
364 lines
15 KiB

## @file
# This file contains the implementation of the base class for application-specific
# user operations.
# @author Chris Page <chris@starforge.co.uk>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## @class
# The base class for application-specific user actions that must be performed
# during authentication. This provides the functions, potentially minimally
# implemented, that the Auth class relies on to interact with user records
# in the wider system in which it is being used. Subclasses of AppUser may
# provide more complex facilities to support application-specific requirements.
# This class assumes that the user data is stored in a table whose name is
# set in the 'users' variable in the 'database' section of the settings, and
# that the following fields are present in the table (order of fields in the
# table is unimportant):
# - `user_id` (`unsigned int`), unique to each user
# - `user_type` (`unsigned tinyint`), 0 = normal, 1 = disabled, 3 = admin usually
# - `username` (`varchar` or `text`), contains the user's username, must be unique per user
# - `user_auth` (`unsigned tinyint`), the id of the user's auth method, must allow null
# - `created` (`unsigned int`), stores the user's creation unix timestamp
# - `last_login` (`unsigned int`), stores the user's last login unix timestamp
# (note that the first three of these are basic requirements of the SessionHandler)
# In general, most subclasses of this class will only really be concerned with
# overriding the pre_authenticate() and post_authenticate() methods - the other
# methods will usually be sufficient for most purposes, and system-specific work
# will usually happen in pre_authenticate() or post_authenticate(). However,
# subclasses that override pre_authenticate() or post_authenticate() may wish
# to call the overridden methods this class via `$self -> SUPER::pre_authenticate()`
# or `$self -> SUPER::pre_authenticate()` to extend the default behaviour with
# system-specifics rather than entirely replacing it.
package AppUser;
use strict;
use base qw(SystemModule); # Extend SystemModule to get error handling
use constant ANONYMOUS_ID => 1; # Default anonymous user id.
use constant ADMIN_TYPE => 3; # User type for admin users.
# ============================================================================
# Constructor
## @cmethod AppUser new(%args)
# Create a new AppUser object. This will create an AppUser object that may be
# passed to the Auth class to provide application-specific user handling.
# @param args A hash of arguments to initialise the AppUser object with.
# @return A new AppUser object.
sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $self = {
return bless $self, $class;
## @method $ init($cgi, $dbh, $settings, $logger)
# Initialise the AppUser's references to other system objects. This allows the
# setup of the object to be deferred from construction. If the cgi, dbh, and
# settings objects have been passed into new(), calling this function is not
# required to use the object.
# @param cgi A reference to the system-wide cgi object.
# @param dbh A reference to the system DBI object.
# @param settings A reference to the global settings.
# @param logger A reference to the logger object.
# @return undef on success, otherwise an error message
sub init {
my $self = shift;
$self -> {"cgi"} = shift;
$self -> {"dbh"} = shift;
$self -> {"settings"} = shift;
$self -> {"logger"} = shift;
# Check things are set.
return "cgi object not set" unless($self -> {"cgi"});
return "dbh object not set" unless($self -> {"dbh"});
return "settings object not set" unless($self -> {"settings"});
return "logger object not set" unless($self -> {"logger"});
# All good, return nothing...
return undef;
## @method void set_system($system)
# Set the AppUser's refrence to the system object. This must be done after both
# construction and initialisation, as the system object may not be available
# at either stage.
# @param system A reference to the system System object.
sub set_system {
my $self = shift;
$self -> {"system"} = shift;
# ============================================================================
# Constants access
## @method $ anonymous_user()
# Obtain the ID of the anonymous user in the system.
# @return The ID of the anonymous user account.
sub anonymous_user {
## @method $ adminuser_type()
# Obtain the user type that corresponds to admin users.
# @return The admin user type number.
sub adminuser_type {
return ADMIN_TYPE;
# ============================================================================
# User access
## @method $ user_disabled($username)
# Determine whether the specified user's account is disabled. This will check
# that the user's type is 0 or 3, and return false if it is not.
# @param username The name of the user to check
# @return true if the user's account is disabled, false if the account is active
# or does not exist.
sub user_disabled {
my $self = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $user = $self -> get_user($username);
return ($user && !($user -> {"user_type"} == 0 || $user -> {"user_type"} == 3));
## @method $ get_user_byid($userid, $onlyreal)
# Obtain the user record for the specified user, if they exist. This returns a
# reference to a hash of user data corresponding to the specified userid,
# or undef if the userid does not correspond to a valid user. If the onlyreal
# argument is set, the userid must correspond to 'real' user - bots or inactive
# users are not be returned.
# @param userid The id of the user to obtain the data for.
# @param onlyreal If true, only users of type 0 or 3 are returned.
# @return A reference to a hash containing the user's data, or undef if the user
# can not be located (or is not real)
sub get_user_byid {
my $self = shift;
my $userid = shift;
my $onlyreal = shift;
# Return the user record
return $self -> _get_user("user_id", $userid, $onlyreal);
