
324 lines
16 KiB

## @file
# This file contains the implementation of the webperl application class.
# @author Chris Page <chris@starforge.co.uk>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## @class
# Provide the core functionality required to initialise and run a web application
# based on the webperl framework. This class is effectively a bootstrapper,
# allowing the core of a web application to be created with minimal code - all
# the developer needs to do is:
# use lib "/path/to/webperl";
# use lib "modules";
# use Application;
# use AppUser::MySystem; # Implemented in modules/AppUser/MySystem.pm
# my $app = Application -> new(appuser => AppUser::MySystem -> new());
# $app -> run();
# In general, you will also want to load CGI::Carp and set it up, to handle
# problems with fatals. Note that using this module is not required to use
# the webperl modules - you can load the modules individually and set them
# up as needed, this just simplifies the process. See the @ref overview Overview
# documentation for more details about the operation of this class.
package Application;
use strict;
# System modules
use DBI;
use Encode;
use Module::Load;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
# Webperl modules
use Auth;
use BlockSelector;
use ConfigMicro;
use Logger;
use Template;
use SessionHandler;
use Modules;
use Message::Queue;
use Utils qw(path_join is_defined_numeric get_proc_size);
our $errstr;
$errstr = '';
# ============================================================================
# Constructor
## @cmethod Application new(%args)
# Create a new Application object. This will create an Application object that
# can be used to generate the pages of a web application. Supported arguments
# are:
# - `config`, the location of the application config file, defaults to `config/site.cfg`.
# - `use_phpbb`, if set, the phpBB3 support module is loaded (and takes over auth: the
# `auth` argument is ignored if `use_phpbb` is set).
# - `appuser`, a reference to an AppUser subclass object to do application-specific
# user tasks during auth. Can be omitted if use_phpbb is set.
# - `auth`, an optional reference to an auth object. If not specified, and `use_phpbb`
# is not set, an Auth object is made for you.
# - `block_selector`, an optional reference to a BlockSelector subclass. If not specified,
# the default BlockSelector is used instead to provide standard block selection behaviour.
# - `system`, an optional reference to a System object. If specified, the init() method
# in this module is called with a hash of arguments containing the database handle,
# cgi object, settings, session handler, template handler, and module loader.
# @param args A hash of arguments to initialise the Application object with.
# @return A new Application object.
sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $self = {
config => "config/site.cfg",
use_phpbb => 0,
return bless $self, $class;
# ============================================================================
# Interface code
## @method void run()
# Run the web application. This will perform all the webapp setup tasks, and invoke
# the appropriate page generation module based on the query string/posted arguments.
# Any errors encountered in this function will abort the script.
sub run {
my $self = shift;
$self -> {"starttime"} = time();
$self -> {"logger"} = Logger -> new()
or die "FATAL: Unable to create logger object";
# Load the system config
$self -> {"settings"} = ConfigMicro -> new($self -> {"config"})
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log("Not avilable", "Application: Unable to obtain configuration file: ".$ConfigMicro::errstr);
# Create a new CGI object to generate page content through
$self -> {"cgi"} = $self -> load_cgi($self -> {"settings"} -> {"setup"} -> {"disable_compression"});
# Database initialisation. Errors in this will kill program.
$self -> {"dbh"} = DBI->connect($self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"database"},
$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"username"},
$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"password"},
{ RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 1, mysql_enable_utf8 => 1 })
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Application: Unable to connect to database: ".$DBI::errstr);
# Pull configuration data out of the database into the settings hash
$self -> {"settings"} -> load_db_config($self -> {"dbh"}, $self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"settings"});
# Start database logging if available
$self -> {"logger"} -> init_database_log($self -> {"dbh"}, $self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"logging"})
if($self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"logging"});
# Start doing logging if needed
$self -> {"logger"} -> start_log($self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"logfile"}) if($self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"logfile"});
# Message queue handling
$self -> {"messages"} = Message::Queue -> new(logger => $self -> {"logger"},
dbh => $self -> {"dbh"},
settings => $self -> {"settings"})
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Application: Unable to create message handler: ".$SystemModule::errstr);
# Create the template handler object
$self -> {"template"} = Template -> new(logger => $self -> {"logger"},
basedir => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"template_dir"} || "templates",
timefmt => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"timefmt"},
blockname => 1,
mailcmd => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f '.$self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Core:envelope_address"},
settings => $self -> {"settings"})
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Application: Unable to create template handling object: ".$Template::errstr);
# If phpbb mode is enabled, it takes over auth.
if($self -> {"use_phpbb"}) {
load phpBB3;
$self -> {"phpbb"} = phpBB3 -> new(logger => $self -> {"logger"},
prefix => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"phpbb_prefix"},
cgi => $self -> {"cgi"},
data_src => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"phpbb_database"},
username => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"phpbb_username"},
password => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"phpbb_password"},
codepath => path_join($self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"base"}, "templates", "default"),
url => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"forumurl"})
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Unable to create phpbb object: ".$phpBB3::errstr);
$self -> {"auth"} = $self -> {"phpbb"};
# phpBB3 is not enabled, initialise the auth modules.
} else {
# Initialise the appuser object
$self -> {"appuser"} -> init($self -> {"cgi"}, $self -> {"dbh"}, $self -> {"settings"}, $self -> {"logger"});
# If the auth object is not set, make one
$self -> {"auth"} = Auth -> new() if(!$self -> {"auth"});
# Initialise the auth object
$self -> {"auth"} -> init($self -> {"cgi"}, $self -> {"dbh"}, $self -> {"appuser"}, $self -> {"settings"}, $self -> {"logger"});
