1063 lines
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1063 lines
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## @file
# This file contains the implementation of the perl phpBB3 interaction class.
# @author Chris Page <chris@starforge.co.uk>
# @version 0.6
# @date 24 Apr 2009
# @copy 2009, Chris Page <chris@starforge.co.uk>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## @class
# The phpBB3 class provides facilities for interacting with a phpBB3 forum
# installation. The methods provided by this class are intended to give
# a perl script low-level access to the data stored in a phpBB3 database,
# and they should be used with caution. Unlike phpBB3, no security checks
# are done on, for example, whether the user is supposed to be able to see
# a topic in a forum: while it would be technically possible to achieve
# this, it would add a dramatic overhead to the listing and fetching of
# posts and would involve session shenanigans to ensure users are logged
# into a phpBB3 account.
package phpBB3;
use strict;
# Standard module imports
use DBI;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex);
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
use WWW::Mechanize; # Needed to register via phpBB's registration form
# Custom module imports
use Utils qw(path_join);
# Globals...
use vars qw{$VERSION $ANONYMOUS $errstr %fmt_map};
$ANONYMOUS = 1; # ID of the anonymous user, should be 1 unless you Know What You're Doing.
$VERSION = 0.6; # Package version number
$errstr = ''; # Global error string
# Hash to map php date() formats to strftime format codes
%fmt_map = ( "d" => "%d",
"D" => "%a",
"j" => "%d",
"l" => "%A",
"N" => "%u",
"S" => "", # UNSUPPORTED: English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters
"w" => "%w",
"z" => "%j",
"W" => "%V",
"F" => "%B",
"m" => "%m",
"M" => "%b",
"n" => "%m", # PARTIAL: (should be month without zero)
"t" => "", # UNSUPPORTED: Number of days in the given month 28 through 31
"L" => "", # UNSUPPORTED: Whether it's a leap year 1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
"o" => "%G",
"Y" => "%Y",
"y" => "%y",
"a" => "%P",
"A" => "%p",
"B" => "", # UNSUPPORTED: Swatch Internet time 000 through 999
"g" => "%l", # PARTIAL: 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 1 through 12
"G" => "%k", # PARTIAL: 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 0 through 23
"h" => "%I",
"H" => "%H",
"i" => "%M",
"s" => "%S",
"u" => "", # UNSUPPORTED: Milliseconds (added in PHP 5.2.2) Example: 54321
"e" => "%Z",
"I" => "", # UNSUPPORTED: (capital i) Whether or not the date is in daylight saving time 1 if Daylight Saving Time, 0 otherwise.
"O" => "%z",
"P" => "", # UNSUPPORTED: Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes (added in PHP 5.1.3)
"T" => "%Z",
"Z" => "", # UNSUPPORTED: Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is always positive.
"c" => "%FT%T%z",
"r" => "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z",
"U" => "%s");
# ==============================================================================
# Creation and destruction
## @cmethod $ new(%args)
# Create a new phpBB3 intraction object. This will create an object that provides functions
# to pull data out of, and process, the data in the tables of a phpBB3 database. Meaningful
# options for this are:
# prefix - The table prefix for phpBB3 tables, defaults to 'phpbb_'.
# codepath - The path to the module to load to handle bbcode, if not provided bbcode conversion is disabled.
# cgi - The CGI object to access parameters and cookies through.
# dbh - The database handle to use for queries.
# allowanon - Set to true to treat the system anonymous account as a valid user (defaults to 0)
# username - The username to use when connecting to the database, if dbh is not provided.
# password - The password to connect to the database with, if dbh is not provided.
# data_src - The datasource to use to connect to the database, if dbh is not provided.
# dbopts - An optional hashref of settings to pass to connect(), defaults to { RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 1 }.
