596 lines
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596 lines
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## @file
# This file contains the implementation of the perl session class.
# @author Chris Page <chris@starforge.co.uk>
# @version 1.0
# @date 27 July 2011
# @copy 2011, Chris Page <chris@starforge.co.uk>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## @class
# The SessionHandler class provides cookie-based session facilities for
# maintaining user state over http transactions. This code provides session
# verification, and takes some steps towards ensuring security against
# cookie hijacking, but as with any cookie based auth system there is
# the potential for security issues.
# This code is heavily based around the session code used by phpBB3, with
# features removed or added to fit the different requirements of the ORB,
# starforge site, etc
# When creating a new SessionHandler, you must provide an authenticator
# object. The authenticator object should encapsulate interaction with the
# user table, and must provide at least the following functions and values:
# $auth -> {"ANONYMOUS"} - should contain the ID of the anonymous (not logged in)
# user.
# $ get_config($name) - should return a string, the value of which depends on the
# value set for the specified configuration variable. The
# used variables are:
# allow_autologin: Should be set to 1 to allow automatic logins, 0 or missing to disable them.
# max_autologin_time: How long should autologins last, should be something like '30d'. Defaults to 356d.
# ip_check: How may pieces of IP should be checked to verify user sessions. 0 = none, 4 = all four IP parts.
# session_length: How long should sessions last, in seconds.
# session_gc: How frequently should sessions be garbage collected, in seconds.
# $ get_user_byid($userid, $onlyreal) - should return a reference to a hash of user
# data corresponding to the specified userid, or undef if the
# userid does not correspond to a valid user. If the onlyreal
# argument is set, the userid must correspond to 'real' user -
# bots or inactive users should not be returned. The hash must
# contain at least:
# user_id - the user's unique id
# user_type - 0 = normal user, 1 = inactive, 2 = bot/anonymous, 3 = admin
# $ unique_id($extra) - should return a unique id number. 'Uniqueness' is only important from the point
# of view of using the id as part of session id calculation. The extra argument
# allows the addition of an arbitrary string to the seed used to create the
# id.
package SessionHandler;
require 5.005;
use strict;
# Standard module imports
use DBI;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Compress::Bzip2;
use MIME::Base64;
use Data::Dumper;
# Custom module imports
use Logging qw(die_log);
# Globals...
use vars qw{$VERSION $errstr};
$VERSION = 0.2;
$errstr = '';
# ============================================================================
# Constructor
## @cmethod SessionHandler new(@args)
# Create a new SessionHandler object, and start session handling.
# @param args A hash of key, value pairs to initialise the object with.
# @return A reference to a new SessionHandler object.
sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $self = {
cgi => undef,
dbh => undef,
auth => undef,
template => undef,
settings => undef,
# Ensure that we have objects that we need
return set_error("cgi object not set") unless($self -> {"cgi"});
return set_error("dbh object not set") unless($self -> {"dbh"});
return set_error("auth object not set") unless($self -> {"auth"});
return set_error("template object not set") unless($self -> {"template"});
return set_error("settings object not set") unless($self -> {"settings"});
# Bless class so we canuse it properly
$self = bless $self, $class;
# cleanup if necessary
return undef
unless($self -> session_cleanup());
# Determine the name of the cookie, and fall over if it isn't available for some reason
my $cookiebase = $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"cookie_name"}
or return set_error("Unable to determine sessioncookie name");
# Now try to obtain a session id - start by looking at the cookies
$self -> {"sessid"} = $self -> {"cgi"} -> cookie($cookiebase."_sid"); # The session id cookie itself
$self -> {"sessuser"} = $self -> {"cgi"} -> cookie($cookiebase."_u"); # Which user does this session claim to be for?
$self -> {"autokey"} = $self -> {"cgi"} -> cookie($cookiebase."_k"); # Do we have an autologin key for the user?