## @method $ get_user($username, $onlyreal)
# Obtain the user record for the specified user, if they exist. This returns a
# reference to a hash of user data corresponding to the specified userid,
# or undef if the userid does not correspond to a valid user. If the onlyreal
# argument is set, the userid must correspond to 'real' user - bots or inactive
# users are not be returned.
# @param username The username of the user to obtain the data for.
# @param onlyreal If true, only users of type 0 or 3 are returned.
# @return A reference to a hash containing the user's data, or undef if the user
# can not be located (or is not real)
sub get_user {
my $self = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $onlyreal = shift;
return $self -> _get_user("username", $username, $onlyreal, 1);
## @method $ get_user_authmethod($username)
# Attempt to obtain the auth method id set for the user with the specified
# username. If the user does not exist, or does not have an authmethod set,
# this returns undef, otherwise it returns the id of the auth method the
# user last logged in using.
# @param username The username of the user to fetch the auth method id for.
# @return The auth method id to try to authenticate the user with, or undef.
sub get_user_authmethod {
my $self = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $user = $self -> get_user($username);
return $user -> {"user_auth"} if($user);
return undef;
## @method $ set_user_authmethod($username, $methodid)
# Set the auth method id for the specified user. This attempts to update
# the user_auth field for the user with the specified username, it does
# not verify that the methodid corresponds to a valid method, so the
# caller needs to check it. Also note that methodid may be undef, in
# which case the user's auth_method is set to NULL.
# @param username The username of the user to update the user_auth field for.
# @param methodid The id of the auth method to set for this user, or undef.
# @return true if the user's user_auth field was updated, false on error.
sub set_user_authmethod {
my $self = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $methodid = shift;
my $seth = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("UPDATE ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"users"}."
SET user_auth = ?
WHERE username LIKE ?");
my $result = $seth -> execute($methodid, $username)
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Unable to execute user auth update query. Error was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
$self -> self_error("Unable to update user auth method, unknown user selected")
if($result != 1);
return ($result == 1);
# ============================================================================
# Pre- and Post-auth functions.
## @method $ pre_authenticate($username, $auth)
# Perform any system-specific pre-authentication tasks on the specified
# user. This function is called once, before the system interrogates any
# defined AuthMethod modules, and it allows systems to tailor pre-auth
# tasks to the requirements of the system. For example, this may be used to
# check the username against a table of authorised users.
# @note The implementation provided here does no work, and simply returns
# true in all cases.
# @param username The username of the user to perform pre-auth tasks on.
# @param auth A reference to the auth object calling this.
# @return true if the authentication process should continue, false if the
# user should not be authenticated or logged in. If this returns
# false, an error message will be set in the specified auth's
# errstr field.
sub pre_authenticate {
my $self = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $auth = shift;
# Always return true
return 1;
## @method $ post_authenticate($username, $password, $auth)
# Perform any system-specific post-authentication tasks on the specified
# user's data. This function allows each system to tailor post-auth tasks
# to the requirements of the system. This function is only called if
# authentication has been successful (one of the AuthMethods has indicated
# that the user's credentials are valid), and if it returns undef the
# authentication is treated as having failed even if the user's credentials
# are valid.
# @note The implementation provided here will create an empty user record
# if one with the specified username does not already exist. The
# user is initialised as a type 0 ('normal') user, with default
# values for all the fields. If this behaviour is not required or
# desirable, subclasses may wish to override this function completely.
# @param username The username of the user to perform post-auth tasks on.
# @param password The password the user authenticated with.
# @param auth A reference to the auth object calling this.
# @return A reference to a hash containing the user's data on success,
# undef otherwise. If this returns undef, an error message will be
# set in the specified auth's errstr field.
sub post_authenticate {
my $self = shift;
my $username = shift;
my $auth = shift;
# Determine whether the user exists. If not, create the user.
my $user = $self -> get_user($username);
if(!$user) {
# No record for this user, need to make one...
my $newuser = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("INSERT INTO ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"users"}."
(username, created, last_login)
$newuser -> execute($username)
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "FATAL: Unable to create new user record: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
$user = $self -> get_user($username);
return $auth -> self_error("User addition failed.")
# Touch the user's record...
my $pokeh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("UPDATE ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"users"}."
SET last_login = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()
WHERE user_id = ?");
$pokeh -> execute($user -> {"user_id"})
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "FATAL: Unable to update user record: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
# All done...
return $user;
# ============================================================================
# Internal functions
## @method private $ _get_user($field, $value, $onlyreal, $uselike)
# Internal implementation of the get_user facility. This allows users to be
# searched for on any given user field, and if the user is found it returns
# the user's data, undef otherwise. If the onlyreal argument is set, the user
# must correspond to 'real' user - bots or inactive users are not be returned.
# @param field The name of the column to search for users on. If the column
# contains values that are not unique per user, only the first
# match is returned (ie: don't search on non-unique columns.)
# @param value The value to search for in the user table.
# @param onlyreal If true, only users of type 0 or 3 are returned.
# @param uselike If true the search uses 'LIKE' instead of exact comparison.
# @return A reference to a hash containing the user's data, or undef if the user
# can not be located (or is not real)
sub _get_user {
my $self = shift;
my $field = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $onlyreal = shift;
my $uselike = shift;
my $userh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"users"}."
WHERE $field ".($uselike ? "LIKE" : "=")." ?".
($onlyreal ? " AND user_type IN (0,3)" : ""));
$userh -> execute($value)
or $self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Unable to execute user lookup query. Error was: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
return $userh -> fetchrow_hashref();