# url - The URL of the phpBB3 forum. Defaults to /
# If dbh is not provided, and username, password, and data_src are provided, this will attempt
# to create a connection to the database for you. If you provide a database connection handle,
# you do not need to provide the username, password, or data_src.
# @param args A hash of key, value pairs to initialise the object with.
# @return A new phpBB3 object, or undef if no database connection has been provided or
# established.
sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $self = {
prefix => 'phpbb_',
codepath => undef,
cgi => undef,
dbh => undef,
username => undef,
password => undef,
data_src => undef,
allowanon => 0,
dbopts => { RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 1 },
url => "/",
my $obj = bless $self, $class;
# If we haven't been given a database handle, but we have database credentials,
# try to open the database connection with those credentials.
if(!$obj -> {"dbh"} && $self -> {"username"} & $obj -> {"password"} && $obj -> {"data_src"}) {
$obj -> {"dbh"} = DBI -> connect($obj -> {"data_src"},
$obj -> {"username"},
$obj -> {"password"},
$obj -> {"dbopts"})
or return set_error("Unable to open database connection - ".$DBI::errstr);
$obj -> {"localdbh"} = 1;
# If we get here and still don't have a database connection, we need to fall over
return set_error("No database connection available.") if(!$obj -> {"dbh"});
# Check we also have a cgi object to play with
return set_error("No CGI object available.") if(!$obj -> {"cgi"});
# If we have a codefile, attempt to load it
if($obj -> {"codepath"}) {
require $obj -> {"codepath"}."/BBCode.pm";
$obj -> {"bbcode"} = BBCode -> new(smilies_path => $obj -> get_smilie_url())
or return set_error("Unable to create new bbcode handler.");
# Otherwise, we're good...
return $obj;
## @method void cleanup(void)
# Shut down the database connection, if needed. You only need to call this if you
# did not specify a dbh in the arguments to new().
sub cleanup {
my $self = shift;
# Only do a disconnect if we are actually responsible for the database handle
if($self -> {"localdbh"} && $self -> {"dbh"}) {
$self -> {"dbh"} -> disconnect();
# clear these, just in case someone tries to call cleanup twice.
$self -> {"dbh"} = undef;
$self -> {"localdbh"} = undef;
# ==============================================================================
# User and group handling
## @method $ register_user($args, $url)
# Register a new user in the phpBB3 installation. This will create a new user record
# in the system, and return a reference to the user's data if successful.
# @param args The arguments to pass to the registration form. Must contain entries for
# 'username', 'email', and 'password'.
# @param url The url of the registration agreement page for the forum.
# @return A reference to a hash containing the new user's data on success, otherwise
# a string containing an error message.
sub register_user {
my $self = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $url = shift;
# We need to mechanise the registration
my $www = WWW::Mechanize -> new(cookie_jar => { },
agent => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090825 SeaMonkey/1.1.18');
# Get the first page of the registration process
$www -> get($url);
return "Failed to obtain registration first step page. Response was: ".$www -> res -> message if(!$www -> success());
#die "Content is: ".$www -> content();
# Pick the correct form....
$www -> form_id('agreement')
or return "Unable to locate the first step registration form.";
# hit the agreed button
$www -> click('agreed');
return "Failed when accepting registration first step. Response was: ".$www -> res -> message if(!$www -> success());
# Check that we have content we were expecting...
my $content = $www -> content();
return "Unexpected content in response to registration first step accept."
$www -> form_id('register')
or return "Unable to locate the second step registration form.";
# Now we can fill in fields to submit
$www -> field ('username' , $args -> {"username"});
$www -> field ('email' , $args -> {"email"});
$www -> field ('email_confirm' , $args -> {"email"});
$www -> field ('new_password' , $args -> {"password"});
$www -> field ('password_confirm', $args -> {"password"});
$www -> field ('question1' , 'forging new realities');
$www -> field ('question2' , 'chris page');
$www -> select('lang' , 'en');
$www -> select('tz' , '0');
# And submit that
$www -> click('submit');
return "Failed when posting registration second step. Response was: ".$www -> res -> message if(!$www -> success());
# Check that we have content we were expecting...
$content = $www -> content();
if($content !~ /Thank you for registering, your account has been created/) {
my ($errmsg) = $content =~ m{<dl><dd class="error">(.*?)</dd></dl>}iso;
$content =~ s/</</g;
$content =~ s/>/>/g;
return "Unexpected response to registration:<br/>$errmsg<br/>Unable to add user.</p><pre style=\"text-align: left;\">$content</pre><p>"
# Okay, registration is completed, now we need to find out which user id the new user has
my $user = $self -> get_user($args -> {"username"});
return "Unable to determine the user id for ".$args -> {"username"}.", unable to complete registration."
