diff --git a/Webperl/MediaWiki/Simple.pm b/Webperl/MediaWiki/Simple.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 63ecac3..0000000
--- a/Webperl/MediaWiki/Simple.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,652 +0,0 @@
-# @file
-# @author Chris Page <chris@starforge.co.uk>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
-## @class
-# This module is a simplified wrapper around MediaWiki::API, allowing access to a
-# subset of the MediaWiki API facilities through a simple interface. It should be
-# noted that this *not* intended as a replacement for more comprehensive higher-level
-# interfaces to the API like MediaWiki::Bot - instead, it is intended to provide
-# simple and easy access to the most commonly used and needed API facilities
-# without the overhead of a large number of functions you'll probably never use.
-# If you need access to any API features not provided by this bot, but do not
-# need the full features of MediaWiki::Bot, you can obtain a reference to a
-# MediaWiki::API object to issue API requests directly to by calling the wiki()
-# function.
-package Webperl::MediaWiki::Simple;
-use v5.12;
-use base qw(Webperl::SystemModule);
-use Data::Dumper;
-use MediaWiki::API;
-use Webperl::Utils qw(path_join);
-# ============================================================================
-# Constructor
-## @cmethod MediaWiki::Simple new(%args)
-# Create a new MediaWiki api wrapper object. This will create an object that may be
-# used to interact with a MediaWiki system through a simplified interface. The
-# specified args may contain any of the arguments that can be passed to the
-# MediaWiki::API::new() method, with the exception of upload_url (which is stripped
-# as it is pointless and obsolete).
-# @param args A hash of arguments to initialise the object with.
-# @return A new MediaWiki::Simple object on success, undef on error.
-sub new {
- my $invocant = shift;
- my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
- my $self = $class -> SUPER::new(minimal => 1,
- # These are human translations of warnings returned by the upload API. They can
- # by localised if needed by replacing this hashref in the args.
- warningstr => { "badfilename" => "The filename has been changed to '%a'",
- "filetyle-unwanted-type" => "The file specified an unwanted file type",
- "large-file" => "The file submitted was too large",
- "emptyfile" => "The file submitted was empty",
- "exists" => "The filename specified already exists",
- "duplicate" => "The file submitted is a duplicate of %a",
- },
- @_);
- return undef if(!$self);
- # Make a new MediaWiki::API object to perform operations through. Since there's
- # no indication of what happens if the constructor fails, hopefully the eval will
- # handle anything unexpected.
- $self -> {"wikih"} = eval { MediaWiki::API -> new($self); };
- return SystemModule::set_error("Unable to initialise MediaWiki API module.")
- if($@ || !$self -> {"wikih"});
- return $self;
-# ============================================================================
-# Login/out functions
-## @method $ login($username, $password)
-# Log the specified user into the wiki. Note that, unless you are logging in locally,
-# you probably want to make sure that the API is using https, otherwise the credentials
-# will be sent in plain text in a POST body (you don't want this to happen).
-# @param username The username of the user to log into the wiki.
-# @param password The password for the user.
-# @return true on successful login, false if an error has occurred - in which case, call
-# errstr() to find out what went wrong.
-sub login {
- my $self = shift;
- my $username = shift;
- my $password = shift;
- $self -> clear_error();
- my $login = $self -> {"wikih"} -> login({ lgname => $username,
- lgpassword => $password })
- or $self -> self_error("Unable to log into the wiki. Error from the API was: ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"code"}.': '.$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"details"});
- # Realistically, this is overkill - the above should handle failures, but check here anyway.
- return (defined($login -> {"lgusername"}) && ($login -> {"lgusername"} eq $username) &&
- defined($login -> {"result"}) && ($login -> {"result"} eq 'Success'));
-## @method void logout()
-# Log the user out of the wiki, destroying any cookie or tokens associated with the
-# current session. This can be safely called even if login hasn't actually been called
-# yet (in which case, it does nothing).
-sub logout {
- my $self = shift;
- # Logout is always successful.
