545 lines
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## @file
# This file contains the implementation of the base Block class.
# @author Chris Page <chris@starforge.co.uk>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
## @class
# The Block class serves as the base class for all plugin block modules in
# the system. It provides the basic constructor required to initialise a
# plugin properly, stub functions for the two key content generation
# functions that plugins can override to provide meaningful output, and a
# number of general utility functions usefil for all blocks.
# Block subclasses may provide two different 'views': an inline block fragment
# that is intended to be embedded within a page generated by another block
# (for example, sidebar menu contents); or the complete contents of a page
# which may be generated solely by the Block subclass, or by the subclass
# loading other Blocks and using their inline block fragments to construct the
# overall page content.
package Webperl::Block;
use strict;
use base qw(Webperl::SystemModule);
use Webperl::HTMLValidator;
use Webperl::Utils qw(is_defined_numeric);
use Encode;
use HTML::Entities;
# ============================================================================
# Constructor
## @cmethod $ new(%args)
# Create a new Block object and store the provided objects in the new object's data. id and
# args are optional, all the remaining arguments must be provided. The arguments should be
# a hash of parameters, valid key names are:
# - `modid` The module id set for the block module's entry in the database.
# - `args` Any arguments passed to the plugin at runtime, usually pulled from the database.
# - `cgi` A reference to the script's CGI object.
# - `dbh` A database handle to talk to the database through.
# - `phpbb` A phpbb3 handle object used to perform operations on a phpbb3 database.
# - `template` A template engine module object to load templates through.
# - `settings` The global configuration hashref.
# - `session` A reference to the current session object
# - `module` The module handler object, used to load other blocks on demand.
# - `logtable` A string containing the name of the table to use for logging. See the log() function.
# - `logger` A reference to a logger object.
# @param args A hash containing key/value pairs used to set up the module.
# @return A newly created Block object.
sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $self = $class -> SUPER::new("logtable" => "",
"formats" => {"url" => '^https?://[-\w]+(?:\.[-\w]+)+(?:/(?:[-.\w]+/)*[-.\w]*(?:\?(?:[-\w~!\$+|.,*:;]|%[a-f\d]{2,4})+=(?:[-\w~!\$+|.,*:]|%[a-f\d]{2,4})*(?:&(?:[-\w~!\$+|.,*:;]|%[a-f\d]{2,4})+=(?:[-\w~!\$+|.,*:]|%[a-f\d]{2,4})*)*)?(?:\#(?:[-\w~!\$+|&.,*:;=]|%[a-f\d]{2,4})*)?)?$',
or return undef;
# Set up the logger, if needed (Application usually does this long before the Block constructor
# gets called, but even if it has, doing it again won't hurt anything).
$self -> {"logger"} -> init_database_log($self -> {"dbh"}, $self -> {"logtable"})
if($self -> {"logtable"});
return $self;
# ===========================================================================
# Enum field support
## @method $ get_enum_values($table, $column)
# Obtain an array of enum values for a table column. This will attempt to pull
# the valid enumeration values out of a table column description and return a
# reference to an array of values.
# @return A reference to an array of enum values, or an error message string.
sub get_enum_values {
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $column = shift;
my $colh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("DESCRIBE $table $column");
$colh -> execute()
or return $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_ERROR_BADENUM", {"***table***" => $table,
"***col***" => $column,
"***errstr***" => $self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr});
my $unitsdata = $colh -> fetchrow_hashref();
# Check that this really is an enum column
return $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_ERROR_NOTENUM", {"***table***" => $table,
"***col***" => $column})
if($unitsdata -> {"Type"} !~ /^enum/i);
# pull out the middle bit of the string, dropping the 'enum(' and ')'
my $units = substr($unitsdata -> {'Type'}, 5, -1);
# Nuke the 's as they're not needed
$units =~ s/','/,/g;
$units =~ s/^'(.*)'$/$1/;
# Split the string into a usable form
my @unitlist = split(/,/,$units);
# Send back a reference to the array
return \@unitlist;