# If we don't have a session id now, try to pull it from the query string
$self -> {"sessid"} = $self -> {"cgi"} -> param("sid") if(!$self -> {"sessid"});
# If we have a session id, we need to check it
if($self -> {"sessid"}) {
# Try to get the session...
my $session = $self -> get_session($self -> {"sessid"});
$self -> {"session_time"} = $session -> {"session_time"};
# Do we have a valid session?
if($session) {
# Is the user accessing the site from the same(-ish) IP address?
if($self -> ip_check($ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"}, $session -> {"session_ip"})) {
# Has the session expired?
if(!$self -> session_expired($session)) {
# The session is valid, and can be touched.
$self -> touch_session($session);
return $self;
} # if(!$self -> session_expired($session)) {
} # if($self -> ip_check($ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"}, $session -> {"session_ip"})) {
} # if($session) {
} # if($sessid) {
# Get here, and we don't have a session at all, so make one.
return $self -> create_session();
## @method $ create_session($user, $persist)
# Create a new session. If the user is not specified, this creates an anonymous session,
# otherwise the session is attached to the user.
# @param user Optional user ID to associate with the session.
# @param persist If true, and autologins are permitted, an autologin key is generated for
# this session.
# @return true if the session was created, undef otherwise.
sub create_session {
my $self = shift;
my $user = shift;
my $persist = shift;
my $userdata;
# nuke the cookies, it's the only way to be sure
delete($self -> {"cookies"}) if($self -> {"cookies"});
# get the current time...
my $now = time();
# If persistent logins are not permitted, disable them
$self -> {"autokey"} = $persist = '' if(!$self -> {"auth"} -> get_config("allow_autologin"));
# Set a default last visit, might be updated later
$self -> {"last_visit"} = $now;
# If we have a key, and a user in the cookies, try to get it
if($self -> {"autokey"} && $self -> {"sessuser"} && $self -> {"sessuser"} != $self -> {"auth"} -> {"ANONYMOUS"}) {
my $autocheck = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT user_id FROM ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"keys"}." AS k
WHERE k.key_id = ?");
$autocheck -> execute(md5_hex($self -> {"autokey"}))
or return set_error("Unable to peform key lookup query\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
my $keyid = $autocheck -> fetchrow_hashref;
# Do the key and user match? If so, fetch the user's data.
$userdata = $self -> {"auth"} -> get_user_byid($self -> {"sessuser"}, 1)
if($keyid -> {"user_id"} == $self -> {"sessuser"});
# If we don't have a key and user in the cookies, do we have a user specified?
} elsif($user) {
$self -> {"autokey"} = '';
$self -> {"sessuser"} = $user;
$userdata = $self -> {"auth"} -> get_user_byid($user, 1);
# If we don't have any user data then either the key didn't match in the database,
# the user doesn't exist, is inactive, or is a bot. Just get the anonymous user
if(!$userdata) {
$self -> {"autokey"} = '';
$self -> {"sessuser"} = $self -> {"auth"} -> {"ANONYMOUS"};
$userdata = $self -> {"auth"} -> get_user_byid($self -> {"sessuser"});
# If we have user data, we also want their last login time if possible
} elsif($self -> {"settings"} -> {"detabase"} -> {"lastvisit"}) {
my $visith = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT last_visit FROM ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"detabase"} -> {"lastvisit"}.
" WHERE user_id = ?");
$visith -> execute($userdata -> {"user_id"})
or return set_error("Unable to peform last visit lookup query\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
my $visitr = $visith -> fetchrow_arrayref;
# Fall back on now if we have no last visit time
$self -> {"last_visit"} = $visitr -> [0] if($visitr);
# Determine whether the session can be made persistent (requires the user to be registered, and normal)
my $is_registered = ($userdata -> {"user_id"} && $userdata -> {"user_id"} != $self -> {"auth"} -> {"ANONYMOUS"} && ($userdata -> {"user_type"} == 0 || $userdata -> {"user_type"} == 3));
$persist = (($self -> {"autokey"} || $persist) && $is_registered) ? 1 : 0;
# Do we already have a session id? If we do, and it's an anonymous session, we want to nuke it
if($self -> {"sessid"}) {
my $killsess = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("DELETE FROM ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"sessions"}.