- $self -> {"wikih"} -> logout();
-# ============================================================================
-# Editing/updating
-## @method $ edit($title, $content, $summary)
-# Edit the specified wiki page with the provided content. This replaces the text of
-# the specified page (or creates it if it does not exist) with the provided content,
-# handling all issued with edit tokens and so on for you.
-# @param title The title of the page to edit/create.
-# @param content The wiki text to set for the page.
-# @param summary An optional summary of the edit.
-# @return true if the page was edited successfully, false on failure, undef on error.
-sub edit {
- my $self = shift;
- my $title = shift;
- my $content = shift;
- my $summary = shift;
- $self -> clear_error();
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to edit wiki page: no title specified")
- unless($title);
- # The summary needs to be added to the edit arguments separately if it is specified,
- # just leaving it as undef in the args as a default can break the API.
- my $args = { action => 'edit',
- title => $title,
- text => $content,
- bot => 1};
- $args -> {"summary"} = $summary if($summary);
- my $result = $self -> {"wikih"} -> edit($args)
- or $self -> self_error("Unable to edit page '$title'. Error from the API was: ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"code"}.': '.$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"details"});
- # The above should catch any actual errors, but check for success anyway
- return (defined($result -> {"edit"} -> {"result"}) && $result -> {"edit"} -> {"result"} eq "Success");
-# ============================================================================
-# Retrieval and parsing
-## @method $ get($title, $transclude, $prestrip)
-# Retrieve the wiki text for the specified page in the wiki. This will attempt to
-# fetch the content for the specified wiki page, and if transclude is set it will
-# expand any templates present in the page.
-# @param title The title of the page to retrieve.
-# @param transclude If true, any templates in the page are processed into expanded
-# wiki text. Defaults to false (page is returned without any
-# template expansions).
-# @param prestrip A reference to an array of regular expression strings to strip
-# from the page before processing (does nothing if transclude is
-# false.
-# @return The wiki page content, in wiki text form, on success (note that the page
-# may exist, but have no contents, in which case this returns an empty string).
-# undef on error.
-sub get {
- my $self = shift;
- my $title = shift;
- my $transclude = shift;
- my $prestrip = shift;
- $self -> clear_error();
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to get wiki page: no title specified")
- unless($title);
- # First stage is to determine whether the page exists and has content
- my $page = $self -> {"wikih"} -> get_page({ title => $title } )
- or return $self -> self_error("Unable to fetch page '$title'. Error from the API was: ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"code"}.': '.$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"details"});
- # Do we have any content? If not, return an error...
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to fetch content for page '$title': page is missing")
- if($page -> {"missing"});
- my $content = $page -> {"*"} || '';
- # Return right here if we are not transcluding, no point doing more work than we need.
- return $content if(!$transclude || !$content);
- # strip out any unwanted content, if needed
- foreach my $strip (@{$prestrip}) {
- $content =~ s|$strip||gis;
- }
- # Break any transclusions inside - they maybe be included in the page
- # as examples, and should not be expanded.
- while($content =~ s|(.*?)\{\{([^<]+?)\}\}(.*?)|$1\{\(\{$2\}\)\}$3|is) { };
- # recursively process any remaining transclusions
- $content =~ s/(\{\{.*?\}\})/$self->transclude($title, $1)/ges;
- # revert the breakage done above
- while($content =~ s|(.*?)\{\(\{([^<]+?)\}\)\}(.*?)|$1\{\{$2\}\}$3|is) { };
- # We should be able to return the page now
- return $content;
-## @method $ parse($title, $text)
-# Convert the contents of the specified wiki text to (x)html using the mediawiki parser. This
-# parses the text, expanding templates and other markers, acting as if the the specified text
-# is in the page with the specified title.
-# @param title The page title to use when processing the text.
-# @param text The wiki text to process, if not specified the contents of the page with
-# the title specified are parsed and returned.
-# @return A string containing the processed (x)html on success, undef on error.
-sub parse {
- my $self = shift;
- my $title = shift;
- my $text = shift;
- $self -> clear_error();
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to parse wiki text: no title specified")
- unless($title);
- my $args = { action => 'parse' };
- # If text has been specified, parse the text
- if($text) {
- # Append the if any [s occur in the text, and no is set
- # This ensures that we always have an anchor for refs
- $text .= "\n\n"
- if($text =~ /][/ && $text !~ //);
- $args -> {"title"} = $title;
- $args -> {"text"} = $text;
- # Otherwise fetch the contents of the page.