# ===========================================================================
# Parameter validation support functions
## @method @ validate_string($param, $settings)
# Determine whether the string in the named cgi parameter is set, clean it
# up, and apply various tests specified in the settings. The settings are
# stored in a hash, the recognised contents are as below, and all are optional
# unless noted otherwise:
# required - If true, the string must have been given a value in the form.
# default - The default string to use if the form field is empty. This is not
# used if required is set!
# nicename - The required 'human readable' name of the field to show in errors.
# minlen - The minimum length of the string.
# maxlen - The maximum length of the string.
# chartest - A string containing a regular expression to apply to the string. If this
# <b>matches the field</b> the validation fails!
# chardesc - Must be provided if chartest is provided. A description of why matching
# chartest fails the validation.
# formattest - A string containing a regular expression to apply to the string. If the
# string <b>does not</b> match the regexp, validation fails.
# formatdesc - Must be provided if formattest is provided. A description of why not
# matching formattest fails the validation.
# @param param The name of the cgi parameter to check.
# @param settings A reference to a hash of settings to control the validation
# done to the string.
# @return An array of two values: the first contains the text in the parameter, or
# as much of it as can be salvaged, while the second contains an error message
# or undef if the text passes all checks.
sub validate_string {
my $self = shift;
my $param = shift;
my $settings = shift;
# Grab the parameter value, fall back on the default if it hasn't been set.
my $text = $self -> {"cgi"} -> param($param);
$text = Encode::decode("utf8", $text) if(!Encode::is_utf8($text));
# Handle the situation where the parameter has not been provided at all
if(!defined($text) || $text eq '' || (!$text && $settings -> {"nonzero"})) {
# If the parameter is required, return empty and an error
if($settings -> {"required"}) {
return ("", $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_NOTSET", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"}}));
# Otherwise fall back on the default.
} elsif(!$settings -> {"default"}) {
return ("", undef);
} else {
$text = $settings -> {"default"};
# If there's a test regexp provided, apply it
my $chartest = $settings -> {"chartest"};
return ($text, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_BADCHARS", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"},
"***desc***" => $settings -> {"chardesc"}}))
if($chartest && $text =~ /$chartest/);
# Is there a format check provided, if so apply it
my $formattest = $settings -> {"formattest"};
return ($text, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_BADFORMAT", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"},
"***desc***" => $settings -> {"formatdesc"}}))
if($formattest && $text !~ /$formattest/);
# Convert all characters in the string to safe versions
$text = encode_entities($text);
# Convert horrible smart quote crap from windows
foreach my $char (keys(%{$self -> {"template"} ->{"entities"}})) {
$text =~ s/$char/$self->{template}->{entities}->{$char}/g;
# Now trim spaces
$text =~ s/^\s+//;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
# Get here and we have /something/ for the parameter. If the maximum length
# is specified, does the string fit inside it? If not, return as much of the
# string as is allowed, and an error
return (substr($text, 0, $settings -> {"maxlen"}), $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_TOOLONG", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"},
"***maxlen***" => $settings -> {"maxlen"}}))
if($settings -> {"maxlen"} && (length($text) > $settings -> {"maxlen"}));
# Is the string too short? If so, store it and return an error.
return ($text, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_TOOSHORT", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"},
"***minlen***" => $settings -> {"minlen"}}))
if($settings -> {"required"} && $settings -> {"minlen"} && (length($text) < $settings -> {"minlen"}));
# Get here and all the tests have been passed or skipped
return ($text, undef);
## @method @ validate_numeric($param, $settings)
# Determine whether the number in the named cgi parameter is set, and if so whether
# it is within the required range. Note that, if specified, min must be less than,
# or equal to, max: get them the wrong way around, and this will reject all numbers!
# required - If true, the value must have been set in the form.
# default - The default string to use if the form field is empty. If any errors
# are encountered, this is the value returned. If not provided, this
# defaults to 0.
# intonly - If true, only integer values are supported.
# nicename - The required 'human readable' name of the field to show in errors.
# min - Optional minimum value allowed for the number (inclusive).
# max - Optional maximum value allowed for the number (inclusive).
# @param param The name of the cgi parameter to check.
# @param settings A reference to a hash of settings to control the validation
# done to the number.
# @return An array of two values: the first contains the number in the parameter, or
# as much of it as can be salvaged, while the second contains an error message
# or undef if the number passes all checks.
sub validate_numeric {
my $self = shift;
my $param = shift;
my $settings = shift;
# Force a default in all situations.
$settings -> {"default"} = 0
if(!defined($settings -> {"default"}));
# Grab the parameter value, fall back on the default if it hasn't been set.
my $value = $self -> {"cgi"} -> param($param);
$value = Encode::decode("utf8", $value) if(!Encode::is_utf8($value));
if(!defined($value)) {
if($settings -> {"required"}) {
return ($settings -> {"default"}, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_NOTSET", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"}}));
} else {
return ($settings -> {"default"}, undef);
# Is this really a number?
my $pattern = '-?\d+'.($settings -> {"intonly"} ? '' : '(\.\d+)?');
return ($settings -> {"default"}, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_NOTNUMBER", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"}}))
unless($value =~ /^$pattern$/);
# Check minimum and maximum if needed
return ($settings -> {"min"}, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_RANGEMIN", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"},
"***min***" => $settings -> {"min"}}))
if(defined($settings -> {"min"}) && $value < $settings -> {"min"});
return ($settings -> {"max"}, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_RANGEMAX", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"},
"***max***" => $settings -> {"max"}}))
if(defined($settings -> {"max"}) && $value > $settings -> {"max"});
# Value should be good to go now
return ($value, undef);