" WHERE session_id = ? AND session_user_id = ?");
$killsess -> execute($self -> {"sessid"}, $self -> {"auth"} -> {"ANONYMOUS"})
or return set_error("Unable to remove anonymous session\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
# generate a new session id. The md5 of a unique ID should be unique enough...
$self -> {"sessid"} = md5_hex($self -> {"auth"} -> unique_id());
# store the time
$self -> {"session_time"} = $now;
# create a new session
my $sessh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("INSERT INTO ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"sessions"}.
" VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$sessh -> execute($self -> {"sessid"},
$self -> {"sessuser"},
or return set_error("Unable to peform session creation\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
$self -> set_login_key($self -> {"sessuser"}, $ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"}) if($persist);
return $self;
## @method $ delete_session()
# Delete the current session, resetting the user's data to anonymous. This will
# remove the user's current session, and any associated autologin key, and then
# generate a new anonymous session for the user.
sub delete_session {
my $self = shift;
# Okay, the important part first - nuke the session
my $nukesess = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("DELETE FROM ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"sessions"}.
" WHERE session_id = ? AND session_user_id = ?");
$nukesess -> execute($self -> {"sessid"}, $self -> {"sessuser"})
or return set_error("Unable to remove session\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
# If we're not dealing with anonymous, we need to store the visit time,
# and nuke any autologin key for the now defunct session
if($self -> {"sessuser"} != $self -> {"auth"} -> {"ANONYMOUS"}) {
# If we don't have a session time for some reason, make it now
$self -> {"session_time"} = time() if(!$self -> {"session_time"});
# set this user's last visit time to the session time if possible
if($self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"lastvisit"}) {
my $newtime = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("UPDATE ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"lastvisit"}.
" SET last_visit = ?
WHERE user_id = ?");
$newtime -> execute($self -> {"session_time"}, $self -> {"sessuser"})
or return set_error("Unable to update last visit time\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
# And now remove any session keys
if($self -> {"autokey"}) {
my $nukekeys = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("DELETE FROM ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"keys"}.
" WHERE key_id = ? AND user_id = ?");
$nukekeys -> execute(md5_hex($self -> {"autokey"}), $self -> {"sessuser"})
or return set_error("Unable to remove session key\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
# clear all the session settings internally for safety
$self -> {"sessuser"} = $self -> {"sessid"} = $self -> {"autokey"} = $self -> {"session_time"} = undef;
# And create a new anonymous session (note that create_session should handle deleting the cookie cache!)
return $self -> create_session();
## @method $ encode_querystring($query, $nofix)
# Encode the query string so that it is safe to include it in a hidden input field
# in the login form.
# @param query The querystring to encode
# @param nofix If true, this disables the fix needed to make CGI::query_string()'s output usable.
# @return The safely encoded querystring.
sub encode_querystring {
my $self = shift;
my $query = shift;
my $nofix = shift;
$query =~ s/;/&/g unless($nofix); # fix query_string() return... GRRRRRRR...
return encode_base64($query, '');
## @method $ decode_querystring($query)
# Converts the encoded query string back to standard query string form.
# @param query The encoded querystring to decode
# @return The decoded version of the querystring.
sub decode_querystring {
my $self = shift;
my $query = shift;
# Bomb if we don't have a query, or it is not valid base64
return "" if(!$query || $query =~ m{[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]});
return decode_base64($query);
