First pass of creating an inline rich text image based on input mappings

This commit is contained in:
Steve Streeting 2020-11-23 11:52:37 +00:00
parent 183a601170
commit 3a209b3cfb
2 changed files with 217 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
#include "StevesUI/RichTextBlockInputImageDecorator.h"
#include "StevesHelperCommon.h"
#include "StevesUEHelpers.h"
#include "Fonts/FontMeasure.h"
#include "Misc/DefaultValueHelper.h"
#include "Widgets/Layout/SScaleBox.h"
#include "Widgets/Images/SImage.h"
// Slat SNew only supports 5 custom arguments so we need to batch things up
struct FInputImageParams
/// What type of an input binding this image should look up
EInputBindingType BindingType;
/// If BindingType is Action/Axis, the name of it
FName ActionOrAxisName;
/// If BindingType is Key, the key
FKey Key;
/// Player index, if binding type is action or axis
int PlayerIndex;
/// Theme, if any
UUiTheme* CustomTheme;
UWorld* WorldContext;
// Basically the same as SRichInlineImage but I can't re-use that since private
class SRichInlineInputImage : public SCompoundWidget
/// What type of an input binding this image should look up
EInputBindingType BindingType;
/// If BindingType is Action/Axis, the name of it
FName ActionOrAxisName;
/// If BindingType is Key, the key
FKey Key;
/// Player index, if binding type is action or axis
int PlayerIndex;
/// Theme, if any
UUiTheme* CustomTheme;
UWorld* WorldContext;
FSlateBrush Brush;
void Construct(const FArguments& InArgs, FInputImageParams InParams,
const FTextBlockStyle& TextStyle, TOptional<int32> Width, TOptional<int32> Height, EStretch::Type Stretch)
BindingType = InParams.BindingType;
ActionOrAxisName = InParams.ActionOrAxisName;
Key = InParams.Key;
PlayerIndex = InParams.PlayerIndex;
CustomTheme = InParams.CustomTheme;
WorldContext = InParams.WorldContext;
const TSharedRef<FSlateFontMeasure> FontMeasure = FSlateApplication::Get().GetRenderer()->GetFontMeasureService();
float IconHeight = FMath::Min((float)FontMeasure->GetMaxCharacterHeight(TextStyle.Font, 1.0f), Brush.ImageSize.Y);
float IconWidth = IconHeight;
if (Width.IsSet())
IconWidth = Width.GetValue();
if (Height.IsSet())
IconHeight = Height.GetValue();
auto GS = GetStevesGameSubsystem(WorldContext);
if (GS)
auto Sprite = GS->GetInputImageSprite(BindingType, ActionOrAxisName, Key, PlayerIndex, CustomTheme);
GS->SetBrushFromAtlas(&Brush, Sprite, true);
// Again, wish I could just subclass FRichInlineImage here, le sigh
class FRichInlineInputImage : public FRichTextDecorator
FRichInlineInputImage(URichTextBlock* InOwner, URichTextBlockInputImageDecorator* InDecorator)
: FRichTextDecorator(InOwner)
, Decorator(InDecorator)
virtual bool Supports(const FTextRunParseResults& RunParseResult, const FString& Text) const override
if (RunParseResult.Name == TEXT("input"))
return RunParseResult.MetaData.Contains(TEXT("key")) ||
RunParseResult.MetaData.Contains(TEXT("action")) ||
return false;
virtual TSharedPtr<SWidget> CreateDecoratorWidget(const FTextRunInfo& RunInfo, const FTextBlockStyle& TextStyle) const override
FInputImageParams Params;
Params.PlayerIndex = 0;
Params.BindingType = EInputBindingType::Key;
Params.Key = EKeys::AnyKey;
if (const FString* PlayerStr = RunInfo.MetaData.Find(TEXT("player")))
int PTemp;
Params.PlayerIndex = FDefaultValueHelper::ParseInt(*PlayerStr, PTemp) ? PTemp : 0;
if (const FString* KeyStr = RunInfo.MetaData.Find(TEXT("key")))
Params.BindingType = EInputBindingType::Key;
Params.Key = FKey(**KeyStr);
else if (const FString* ActionStr = RunInfo.MetaData.Find(TEXT("action")))
Params.BindingType = EInputBindingType::Action;
Params.ActionOrAxisName = **ActionStr;
else if (const FString* AxisStr = RunInfo.MetaData.Find(TEXT("axis")))
Params.BindingType = EInputBindingType::Axis;
Params.ActionOrAxisName = **AxisStr;
// Support the same width/height/stretch overrides as standard rich text images
TOptional<int32> Width;
if (const FString* WidthString = RunInfo.MetaData.Find(TEXT("width")))
int32 WidthTemp;
Width = FDefaultValueHelper::ParseInt(*WidthString, WidthTemp) ? WidthTemp : TOptional<int32>();
TOptional<int32> Height;
if (const FString* HeightString = RunInfo.MetaData.Find(TEXT("height")))
int32 HeightTemp;
Height = FDefaultValueHelper::ParseInt(*HeightString, HeightTemp) ? HeightTemp : TOptional<int32>();
EStretch::Type Stretch = EStretch::ScaleToFit;
if (const FString* SstretchString = RunInfo.MetaData.Find(TEXT("stretch")))
static const UEnum* StretchEnum = StaticEnum<EStretch::Type>();
int64 StretchValue = StretchEnum->GetValueByNameString(*SstretchString);
if (StretchValue != INDEX_NONE)
Stretch = static_cast<EStretch::Type>(StretchValue);
// SNew only supports 5 custom arguments! Thats why we batch up in struct
return SNew(SRichInlineInputImage, Params, TextStyle, Width, Height, Stretch);
URichTextBlockInputImageDecorator* Decorator;
TSharedPtr<ITextDecorator> URichTextBlockInputImageDecorator::CreateDecorator(URichTextBlock* InOwner)
return MakeShareable(new FRichInlineInputImage(InOwner, this));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/RichTextBlockDecorator.h"
#include "RichTextBlockInputImageDecorator.generated.h"
class UUiTheme;
class STEVESUEHELPERS_API URichTextBlockInputImageDecorator : public URichTextBlockDecorator
/// Custom theme to use for this input image set; if not supplied will use UStevesGameSubsystem::DefaultUiTheme
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly)
UUiTheme* CustomTheme;
virtual TSharedPtr<ITextDecorator> CreateDecorator(URichTextBlock* InOwner) override;
virtual UUiTheme* GetCustomTheme() const { return CustomTheme; }