## @method @ validate_options($param, $settings)
# Determine whether the value provided for the specified parameter is valid. This will
# either look for the value specified in an array, or in a database table, depending
# on the value provided for source in the settings hash. Valid contents for settings are:
# required - If true, the option can not be "".
# default - A default value to return if the option is '' or not present, and not required.
# source - The source of the options. If this is a reference to an array, the
# value specified for the parameter is checked agains the array. If this
# if a string, the option is checked against the table named in the string.
# where - The 'WHERE' clause to add to database queries. Required when source is a
# string, otherwise it is ignored.
# nicename - Required, human-readable version of the parameter name.
# @param param The name of the cgi parameter to check.
# @param settings A reference to a hash of settings to control the validation
# done to the parameter.
# @return An array of two values: the first contains the value in the parameter, or
# as much of it as can be salvaged, while the second contains an error message
# or undef if the parameter passes all checks.
sub validate_options {
my $self = shift;
my $param = shift;
my $settings = shift;
my $value = $self -> {"cgi"} -> param($param);
$value = Encode::decode("utf8", $value) if(!Encode::is_utf8($value));
# Bomb if the value is not set and it is required.
return ($settings -> {"default"}, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_NOTSET", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"}}))
if($settings -> {"required"} && (!defined($value) || $value eq ''));
# If the value not specified and not required, we can just return immediately
return ($settings -> {"default"}, undef) if(!defined($value) || $value eq "");
# Determine how we will check it. If the source is an array reference, we do an array check
if(ref($settings -> {"source"}) eq "ARRAY") {
foreach my $check (@{$settings -> {"source"}}) {
if(ref($check) eq "HASH") {
return ($value, undef) if($check -> {"value"} eq $value);
} else {
return ($value, undef) if($check eq $value);
# If the source is not a reference, we assue it is the table name to check
} elsif(not ref($settings -> {"source"})) {
my $checkh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT *
FROM `".$settings -> {"source"}."`
".$settings -> {"where"});
# Check for the value in the table...
$checkh -> execute($value)
or return ($settings -> {"default"}, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_DBERR", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"},
"***dberr***" => $self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr}));
my $checkr = $checkh -> fetchrow_arrayref();
# If we have a match, the value is valid
return ($value, undef) if($checkr);
# Get here and validation has failed. We can't rely on the value at all, so return
# the default, and an error
return ($settings -> {"default"}, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_BADOPT", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"}}));
## @method @ validate_htmlarea($param, $settings)
# Attempt to validate the contents of a html area. This is an excessively complicated
# job and is, ultimately, never going to be 100% secure - the code needs to be put through
# filters and validation by a html validator before we can be be even remotely sure it
# is vaguely safe. Even then, there is a small possibility that a malicious user can
# carefully craft something to bypass the checks.
# @param param The name of the textarea to check.
# @param settings A reference to a hasn containing settings to control the validation.
sub validate_htmlarea {
my $self = shift;
my $param = shift;
my $settings = shift;
# first we need the textarea contents...
my $text = $self -> {"cgi"} -> param($param);
$text = Encode::decode("utf8", $text) if(!Encode::is_utf8($text));
# Convert anything that might cause problems to html entities.
encode_entities($text, '^\n\x20-\x7e');
# Get a copy of the input with no tags at all so that it can be checked for length
my $scrubber = HTML::Scrubber -> new();
my $nohtml = $scrubber -> scrub($text);
$nohtml =~ s/(\s| )//g; # Kill some kinds of whitespace that may be left by scrubber that will confuse length checks.
# If the text area is empty, deal with the whole default/required malarky
if(!defined($nohtml) || !$nohtml) {
# If the parameter is required, return empty and an error
if($settings -> {"required"}) {
return ("", $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_NOTSET", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"}}));
# Otherwise fall back on the default.
} else {
$text = $settings -> {"default"} || "";
# Don't bother doing anything if the text is empty at this point
return ("", undef) if(!$text || length($text) == 0);
# Is the string too short? If so, store it and return an error.
return ($text, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_TOOSHORT", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"},
"***minlen***" => $settings -> {"minlen"}}))
if($settings -> {"required"} && $settings -> {"minlen"} && (length($nohtml) < $settings -> {"minlen"}));
