Queue dispatch logs more stats. May be too noisy...

This commit is contained in:
Chris 2012-08-16 14:33:25 +01:00
parent 1438b7cee8
commit 88d9c29442

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@ -350,14 +350,26 @@ sub deliver_queue {
my $self = shift;
my $try_failed = shift;
$self -> {"logger"} -> log("messaging", 0, undef, "Starting queue delivery");
# Keep some counters...
my $counts = { "transports" => 0,
"messages" => 0,
"success" => 0,
# Go through the list of transports, fetching the messages that can be sent by
# that transport and try to send them.
my $transports = $self -> get_transports();
foreach my $transport (@{$transports}) {
++$counts -> {"transports"};
my $messages = $self -> get_sendable_messages($transport -> {"id"}, $try_failed)
or return undef;
if(scalar(@{$messages})) {
$counts -> {"messages"} += scalar(@{$messages});
# Load the transport...
$transport -> {"module"} = $self -> load_transport_module(id => $transport -> {"id"})
or return $self -> self_error("Transport loading failed: ".$self -> {"errstr"});
@ -366,6 +378,8 @@ sub deliver_queue {
foreach my $message (@{$messages}) {
my $sent = $transport -> {"module"} -> deliver($message);
++$counts -> {"success"} if($sent);
# Store the send status for this transport
$self -> update_status($message -> {"id"},
$transport -> {"id"},
@ -375,6 +389,7 @@ sub deliver_queue {
$self -> {"logger"} -> log("messaging", 0, undef, "Queue delivery finished, processed ".$counts -> {"messages"}." through ".$counts -> {"transports"}.". ".$counts -> {"success"}." messages sent, ".($counts -> {"messages"} - $counts -> {"success"})." failed.");