return $user;
## @method $ get_user($username)
# Search for a user with the specified username in the database. This will attempt
# to obtain a user record for a user with the specified username in the phpBB3
# database, and return a reference to a hash containing the data if successful.
# @param username The name of the user to locate.
# @return A reference to the user's data, or undef if the user could not be located
# or an error occurred.
sub get_user {
my $self = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $userh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$self -> {"prefix"}."users
WHERE username_clean LIKE ?");
$userh -> execute(lc($username))
or die "phpBB3::get_user(): Unable to execute user lookup query.\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
return $userh -> fetchrow_hashref();
## @method $ get_user_byid($userid)
# Search for a user with the specified id in the database. This will attempt
# to obtain a user record for a user with the specified id in the phpBB3
# database, and return a reference to a hash containing the data if successful.
# @param userid The id of the user to locate.
# @return A reference to the user's data, or undef if the user could not be located
# or an error occurred.
sub get_user_byid {
my $self = shift;
my $userid = shift;
my $userh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$self -> {"prefix"}."users
WHERE user_id = ?");
$userh -> execute($userid)
or die "phpBB3::get_user_byid(): Unable to execute user lookup query.\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
return $userh -> fetchrow_hashref();
## @method $ get_group($groupname)
# Search for a group with the specified name in the database. This will attempt
# to obtain a group record for a group with the specified group name in the phpBB3
# database, and return a reference to a hash containing the data if successful.
# @param groupname The name of the group to locate.
# @return A reference to the group's data, or undef if the group could not be located
# or an error occurred.
sub get_group {
my $self = shift;
my $groupname = shift;
my $grouph = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$self -> {"prefix"}."groups
WHERE group_name LIKE ?");
$grouph -> execute($groupname)
or die "phpBB3::get_group(): Unable to execute group lookup query.\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
return $grouph -> fetchrow_hashref();
## @method $ user_in_group(%args)
# Determine whether a user is a member of a group. This will check whether a
# user is listed as being a member of a group, and return true if they are. The
# arguments that can be specified for this are:
# username - the name of the user to search for.
# user_id - the id of the user to search for.
# group - the name of the group to check in.
# group_id - the id of the group to check in.
# If user_id is specified, username is ignored if it is also provided. If user_id
# is not provided, username must be (ie: you must specify at least one of username
# or user_id, and user_id takes precedence) Similarly, you must specify at least
# one of group or group_id, and group_id takes precedence over group.
# @param args A hash of arguments.
# @return true if the user is present in the group, false if not or if an error
# occured while attempting to check.
sub user_in_group {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
# Check that we have one of username or user_id
return set_error("No username or user_id provided")
if(!$args{'username'} && !$args{'user_id'});
# similarly for the group and group_id
return set_error("No group or group_id provided")
if(!$args{'group'} && !$args{'group_id'});
# If we don't have a user_id, we need to look it up
if(!$args{"user_id"}) {
my $user = $self -> get_user($args{'username'})
or return set_error("Unable to find user $args{'username'}");
$args{"user_id"} = $user -> {"user_id"};
# If we don't have a group_id, we need to look it up
if(!$args{"group_id"}) {
my $group = $self -> get_group($args{'group'})
or return set_error("Unable to find user $args{'group'}");
$args{"group_id"} = $group -> {"group_id"};
# Now we should have a user id and group id, so we can go look in the user_group table
my $ugh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$self -> {"prefix"}."user_group
WHERE group_id = ? AND user_id = ?");
$ugh -> execute($args{"group_id"}, $args{"user_id"})
or die "phpBB3::user_in_group(): Unable to execute user_group lookup query.\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
# Do we have one or more rows?
my $ugr = $ugh -> fetchrow_arrayref();
return defined($ugr);
## @method $ valid_user($username, $password)
# Attempt to confirm whether the provided user credentials are valid. This will check
# whether the specified username corresponds to a valid user, and if it does it will
# check that the hash of the provided password matches. If the password matches, this
# returns a reference to a hash containing the user's entry in the users table.
# @param username The username of the user to check.
# @param password The password to check against this user.
# @return A reference to a hash containing the user's data, or undef if an error
# occured, the user could not be found, or the password was invalid.
sub valid_user {
my $self = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $password = shift;
# first get hold of the user
my $user = $self -> get_user($username)
or return set_error("Unable to locate user $username in the forum database.");
# We have a user, do the passwords match? If so, return the user's hash
return $user if(_check_hash($password, $user -> {"user_password"}));
return set_error("The specified password is not valid.");
## @method $ get_profile_url($userid)
# Given a userid, produce a full URL that can be used to view the user's profile.
# @param userid The ID of the user whose profile URL should be generated.
# @return A string containing the URL of the user's profile.
sub get_profile_url {
my $self = shift;
my $userid = shift;
return path_join($self -> {"url"}, "memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=$userid");