# Now we get to the actual validation and stuff. Begin by scrubbing any tags
# and other crap we don't want out completely. As far as I can tell, this should
# always generate a result of some kind...
$text = scrub_html($text, $settings -> {"allow_tags"}, $settings -> {"tag_rules"}, $settings -> {"scrub_defaults"});
# ... but check, just in case
return ("", $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_SCRUBFAIL", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"}}))
# Explicitly nuke any CDATA sections that might have got through, as they have
# no bloody business being there at all
$text =~ s{<![CDATA[.*?]]>}{}gio;
# Load the text into the testing hardness now, so it appears like a valid chunk of html
# to tidy and the validator...
my $xhtml = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("validator_harness.tem", {"***body***" => $text});
# Throw the xhtml through tidy to make sure it is actually xhtml
# This will result in undef if tidy failed catastrophically...
my $tidied = tidy_html($xhtml);
return ("", , $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_TIDYFAIL", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"}}))
# Tidy will stick in spurious list elements, remove them
$tidied =~ s|<li style="list-style: none"></li>\n||g;
# Now we can go ahead and check with the validator to see whether the tidied
# code is valid xhtml
my $valid = check_xhtml($tidied);
# Strip out the harness
$tidied =~ s{^.*<body>\s*(.*)\s*</body>\s*</html>\s*$}{$1}is;
# Zero indicates that there were no errors - the html is valid
if($valid == 0) {
return ($tidied, undef);
# If the return from check_xhtml is one or more digits, it is an error count
} elsif($valid =~ /^\d+:/) {
$valid =~ s/^\d+://;
return ($tidied, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_CHKERRS", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"},
"***error***" => $valid}));
# Otherwise it should be a failure message
} else {
return ($tidied, $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_CHKFAIL", {"***field***" => $settings -> {"nicename"},
"***error***" => $valid}));
# ============================================================================
# Logging functions
## @method void log($type, $data)
# Create an entry in the database log table with the specified type and data.
# This will add an entry to the log table in the database, storing the time,
# user, and type and data supplied.
# @param type The log event type, may be any string up to 64 characters long.
# @param data The event data, may be any string up to 255 characters.
sub log {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $data = shift;
# Work out the user
my $userid = $self -> {"session"} -> {"sessuser"};
$userid = undef unless($userid); # force undef, even if userid is 0.
$self -> {"logger"} -> log($type, $userid, $self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_addr(), $data);
# ============================================================================
# Display functions
## @method $ build_password_policy($template)
# Build a string describing the password policy for the current user. This
# interrogates the user's AuthMethod to determine the password policy in place
# for the user (if any), and generates a string describing it in a format
# suitable to present to users.
# @param template The name of the template to use for each policy fragment.
# @return A string containing the password policy enforced for the logged-in
# user. If there is no policy in place, or the user is not logged in,
# this returns an empty string.
sub build_password_policy {
my $self = shift;
my $template = shift;
# Anonymous user can have no policy
return '' if($self -> {"session"} -> anonymous_session());
my $user = $self -> {"session"} -> get_user_byid()
or return '';
# Fetch the policy, and give up if there isn't one.
my $policy = $self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> get_policy($user -> {"username"})
or return '';
my $policystr = "";
foreach my $name (@{$policy -> {"policy_order"}}) {
next if(!$policy -> {$name});
$policystr .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template($template, {"***policy***" => "{L_LOGIN_".uc($name)."}",
"***value***" => $policy -> {$name}});
return $policystr;
## @method @ build_error_box($message)
# Generate the contents of a system error message to send back to the user.
# This wraps the template message_box() function as a means to make error
# messages easier to show.
# @param message The message explaining the problem that triggered the error.
# @return An array of two values. The first is the page title, the second is
# the text of the error box.
sub build_error_box {
my $self = shift;
my $message = shift;
my $title = $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_ERROR_TITLE");
$message = $self -> {"template"} -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_ERROR_TITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_ERROR_SUMMARY"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_ERROR_TEXT", {"***error***" => $message}));
return ($title, $message);
## @method $ block_display()
# Produce the string containing this block's 'block fragment' if it has one. By default,
# this will return a string containing an error message. If block fragment content is
# needed, this must be overridden in the subclass.
# @return The string containing this block's content fragment.
sub block_display {
my $self = shift;
return "<p class=\"error\">".$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_BLOCK_DISPLAY")."</p>";
## @method $ page_display()
# Produce the string containing this block's full page content, if it provides one.
# By default, this will return a string containing an error message, override it to
# generate pages in subclasses.
# @return The string containing this block's page content.
sub page_display {
my $self = shift;
return "<p class=\"error\">".$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_PAGE_DISPLAY")."</p>";