# Start the session engine...
$self -> {"session"} = SessionHandler -> new(logger => $self -> {"logger"},
cgi => $self -> {"cgi"},
dbh => $self -> {"dbh"},
auth => $self -> {"auth"},
template => $self -> {"template"},
settings => $self -> {"settings"})
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Application: Unable to create session object: ".$SessionHandler::errstr);
# At this point, there's potentially a real user associated with the session. If appropriate,
# update the template theme and language
if(!$self -> {"session"} -> anonymous_session()) {
my $sessuser = $self -> {"session"} -> get_user_byid();
if($sessuser) {
$self -> {"template"} -> set_language($sessuser -> {$self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Core:user_lang_field"}})
if(!$self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Core:force_lang"} && $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Core:user_lang_field"} && $sessuser -> {$self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Core:user_lang_field"}});
$self -> {"template"} -> set_template_dir($sessuser -> {$self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Core:user_theme_field"}})
if(!$self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Core:force_theme"} && $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Core:user_theme_field"} && $sessuser -> {$self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Core:user_theme_field"}});
# And now we can make the module handler
$self -> {"modules"} = Modules -> new(logger => $self -> {"logger"},
cgi => $self -> {"cgi"},
dbh => $self -> {"dbh"},
settings => $self -> {"settings"},
template => $self -> {"template"},
session => $self -> {"session"},
phpbb => $self -> {"phpbb"}, # this will handily be undef if phpbb mode is disabled
blockdir => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"paths"} -> {"blocks"} || "blocks",
system => $self -> {"system"},
messages => $self -> {"messages"})
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Application: Unable to create module handling object: ".$Modules::errstr);
$self -> {"messages"} -> set_module_obj($self -> {"modules"});
if($self -> {"system"}) {
$self -> {"system"} -> init(logger => $self -> {"logger"},
cgi => $self -> {"cgi"},
dbh => $self -> {"dbh"},
settings => $self -> {"settings"},
template => $self -> {"template"},
session => $self -> {"session"},
phpbb => $self -> {"phpbb"},
modules => $self -> {"modules"},
messages => $self -> {"messages"})
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Application: Unable to create system object: ".$self -> {"system"} -> {"errstr"});
$self -> {"appuser"} -> set_system($self -> {"system"}) if($self -> {"appuser"});
# Has a block selector been specified? If not, make a default one
$self -> {"block_selector"} = BlockSelector -> new()
if(!defined($self -> {"block_selector"}));
# Obtain the page moduleid, fall back on the default if this fails
my $pageblock = $self -> {"block_selector"} -> get_block($self -> {"dbh"}, $self -> {"cgi"}, $self -> {"settings"}, $self -> {"logger"}, $self -> {"session"})
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Application: Unable to determine page block: ".$self -> {"block_selector"} -> {"errstr"});
# Obtain an instance of the page module
my $pageobj = $self -> {"modules"} -> new_module($pageblock)
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Application: Unable to load page module $pageblock: ".$self -> {"modules"} -> {"errstr"});
# And call the page generation function of the page module
my $content = $pageobj -> page_display();
print $self -> {"cgi"} -> header(-charset => 'utf-8',
-cookie => $self -> {"session"} -> session_cookies());
$self -> {"endtime"} = time();
my ($user, $system, $cuser, $csystem) = times();
my $debug = "";
if($self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"debug"}) {
$debug = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("debug.tem", {"***secs***" => sprintf("%.2f", $self -> {"endtime"} - $self -> {"starttime"}),
"***user***" => $user,
"***system***" => $system,
"***memory***" => $self -> {"template"} -> bytes_to_human(get_proc_size())});
print Encode::encode_utf8($self -> {"template"} -> process_template($content, {"***debug***" => $debug}));
# Prevent circular references from messing up shutdown
$self -> {"template"} -> set_module_obj(undef);
$self -> {"messages"} -> set_module_obj(undef);
$self -> {"system"} -> clear() if($self -> {"system"});
$self -> {"appuser"} -> set_system(undef) if($self -> {"appuser"});
$self -> {"dbh"} -> disconnect();
$self -> {"logger"} -> end_log();
# ============================================================================
# Internal code
## @method private $ load_cgi($no_compression)
# Dynamically load a module to handle CGI interaction. This will attempt to
# load the best available module for CGI handling based on the modules installed
# on the server: if `CGI::Compress::Gzip` is installed it will use that, otherwise
# it will fall back on plain `CGI`. The interface presented by both classes is the
# same, so the caller should not need to care about which is loaded.
# @note In some situations, compression can lead to problems with debugging, and
# certain sorts of output. If problems are encountered, set the
# `no_compression` to true to disable compression.
# @param no_compression If true, this forces the method to load the uncompressed
# version of CGI, even if CGI::Compress::Gzip is available.
# This defaults to false (the compressed CGI is used if
# it is available).
# @return A reference to a cgi object. This will die on error.
sub load_cgi {
my $self = shift;
my $no_compression = shift;
my $cgi;
# If the user isn't forcing uncompressed cgi, try to load the compressed version
if(!$no_compression) {
# If loading the compressed version of CGI works, use it...
eval { load CGI::Compress::Gzip, '-utf8' };
$cgi = CGI::Compress::Gzip -> new()
# If the cgi object has not been created yet, try straight CGI
if(!$cgi) {
load CGI, '-utf8';
$cgi = CGI -> new();
# In either event, fall over if object creation failed
die "Unable to load cgi" if(!$cgi);
return $cgi;