
135 lines
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## @file
# This file contains the implementation of the base Message class.
# @author Chris Page <chris@starforge.co.uk>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## @class Message
# This is the 'base' class for the Message modules. It provides any functionality
# that needs to be shared between the Message::* modules.
package Message;
use strict;
use base qw(SystemModule);
use Utils qw(hash_or_hashref);
# ============================================================================
# Constructor
## @cmethod Message new(%args)
# Create a new Message object. This will create an Message object that may be
# used to store messages to send at a later date, or invoked to send messages
# immediately or from the queue.
# @param args A hash of arguments to initialise the Message object with.
# @return A new Message object.
sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $self = $class -> SUPER::new(@_)
or return undef;
return $self;
## @method void DESTROY()
# Destructor method to prevent a circular list formed from a reference to the modules
# object from derailing normal destruction.
my $self = shift;
$self -> {"module"} = undef;
## @method void set_module_obj($module)
# Set the reference to the system module loader. This allows deferred initialisation
# of the module loader.
# @param module A reference to the system module handler object.
sub set_module_obj {
my $self = shift;
$self -> {"module"} = shift;
# ============================================================================
# Transport handling
## @method $ get_transports($include_inactive)
# Obtain a list of currently defined message transports. This will return an array of
# transport hashes describing the currently defined transports.
# @param include_inactive Include all transports, even if they are marked as inactive.
# @return A reference to an array of transport record hashrefs.
sub get_transports {
my $self = shift;
my $include_inactive = shift;
$self -> clear_error();
my $transh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT *
FROM `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"message_transports"}."`".
($include_inactive ? "" : " WHERE enabled = 1"));
$transh -> execute()
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to perform message transport lookup: ". $self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
return $transh -> fetchall_arrayref({});
## @method $ load_transport_module($args)
# Attempt to load an create an instance of a Message::Transport module. Valid arguments
# are:
# - id, the ID of the transport to load.
# - name, the name of the transport to laod.
# @param args A hash or arguments to define the module to load.
# @return A reference to an instance of the requested transport module on success,
# undef on error.
sub load_transport_module {
my $self = shift;
my $args = hash_or_hashref(@_);
return $self -> self_error("Module loader not available at this time")
unless($self -> {"module"});
# Work out which field is being searched on
my $field;
if($args -> {"id"}) {
$field = "id";
} elsif($args -> {"name"}) {
$field = "name";
} else {
return $self -> self_error("Incorrect arguments to load_transport_module: id or name not provided");
my $modh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT perl_module
FROM `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"message_transports"}."`
WHERE $field = ?");
$modh -> execute($args -> {$field})
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to execute transport module lookup: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
my $modname = $modh -> fetchrow_arrayref()
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to fetch module name for transport module: entry does not exist");
return $self -> {"module"} -> load_module($modname -> [0]);