenderTargetFormat Format, const UObject* Owner)
const FTextureKey Key {Size, Format};
UTextureRenderTarget2D* Tex = nullptr;
if (auto Pooled = UnreservedTextures.Find(Key))
Tex = *Pooled;
UnreservedTextures.RemoveSingle(Key, Tex);
UE_LOG(LogStevesUEHelpers, Verbose, TEXT("FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool: Re-used pooled texture %s"), *Tex->GetName());
else if (Size.X > 0 && Size.Y > 0)
// No existing texture, so create
// Texture owner should be a valid UObject that will determine lifespan
UObject* TextureOwner = PoolOwner.IsValid() ? PoolOwner.Get() : GetTransientPackage();
Tex = NewObject<UTextureRenderTarget2D>(TextureOwner);
Tex->RenderTargetFormat = Format;
Tex->InitAutoFormat(Size.X, Size.Y);
UE_LOG(LogStevesUEHelpers, Verbose, TEXT("FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool: Created new texture %s"), *Tex->GetName());
// Record reservation
Reservations.Add(FReservationInfo(Key, Owner, Tex));
return MakeShared<FStevesTextureRenderTargetReservation>(Tex, this->AsShared(), Owner);
void FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool::RevokeReservations(const UObject* ForOwner)
for (int i = 0; i < Reservations.Num(); ++i)
const FReservationInfo& R = Reservations[i];
if (!ForOwner || R.Owner == ForOwner)
if (R.Texture.IsValid())
UE_LOG(LogStevesUEHelpers, Verbose, TEXT("FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool: Revoked texture reservation on %s"), *R.Texture->GetName());
UnreservedTextures.Add(R.Key, R.Texture.Get());
// Can't use RemoveAtSwap because it'll change order
// Adjust index backwards to compensate
void FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool::DrainPool(bool bForceAndRevokeReservations)
if (bForceAndRevokeReservations)
for (auto& TexPair : UnreservedTextures)
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "PaperSprite.h"
#include "Framework/Application/IInputProcessor.h"
#include "StevesHelperCommon.h"
#include "StevesTextureRenderTargetPool.h"
#include "StevesUI/FocusSystem.h"
#include "StevesUI/UiTheme.h"
@ -14,6 +15,7 @@
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FOnInputModeChanged, int, PlayerIndex, EInputMode, InputMode);
DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnWindowForegroundChanged, bool, bFocussed);
/// Entry point for all the top-level features of the helper system
class STEVESUEHELPERS_API UStevesGameSubsystem : public UGameInstanceSubsystem
@ -109,6 +111,8 @@ protected:
UUiTheme* DefaultUiTheme;
TArray<FStevesTextureRenderTargetPoolPtr> TextureRenderTargetPools;
void CreateInputDetector();
void DestroyInputDetector();
void InitTheme();
@ -198,4 +202,14 @@ public:
static void SetBrushFromAtlas(FSlateBrush* Brush, TScriptInterface<ISlateTextureAtlasInterface> AtlasRegion,
bool bMatchSize);
* Retrieve a pool of texture render targets. If a pool doesn't exist with the given name, it can be created.
* @param Name Identifier for the pool.
* @param bAutoCreate
* @return The pool, or null if it doesn't exist and bAutoCreate is false
FStevesTextureRenderTargetPoolPtr GetTextureRenderTargetPool(FName Name, bool bAutoCreate = true);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Chaos/AABB.h"
#include "Chaos/AABB.h"
#include "Engine/TextureRenderTarget2D.h"
typedef TSharedPtr<struct FStevesTextureRenderTargetReservation> FStevesTextureRenderTargetReservationPtr;
typedef TSharedPtr<struct FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool> FStevesTextureRenderTargetPoolPtr;
/// Holder for an assigned texture. While this structure exists, the texture will be considered assigned
/// and will not be returned from any other request. Once this structure is destroyed the texture will
/// be free for re-use. For that reason, only pass this structure around by SharedRef/SharedPtr.