## @method $ email_in_use($email)
# Determine whether the specified email address is already in use within the
# system.
# @param email The email address to check.
# @return true if the email address already exists within the database, false
# if it does not.
sub email_in_use {
my $self = shift;
my $email = shift;
my $emailh = $self -> {'dbh'} -> prepare("SELECT user_id FROM ".$self -> {"prefix"}."users
WHERE user_email LIKE ?");
$emailh -> execute($email)
or die "phpBB3::email_in_use(): Unable to execute email lookup query.\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
return $emailh -> fetchrow_hashref();
## @method $ is_valid_password($plaintext)
# This determines whether the specified password is valid, based on the current
# phpBB3 settings. If this returns true, the password should have passed all the
# requirements currently set in phpBB3, otherwise it is either the wrong length
# or it does not contain the correct characters.
# @param plaintext The plain text password to verify.
# @return true if the password passes the suitability checks, false otherwise.
sub is_valid_password {
my $self = shift;
my $plaintext = shift;
# Length checks first, the password must be within min_pass_chars to max_pass_chars
return 0 if(length($plaintext) < $self -> get_config('min_pass_chars') ||
length($plaintext) > $self -> get_config('max_pass_chars'));
# Now we need to check for character content based on pass_complex
my $passmode = $self -> get_config('pass_complex');
# _ANY is automatically true now..
if($passmode eq "PASS_TYPE_ANY") {
return 1;
# _CASE requires mixed case
} elsif($passmode eq "PASS_TYPE_CASE" && $plaintext =~ /[a-z]/ && $plaintext =~ /[A-Z]/) {
return 1;
# _ALPHA requires letters and numbers
} elsif($passmode eq "PASS_TYPE_ALPHA" && $plaintext =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ && $plaintext =~ /[0-9]/) {
return 1;
# _SYMBOL is as _ALPHA plus symbols
} elsif($passmode eq "PASS_TYPE_SYMBOL" && $plaintext =~ /[a-zA-Z]/ && $plaintext =~ /[0-9]/ && $plaintext =~ /[^a-zA-Z0-9]/) {
return 1;
return 0;
# ==============================================================================
# Session handling
## @method @ get_session(void)
# Attempt to obtain the userid and username of the current session user. This
# attempts to determine whether the session in the user's cookies is a valid
# phpBB3 session, and if it is it returns a reference to a hash containing user
# and session data. This will update the timestamp on the session, if needed.
# @return A reference to a hash containing user and session data if the session
# is valid, undef otherwise.
# @todo This does not currently support forwarded_for checks, referer checks,
# or load limiting. It also does not support 'alternative' auth methods:
# only database auth is supported.
sub get_session {
my $self = shift;
# First grab the name of the cookie, and fall over if it isn't available for some reason
my $cookiebase = $self -> get_config("cookie_name")
or return set_error("Unable to determine phpBB3 cookie name");
# First, try to obtain a session id - start by looking at the cookies
my $sessid = $self -> {"cgi"} -> cookie($cookiebase."_sid");
my $sessuser = $self -> {"cgi"} -> cookie($cookiebase."_u"); # Which users does this session claim to be?
my $autokey = $self -> {"cgi"} -> cookie($cookiebase."_k"); # Do we have an autologin key for the user?
# If we don't have a session id now, try to pull it from the query string
$sessid = $self -> {"cgi"} -> param("sid") if(!$sessid);
# If we still don't have a session id, the user hasn't logged into phpBB3. Give up on them
return set_error("Unable to obtain a session id for user.") if(!$sessid);
# Obtain the session and user record from the database
my $sessh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT u.*,s.*
FROM ".$self -> {"prefix"}."users AS u, ".$self -> {"prefix"}."sessions AS s
WHERE s.session_id = ? AND u.user_id = s.session_user_id");
$sessh -> execute($sessid)
or die "phpBB3::get_session(): Unable to obtain session and user data from database.\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
my $sessdata = $sessh -> fetchrow_hashref();
# if we have a session, we need to validate it
if($sessdata) {
# If we have anonymous disabled, at this is the anon user, exit immediately
return set_error("Anonymous user session rejected.")