## @method $ session_cookies()
# Obtain a reference to an array containing the session cookies.
# @return A reference to an array of session cookies.
sub session_cookies {
my $self = shift;
# Cache the cookies if needed, calls to create_session should ensure the cache is
# removed before any changes are made... but this shouldn't really be called before
# create_session in reality anyway.
if(!$self -> {"cookies"}) {
my $expires = "+".($self -> {"auth"} -> get_config("max_autologin_time") || 365)."d";
my $sesscookie = $self -> create_cookie($self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"cookie_name"}.'_sid', $self -> {"sessid"}, $expires);
my $sessuser = $self -> create_cookie($self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"cookie_name"}.'_u', $self -> {"sessuser"}, $expires);
my $sesskey;
if($self -> {"sessuser"} != $self -> {"auth"} -> {"ANONYMOUS"}) {
if($self -> {"autokey"}) {
$sesskey = $self -> create_cookie($self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"cookie_name"}.'_k', $self -> {"autokey"}, $expires);
} else {
$sesskey = $self -> create_cookie($self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"cookie_name"}.'_k', '', '-1y');
$self -> {"cookies"} = [ $sesscookie, $sessuser, $sesskey ];
return $self -> {"cookies"};
# ==============================================================================
# Theoretically internal stuff
## @method ip_check($userip, $sessip)
# Checks whether the specified IPs match. The degree of match required depends
# on the ip_check setting in the SessionHandler object this is called on: 0 means
# that no checking is done, number between 1 and 4 indicate sections of the
# dotted decimal IPs are checked (1 = 127., 2 = 127.0, 3 = 127.0.0., etc)
# @param userip The IP the user is connecting from.
# @param sessip The IP associated with the session.
# @return True if the IPs match, false if they do not.
sub ip_check {
my $self = shift;
my $userip = shift;
my $sessip = shift;
# How may IP address segments should be compared?
my $iplen = $self -> {"auth"} -> get_config('ip_check');
# bomb immediately if we aren't checking IPs
return 1 if($iplen == 0);
# pull out as much IP as we're interested in
my ($usercheck) = $userip =~ /((?:\d+.?){$iplen})/;
my ($sesscheck) = $sessip =~ /((?:\d+.?){$iplen})/;
# Do the IPs match?
return $usercheck eq $sesscheck;
## @method $ session_cleanup()
# Run garbage collection over the sessions table. This will remove all expired
# sessions and session keys, but in the process it may need to update user
# last visit information.
# @return true oin successful cleanup (or cleanup not needed), false on error.
sub session_cleanup {
my $self = shift;
my $now = time();
my $timelimit = $now - $self -> {"auth"} -> get_config("session_length");
# We only want to run the garbage collect occasionally
if($self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"lastgc"} < $now - $self -> {"auth"} -> get_config("session_gc")) {
# Okay, we're due a garbage collect, update the config to reflect that we're doing it
$self -> {"settings"} -> set_db_config($self -> {"dbh"}, $self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"settings"}, "lastgc", $now);
# Remove expired guest sessions first
my $nukesess = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("DELETE FROM ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"sessions"}.
" WHERE session_user_id = ?
AND session_time < ?");
$nukesess -> execute($self -> {"auth"} -> {"ANONYMOUS"}, $timelimit)
or return set_error("Unable to remove expired guest sessions\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
# now get the most recent expired sessions for each user
my $lastsess = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT session_user_id,MAX(session_time) FROM ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"sessions"}.
" WHERE session_time < ?
GROUP BY session_user_id");
$lastsess -> execute($timelimit)
or return set_error("Unable to obtain expired session list\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
# Prepare an update query so we don't remake it each time through the loop...
my $updatelast;
if($self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"lastvisit"}) {
$updatelast = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("UPDATE ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"lastvisit"}.
" SET last_visit = ?