- } else {
- $args -> {"page"} = $title;
- }
- my $response = $self -> {"wikih"} -> api($args)
- or return $self -> self_error("Unable to process content in page $title. Error from the API was: ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"code"}.': '.$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"details"});
- # Might get a response with no parsed content, so check and handle that
- return $self -> self_error("No content returned when parsing text for $title")
- if(!$response -> {"parse"} -> {"text"} -> {"*"});
- return $response -> {"parse"} -> {"text"} -> {"*"};
-## @method $ transclude($pagename, $templatestr)
-# Call on the mediawiki api to convert the specified template string, doing any
-# transclusion necessary.
-# @param pagename The title of the page the transclusion appears on
-# @param templatestr The unescaped transclusion string, including the {{ }}
-# @return A string containing the transcluded content on success, undef otherwise.
-sub transclude {
- my $self = shift;
- my $pagename = shift;
- my $templatestr = shift;
- $self -> clear_error();
- my $response = $self -> {"wikih"} -> api({ action => 'expandtemplates',
- title => $pagename,
- prop => 'revisions',
- text => $templatestr} )
- or return $self -> self_error("Unable to process transclusion in page $pagename. Error from the API was: ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"code"}.': '.$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"details"});
- # Fall over if the query returned nothing. This probably shouldn't happen - the only situation I can
- # think of is when the target of the transclusion is itself empty, and we Don't Want That anyway.
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to obtain any content for transclusion in page $pagename")
- if(!$response -> {"expandtemplates"} -> {"*"});
- return $response -> {"expandtemplates"} -> {"*"};
-# ============================================================================
-# Media/image related
-## @method $ media_url($title)
-# Attempt to obtain the URL of the media file with the given title. This will assume
-# the media file can be accessed via the Image: namespace, and any namespace given
-# will be stripped before making the query
-# @param title The title of the media file to obtain the URL for
-# @return The URL to the media file, and empty string if it does not exist, or undef
-# on error.
-sub media_url {
- my $self = shift;
- my $title = shift;
- $self -> clear_error();
- # strip any existing namespace, if any
- $title =~ s/^.*?://;
- # Ask for the image information for this file
- my $ref = $self -> {"wikih"} -> api({ "action" => 'query',
- "titles" => "Image:$title",
- "prop" => 'imageinfo',
- "iiprop" => 'url' } )
- or return $self -> self_error("Unable to obtain image information from wiki. API error was: ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"code"}.": ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"details"});
- # get the page id and the page hashref with title and revisions
- my ($pageid, $pageref) = each %{ $ref -> {"query"} -> {"pages"} };
- # if the page is missing then return an empty string
- return '' if(defined($pageref -> {"missing"}));
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to obtain a URL for image $title: No imageinfo available") if(!$pageref -> {"imageinfo"});
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to obtain a URL for image $title: imageinfo is empty") if(!scalar(@{$pageref -> {"imageinfo"}}));
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to obtain a URL for image $title: imageinfo missing URL - ".Dumper($pageref)) if(!@{$pageref -> {"imageinfo"}}[0] -> {"url"});
- my $url = @{$pageref -> {"imageinfo"}}[0] -> {"url"};
- # Handle relative paths 'properly'...
- unless($url =~ /^http\:\/\//) {
- return $self -> self_error("The API returned a relative path for the URL for '$title'. You must provide a value for the files_url argument and try again.")
- if(!$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"config"} -> {"files_url"});
- $url = path_join($self -> {"wikih"} -> {"config"} -> {"files_url"}, $url);
- }
- return $url;
-## @method @ media_size($title)
-# Attempt to obtain the width and height of the media file with the given title.
-# This will assume the media file can be accessed via the Image: namespace, and
-# any namespace given will be stripped before making the query
-# @param title The title of the media file to obtain the URL for
-# @return The width and height of the media, (0, 0) if it does not exist, undef
-# on error.