if(!$self -> {"allowanon"} && $sessdata -> {"user_id"} == $ANONYMOUS);
# Do some basic checks on the IP and useragent if they are enabled.
my ($valid_ip, $valid_ua) = (1, 1);
# if ip address checking is needed, do it
my $ipfrags = $self -> get_config("ip_check");
if($ipfrags) {
my @sess_parts = split('.', $sessdata -> {"session_ip"});
my @user_parts = split('.', $ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"});
my $session_ip = join(".",splice(@sess_parts, 0, $ipfrags));
my $user_ip = join(".",splice(@user_parts, 0, $ipfrags));
$valid_ip = $session_ip eq $user_ip;
# Check that the browsers match if needed
if($self -> get_config("browser_check")) {
$valid_ua = substr(lc($sessdata -> {"session_browser"}), 0, 150) eq
substr(lc($self -> {"cgi"} -> user_agent()), 0, 150);
# If the ip and browser checks are okay, continue with the validation
# TODO: add referer and forwarded_for checks here?
if($valid_ip && $valid_ua) {
my $expired = 0;
# If the session is not an autologin, check whether it has timed out
if(!$sessdata -> {"session_autologin"}) {
$expired = $sessdata -> {"session_time"} < (time() - ($self -> get_config("session_length") + 60));
# If the session claims to be autologin, but the server doesn't support it, expire the session
} elsif(!$self -> get_config("allow_autologin")) {
$expired = 1;
# Otherwise, if check whether a maximum autologin time limit has been set, and that the session is within it
} else {
my $max_autologin = $self -> get_config("max_autologin_time");
$expired = ($max_autologin && $sessdata -> {"session_time"} < (time() - ($max_autologin + 60)));
# If the session has not expired, we want to touch it
if(!$expired) {
if(time() - $sessdata -> {"session_time"} > 60) {
my $touch = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("UPDATE ".$self -> {"prefix"}."sessions
SET session_time = ?
WHERE session_id = ?");
$touch -> execute(time(), $sessdata -> {"session_id"})
or die "phpBB3::get_session(): Unable to update session timestamp for ".$sessdata -> {"session_id"}."\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
return $sessdata;
} else { # if(!$expired) {
set_error("The phpBB3 session has expired");
} else { # if($valid_ip && $valid_ua) {
set_error("phpBB3 session validation has failed");
} else { # if($sessdata) {
set_error("Invalid session ID provided");
# If we get here, we did not have a valid session, or it has expired. Fall over
return undef;
# ==============================================================================
# Forum listing and extraction
## @method $ get_forum($forumid)
# Obtain the forum row that corresponds to the provided forumid. This will obtain
# reference to a hash containing the data for the forum given by the provided
# forumid, or undef if it can not be located in the database.
# @note <b>This function does no permissions checking whatsoever.</b> It is up
# to the caller to determine whether or not the forum should be visible.
# If you expose private forums with this function, you have nobody to
# blame but yourself. You have been warned.
# @param forumid The id of the forum to obtain data on.
# @return A reference to a hash containing the forum data, or undef if the
# forum does not exist in the database.
sub get_forum {
my $self = shift;
my $forumid = shift;
my $forumh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$self -> {"prefix"}."forums
WHERE forum_id = ?");
$forumh -> execute($forumid)
or die "phpBB3::get_forum(): Unable to perform forum lookup query.\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
# Just return the hashref as-is...
return $forumh -> fetchrow_hashref();
# ==============================================================================
# Topic listing and extraction
## @method $ get_topic_ids($forum, $count, $offset, $sort_by_last)
# Given a forum id, a topic count, and an offset, obtain a list of topic IDs
# for topics in the forum. This follows the same treatement of posts as the forum
# view in phpBB3: announcements always appear at the start of the list, regardles
# of the offset. The remaining posts are sorted so that sticky topics will
# appear before normal topics, but are otherwise treated normally.
# @note <b>This function does no permissions checking whatsoever.</b> It is up
# to the caller to determine whether or not the forum should be visible.
# If you expose private forums with this function, you have nobody to
# blame but yourself. You have been warned.
# @param forum The ID of the forum to obtain a topic list for.
# @param count The number of topics ids to return, if not specified defaults to 10.
# if set to 0, all post ids are returned.
# @param offset The number of posts to skip, if not specified defaults to 0. This is
# ignored if count is set to 0.
# @param sort_by_last If true, posts are sorted by the last reply time rather
# than the default creation time order (note that this must
# be true to generate the same listing phpBB3 shows)
# @return A reference to an array of topic ids, or undef if no topics are available
# or an error ocurred.
sub get_topic_ids {
my $self = shift;
my $forum = shift;
my $count = shift;
my $offset = shift || 0;
my $slast = shift;
$count = 10 if(!defined($count));
my $fetchall = ($count == 0); # record whether we need to fetch all entries
# $count will be used directly in queries, so make damned sure it's just numbers
return set_error("Count contains non-digit characters. Possible SQL insertion attack detected!")