WHERE user_id = ?");
# Go through each returned user updating their last visit to the session time
while(my $lastrow = $lastsess -> fetchrow_arrayref()) {
# set the user's last visit if needed
if($self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"lastvisit"}) {
$updatelast -> execute($lastrow -> [1], $lastrow -> [0])
or return set_error("Unable to update last visit for user ".$lastrow -> [0]."\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
# and then nuke any expired sessions
$nukesess -> execute($lastrow -> [0], $timelimit)
or return set_error("Unable to remove expired sessions for user ".$lastrow -> [0]."\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
return 1;
## @method $ session_expired($sessdata)
# Determine whether the specified session has expired. Returns true if it has,
# false if it is still valid.
# @param $sessdata A reference to a hash containing the session information
# @return true if the session has expired, false otherwise
sub session_expired {
my $self = shift;
my $sessdata = shift;
# If the session is not an autologin session, and the last update was before the session length, it is expired
if(!$sessdata -> {"session_autologin"}) {
return 1 if($sessdata -> {"session_time"} < time() - ($self -> {"auth"} -> get_config("session_length") + 60));
} else {
my $max_autologin = $self -> {"auth"} -> get_config("max_autologin_time");
# If the session is autologin, and it is older than the max autologin time, or autologin is not enabled, it's expired
return 1 if(!$self -> {"auth"} -> get_config("allow_autologin") ||
($max_autologin && $sessdata -> {"session_time"} < time() - ((86400 * $max_autologin) + 60)));
# otherwise, the session is valid
return 0;
## @method $ get_session($sessid)
# Obtain the data for the session with the specified session ID. If there is no
# session with the specified id in the database, this returns undef, otherwise it
# returns a reference to a hash containing the session data.
# @param sessid The ID of the session to search for.
# @return A reference to a hash containing the session data, or undef on error.
sub get_session {
my $self = shift;
my $sessid = shift;
my $sessh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"sessions"}.
" WHERE session_id = ?");
$sessh -> execute($sessid)
or return set_error("Unable to peform session lookup query - ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
return $sessh -> fetchrow_hashref();
## @method void touch_session($session)
# Touch the specified session, updating its timestamp to the current time. This
# will only touch the session if it has not been touched in the last minute,
# otherwise this function does nothing.
# @param session A reference to a hash containing the session data.
sub touch_session {
my $self = shift;
my $session = shift;
if(time() - $session -> {"session_time"} > 60) {
$self -> {"session_time"} = time();
my $finger = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("UPDATE ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"sessions"}.
" SET session_time = ?
WHERE session_id = ?");
$finger -> execute($self -> {"session_time"}, $session -> {"session_id"})
or die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Unable to touch session. Error was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
## @method void set_login_key()
# Create the auto login key for the current session user.
sub set_login_key {
my $self = shift;
my $key = $self -> {"autokey"};
my $key_id = $self -> {"auth"} -> unique_id(substr($self -> {"sessid"}, 0, 8));
# If we don't have a key, we want to create a new key in the table
if(!$key) {
my $keyh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("INSERT INTO ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"keys"}.
" VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)");
$keyh -> execute(md5_hex($key_id), $self -> {"sessuser"}, $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, time())
or die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Unable to create autologin key. Error was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
# If we have a key, we want to overwrite it with the new stuff
} else {
my $keyh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("UPDATE ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"keys"}.
" SET key_id = ?, last_ip = ?, last_login = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND key_id = ?");
$keyh -> execute(md5_hex($key_id), $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, 0 + time(), 0 + $self -> {"sessuser"}, md5_hex($key))
or die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Unable to update autologin key. Error was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
$self -> {"autokey"} = $key_id;
## @method $ create_cookie($name, $value, $expires)
# Creates a cookie that can be sent back to the user's browser to provide session
# information.
# @param name The name of the cookie to set
# @param value The value to set for the cookie
# @param expires An optional expiration value
# @return A cookie suitable to send to the browser.
sub create_cookie {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $expires = shift;
return $self -> {"cgi"} -> cookie(-name => $name,
-value => $value,
-expires => $expires,
-path => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"cookie_path"},
-domain => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"cookie_domain"},
-secure => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"cookie_secure"});
## @fn $ set_error($error)
# Set the error string to the specified value. This updates the class error
# string and returns undef.
# @param error The message to set in the error string
# @return undef, always.
sub set_error {
$errstr = shift;
return undef;