/// The texture is held by a weak pointer however, the strong pointer is held by the pool. The texture will continue
/// to be available to this reservation except if the pool is told to forcibly release textures.
struct STEVESUEHELPERS_API FStevesTextureRenderTargetReservation
/// The texture. May be null if the pool has forcibly reclaimed the texture prematurely
TWeakObjectPtr<UTextureRenderTarget2D> Texture;
TWeakPtr<struct FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool> ParentPool;
TWeakObjectPtr<const UObject> CurrentOwner;
FStevesTextureRenderTargetReservation() = default;
FStevesTextureRenderTargetReservation(UTextureRenderTarget2D* InTexture,
FStevesTextureRenderTargetPoolPtr InParent,
const UObject* InOwner)
: Texture(InTexture),
* A pool of render target textures. To save pre-creating render textures as assets, and to control the re-use of
* these textures at runtime.
* A pool needs to be owned by a UObject, which will in turn own the textures and so will ultimately control the
* ultimate lifecycle of textures if not released specifically.
struct STEVESUEHELPERS_API FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool : public TSharedFromThis<FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool>
/// The name of the pool. It's possible to have more than one texture pool.
FName Name;
struct FTextureKey
FIntPoint Size;
ETextureRenderTargetFormat Format;
friend bool operator==(const FTextureKey& Lhs, const FTextureKey& RHS)
return Lhs.Size == RHS.Size
&& Lhs.Format == RHS.Format;
friend bool operator!=(const FTextureKey& Lhs, const FTextureKey& RHS)
return !(Lhs == RHS);
friend uint32 GetTypeHash(const FTextureKey& Key)
return HashCombine(GetTypeHash(Key.Size), static_cast<uint32>(Key.Format));
TWeakObjectPtr<UObject> PoolOwner;
TMultiMap<FTextureKey, UTextureRenderTarget2D*> UnreservedTextures;
/// Weak reverse tracking of reservations, mostly for debugging
struct FReservationInfo
FTextureKey Key;
TWeakObjectPtr<const UObject> Owner;
TWeakObjectPtr<UTextureRenderTarget2D> Texture;
FReservationInfo(const FTextureKey& InKey, const UObject* InOwner, UTextureRenderTarget2D* InTexture)
: Key(InKey),
TArray<FReservationInfo> Reservations;
friend struct FStevesTextureRenderTargetReservation;
/// Release a reservation on a texture, allowing it back into the pool
/// Protected because only FStevesTextureRenderTargetReservation will need to do this.
void ReleaseReservation(UTextureRenderTarget2D* Tex);
explicit FStevesTextureRenderTargetPool(const FName& InName, UObject* InOwner)
: Name(InName), PoolOwner(InOwner)
const FName& GetName() const { return Name; }
* Reserve a texture for use as a render target. This will create a new texture target if needed.
* @param Size The dimensions of the texture
* @param Format Format of the texture
* @param Owner The UObject which will temporarily own this texture (mostly for debugging, this object won't in fact "own" it
* as per garbage collection rules, the reference is weak
* @return A shared pointer to a structure which holds the reservation for this texture. When that structure is
* destroyed, it will release the texture back to the pool.
FStevesTextureRenderTargetReservationPtr ReserveTexture(FIntPoint Size, ETextureRenderTargetFormat Format, const UObject* Owner);
* Forcibly revoke reservations in this pool, either for all owners or for a specific owner.
* Reservations which are revoked will have their weak texture pointers invalidated.
* @param ForOwner If null, revoke all reservations for any owner, or if provided, just for a specific owner.
void RevokeReservations(const UObject* ForOwner = nullptr);
* Destroy previously created textures and free the memory.
* @param bForceAndRevokeReservations If false, only destroys unreserved textures. If true, destroys reserved textures
* as well (the weak pointer on their reservations will cease to be valid)
void DrainPool(bool bForceAndRevokeReservations = false);
Reference in New Issue
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