if($count =~ /\D/);
# And the same for the offset
return set_error("Offset contains non-digit characters. Possible SQL insertion attack detected!")
if($offset =~ /\D/);
# Check that the forum is valid
return set_error("Unable to locate a forum with the specified forumid.")
if(!$self -> get_forum($forum));
# Work out the order fragment
my $order = "ORDER BY topic_type DESC, ".($slast ? "topic_last_post_time" : "topic_time")." DESC";
# First pull out a list of announcements. We can't do this at the same time
# as pulling out stickies and normal threads, as the offset would screw up
# always having announcements at the front.
my $announceh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT topic_id FROM ".$self -> {"prefix"}."topics
WHERE forum_id = ? AND topic_type = 2
".($fetchall ? "" : "LIMIT $count"));
$announceh -> execute($forum)
or die "phpBB3::get_topic_ids(): Unable to obtain announcement topic list.\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
my @topics; # This is where the topic list will be stored
# process announcement topic rows until we've processed all the annoucements
while(my $announcer = $announceh -> fetchrow_arrayref()) {
push(@topics, $announcer -> [0]);
--$count if(!$fetchall); # LIMIT $count in the query should prevent this from going negative
# Do we have any space left in the return array?
if($count || $fetchall) {
# Now we want to pull out the stickies and normal topics. topic_type must be < 2 to exclude
# annoucements.
my $topich = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT topic_id FROM ".$self -> {"prefix"}."topics
WHERE forum_id = ? AND topic_type < 2
".($fetchall ? "" : "LIMIT $offset, $count"));
$topich -> execute($forum)
or die "phpBB3::get_topic_ids(): Unable to obtain normal/sticky topic list.\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
# Store the topic ids we have from the database...
while(my $topicr = $topich -> fetchrow_arrayref()) {
push(@topics, $topicr -> [0]);
} # if($count) {
# And we're done. Return a reference to the topics array if it has any contents,
# undef if it does not.
return scalar(@topics) ? \@topics : set_error("");
## @method $ get_topic($topicid)
# Obtain the data for the topic identified by the specified topicid. This will attempt
# to locate a topic entry with the specified topicid and return a reference to a hash
# containing the topic information.
# @param topicid The id of the topic to look up.
# @return A reference to a hash containing the topic data, undef if the topic could
# not be located in the database.
sub get_topic {
my $self = shift;
my $topicid = shift;
my $topich = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$self -> {"prefix"}."topics
WHERE topic_id = ?");
$topich -> execute($topicid)
or die "phpBB3::get_topic(): Unable to execute topic lookup query.\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
return $topich -> fetchrow_hashref();
## @method $ get_topic_firstpost($topicid, $bbc_to_html)
# Create a reference to a hash containing the text of the first post in the specified
# topic, the number of replies, the poster's details and various other useful pieces
# of information.
# @param topicid The topic id to obtain the first post for
# @param bbc_to_html If true, any bbcode in the post will be converted to html for you.
# @return A reference to a hash containing the first post data and other useful info,
# or undef if a problem was encountered while generating the hash.
sub get_topic_firstpost {
my $self = shift;
my $topicid = shift;
my $bbc_to_html = shift;
# First we need the topic header
my $topic = $self -> get_topic($topicid)
or return set_error("Unable to locate topic $topicid in the database");
# Now we can obtain the first post and user details
my $posth = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT p.*, u.*
FROM ".$self -> {"prefix"}."posts AS p, ".$self -> {"prefix"}."users AS u
WHERE p.post_id = ? AND u.user_id = p.poster_id");
$posth -> execute($topic -> {"topic_first_post_id"})
or die "phpBB3::get_topic_firstpost(): Unable to execute post lookup query.\nError was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
# Did we get a post?
my $post = $posth -> fetchrow_hashref();
if($post) {
# okay, we can start to build the post data hash now
my $pdata = { "forum_id" => $topic -> {"forum_id"},
"topic_id" => $topic -> {"topic_id"},
"post_id" => $topic -> {"post_id"},
"post_time" => $topic -> {"topic_time"},
"post_replies" => $topic -> {"topic_replies"},
"post_subject" => $topic -> {"topic_title"},
"post_body" => "<p>".$post -> {"post_text"}."</p>",
"post_uid" => $post -> {"bbcode_uid"},
"poster_username" => $post -> {"username"},
"poster_userid" => $post -> {"user_id"}};
# If the user has an avatar, we want to record it. Note that this expects phpBB3
# to have enforced any restrictions on avatar types.
if($post -> {"user_avatar_type"}) {
# width and height should be there regardless of type
$pdata -> {"avatar_width"} = $post -> {"user_avatar_width"};
$pdata -> {"avatar_height"} = $post -> {"user_avatar_height"};
# type 1 is uploaded
if($post -> {"user_avatar_type"} == 1) {
$pdata -> {"avatar_url"} = $self -> get_config("server_protocol").
$self -> get_config("server_name").
path_join($self -> get_config("script_path").
$self -> get_config("avatar_path").
$post -> {"user_avatar"});
# type 2 avatars are remote linked, so the url should be usable as-is
} elsif($post -> {"user_avatar_type"} == 2) {
$pdata -> {"avatar_url"} = $post -> {"user_avatar"};
# type 3 avatars are gallery avatars
} elsif($post -> {"user_avatar_type"} == 3) {
$pdata -> {"avatar_url"} = $self -> get_config("server_protocol").
$self -> get_config("server_name").
path_join($self -> get_config("script_path").
$self -> get_config("avatar_gallery_path").
$post -> {"user_avatar"});
# Fix up bbcode if we need to
$self -> {"bbcode"} -> convert(\$pdata -> {"post_body"}, $pdata -> {"post_uid"})
if($bbc_to_html && $self -> {"bbcode"});
# And done...
return $pdata;
} # if($post) {
return set_error("Unable to get post data for the first post in topic $topicid. This should not happen.");
## @method $ get_topic_url($forumid, $topicid)
# Given a topicid, produce a full URL that can be used to view the topic thread.
# @param forumid The forum the topic is inside.
# @param topicid The ID of the topic to obtain the URL for.
# @return A string containing the URL of the topic thread.
sub get_topic_url {
my $self = shift;
my $forumid = shift;
my $topicid = shift;
return path_join($self -> {"url"}, "viewtopic.php?f=$forumid&t=$topicid");
## @method $ get_posting_url($forumid, $topicid)
# Given a topicid, produce a full URL that can be used to post to the topic thread.
# @param forumid The forum the topic is inside.
# @param topicid The ID of the topic to obtain the URL for.
# @return A string containing the URL of the topic thread.
sub get_posting_url {
my $self = shift;
my $forumid = shift;
my $topicid = shift;
return path_join($self -> {"url"}, "posting.php?mode=reply&f=$forumid&t=$topicid");
# ==============================================================================
# Theoretically internal stuff
## @method $ get_smilie_url(void)
# Obtain the URL of the directory containing smilies used by the forum.
# @return The URL of the smilies directory, or undef if a problem occured
sub get_smilie_url {
my $self = shift;
my $path = $self -> get_config("smilies_path")
or return set_error("Unable to obtain smilie_path from the database");
return path_join($self -> {"url"}, $path);
## @method $ get_config($name, $default)
# Obtain the value for the specified phpBB3 configuration variable. This will
# return the value for the specified configuration variable if it is found. If
# it is not found, but default is specified, the default is returned, otherwise
# this returns undef.
# @param name The name of the variable to obtain the value for
# @param default An optional default value to return if the named variable can not be found
# @return The value for the named variable, or the default or undef if the
# variable is not present.
sub get_config {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $default = shift;
my $configh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT config_value FROM ".$self -> {"prefix"}."config WHERE config_name LIKE ?");
$configh -> execute($name)
or die "phpBB3::get_config(): Unable to query database for $name.\nError was:".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr."\n";
my $configr = $configh -> fetchrow_arrayref();
# If we have a row, and a defined value, return it
return $configr -> [0]
if($configr && defined($configr -> [0]));
# Otherwise, return the default or undef
return $default;
## @method $ unique_id($extra)
# Generate a unique ID that can be used with phpBB3 tables.
# @param $extra Optional extra string to append to the seed.
# @return a unique ID compatible with phpBB3
sub unique_id {
my $self = shift;
my $extra = shift || "";
my @bits = gettimeofday();
my $seed = $self -> get_config("rand_seed").sprintf("%0.8f %d", $bits[1]/1000000, $bits[0]).$extra;
$seed = md5_hex($seed);
return substr($seed, 4, 16);
## @method $ phpdate_to_strftime($format)
# Convert a php dateformat into something that can be passed to strftime. This goes through
# the provided format string and attempts to convert the format markers from the form used
# by the php date() function into something that can be passed to strftime to get the same
# result. Note that the following php date() format options are not supported and will be
# replaced with the empty string: S, t, L, B, u, I, O, and T. The following options are
# partially supported but the resulting strings are not identical: n (will generate the
# same output as m), g (hour has a leading space instead of zero), and G (hour has a
# leading space instead of zero)
# @param format The php date() format string to convert.
# @return The converted format ready to pass to strftime().
sub phpdate_to_strftime {
my $self = shift;
my $format = shift;
# Yeah, this is really horrible, but applying the hash using a regexp would
# get really nasty, really quick.
my @chars = split //, $format;
my $result = "";
# Go through each character, converting it to an strftime format character
# if there is a conversions specified in the map table
foreach my $char (@chars) {
# Do we have a conversion for tis character?
my $conv = $fmt_map{$char};
# Append the character or the conversion, if we have one.
$result .= $conv ? $conv: $char;
return $result;
## @fn $ set_error($error)
# Set the error string to the specified value. This updates the class error
# string and returns undef.
# @param error The message to set in the error string
# @return undef, always.
sub set_error {
$errstr = shift;
return undef;
# ==============================================================================
# Seriously internal stuff
# The following functions have been ported wholesale from the phpBB3 'includes/functions.php'
# The port has been done with minimal regard for perlification, and it almost certainly
# could be implemented in a far more efficient and perl-friendly fashion.
# Beware, voodoo programming follows.
## @fn $ _hash_encode64($input, $count, $itoa64)
# Convert a number into an encoded string form.
# @param input The number to encode.
# @param count The number of characters in the number to convert.
# @param itoa64 The string containing the encoding key.
# @return The encoded string.
sub _hash_encode64 {
my ($input, $count, $itoa64) = @_;
my $output = '';
my $i = 0;
while($i < $count) {
my $value = ord(substr($input, $i++, 1));
$output .= substr($itoa64, $value & 0x3F, 1);
$value |= ord(substr($input, $i, 1)) << 8 if($i < $count);
$output .= substr($itoa64, ($value >> 6) & 0x3F, 1);
last if($i++ >= $count);
$value |= ord(substr($input, $i, 1)) << 16 if($i < $count);
$output .= substr($itoa64, ($value >> 12) & 0x3F, 1);
last if($i++ >= $count);
$output .= substr($itoa64, ($value >> 18) & 0x3F, 1);
return $output;
## @fn _hash_crypt_private($password, $setting, $itoa64)
# Hash a password within the specified setting. This is mostly voodoo pulled
# straight from phpBB3. Have fun with it.
# @param password The plain-text password to hash.
# @param setting The setting in which the password should be hashed (should be another hash)
# @param itoa64 The string containing the encoding key
# @return A string containing the hashed password.
sub _hash_crypt_private {
my ($password, $setting, $itoa64) = @_;
my $output = '*';
return $output if(substr($setting, 0, 3) ne '$H$');
my $count_log2 = index($itoa64, substr($setting, 3, 1));
return $output if($count_log2 < 7 || $count_log2 > 30);
my $count = 1 << $count_log2;
my $salt = substr($setting, 4, 8);
return $output if(length($salt) != 8);
my $hash = md5($salt.$password);
do {
$hash = md5($hash.$password);
} while(--$count);
$output = substr($setting, 0, 12);
$output .= _hash_encode64($hash, 16, $itoa64);
return $output;
## @fn $ _check_hash($password, $hash)
# Determine whether the specified password hashes to the same string as the provided hash.
# This checks whether the plain-text password, and the previously generated hash, are
# actually representing the same string by hashing the plain-text password and comparing
# it to the specified hash. This function can handle phpBB3 (salted md5 hash) and phpBB2
# (straight md5 hash) hashes and chooses the appropriate algorithm based on the length of
# the hash string: if it is 34 characters, it is assumed to be a phpBB3 hash, otherwise it
# is assumed to be a hex encoded 32 character string.
# @param password The plain-text password to hash.
# @param hash The hash to compared the newly hashed password against
# @return true if the password and hash represent the same string, false if the password
# hashes to a different string.
sub _check_hash {
my ($password, $hash) = @_;
# lifted straight from phpBB3, if that changes, this must be changed!
my $itoa64 = './0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
return (_hash_crypt_private($password, $hash, $itoa64) eq $hash)
if (length($hash) == 34);
return md5_hex($password) eq $hash;