-sub media_size {
- my $self = shift;
- my $title = shift;
- $self -> clear_error();
- # strip any existing namespace, if any
- $title =~ s/^.*?://;
- # Ask for the image information for this file
- my $ref = $self -> {"wikih"} -> api({ "action" => 'query',
- "titles" => "Image:$title",
- "prop" => 'imageinfo',
- "iiprop" => 'size' } )
- or return ($self -> self_error("Unable to obtain image information from wiki. API error was: ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"code"}.": ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"details"}), undef);
- # get the page id and the page hashref with title and revisions
- my ($pageid, $pageref) = each %{ $ref -> {"query"} -> {"pages"} };
- # if the page is missing then return an empty string
- return (0, 0) if(defined($pageref -> {"missing"}));
- my $width = @{$pageref -> {"imageinfo"}}[0] -> {"width"};
- my $height = @{$pageref -> {"imageinfo"}}[0] -> {"height"};
- # If both are zero, assume they are unobtainable
- return (undef, undef) if(!$width && !$height);
- # Otherwise return what we've got
- return ($width, $height);
-## @method $ download($title, $filename)
-# Attempt to download the file identified by the title from the wiki, and save it
-# to the specified title.
-# @param title The title of the file to download. Any namespace will be stripped!
-# @param filename The name of the file to write the contents to.
-# @return undef on success, otherwise an error message.
-sub download {
- my $self = shift;
- my $title = shift;
- my $filename = shift;
- $self -> clear_error();
- # Work out where the image is...
- my $url = $self -> media_url($title);
- return undef if(!defined($url));
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to obtain url for '$title'. This file does not exist in the wiki") if(!$url);
- # And download it
- return $self -> download_direct($url, $filename);
-## @method $ download_direct($url, $filename)
-# Download a file directly from the wiki, bypassing the normal API. This is generally
-# needed to obtain thumbnails or generated images (for example, .png files written by
-# the math tag). Note that this does not use the MediaWiki::API::download() method, but
-# it does borrow its LWP::UserAgent.
-# @param url The URL of the file to download. If this is relative, attempts are made
-# to make it an absolute URL.
-# @param filename The name of the file to save the download to.
-# @return true on success, undef on error
-sub download_direct {
- my $self = shift;
- my $url = shift;
- my $filename = shift;
- $self -> clear_error();
- # First, if the url does not start with https?, we need to prepend the server
- if($url !~ m|^https?://|i) {
- # We can't do a thing about dotted relative paths
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to process relative path in direct download request") if($url =~ /^\.\./);
- my ($server) = $self -> {"wikih"} -> {"config"} -> {"api_url"} =~ m|^(https?://[^/]+)|i;
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to obtain server from api url.") if(!$server);
- $url = path_join($server, $url);
- }
- my $response = $self -> {"wikih"} -> {"ua"} -> get($url, ":content_file" => $filename);
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to download $url. Response was: ".$response -> status_line())
- if(!$response -> is_success());
- return 1;
-## @method $ upload($filename, $title, $comment, $text, $ignorewarn)
-# Upload a file to the wiki. This allows a local file to be sent to the wiki, with
-# an optional comment and initial page text. Note that this will ignore warnings,
-# so existing files will be overwritten.
-# @param filename The file name of the local file to upload.
-# @param title The title to upload the file as to the wiki. If undef, the name part
-# of the filename is used.
-# @param comment A n optional comment to set on the file. If this is specified, but
-# text is not, this is also the initial page text.
-# @param text Optional page text to show on the file's page in the wiki.
-# @param ignorewarn If set to true (the default), the upload will ignore warnings -
-# forcing an upload regardless of whether the file already exists
-# or other non-fatal warnings are present. If set to false, warnings
-# will prevent upload, even if they are not fatal.
-# @return A string containing the page title on success, an empty string if warnings
-# were encountered (in which case the warnings are in errstr). undef on error.
-sub upload {
- my $self = shift;
- my $filename = shift;
- my $title = shift;
- my $comment = shift;
- my $text = shift;
- my $ignorewarn = shift;
- $ignorewarn = 1 unless(defined($ignorewarn));
- # If no title is set, use the name of the file stripping any extension
- ($title = $filename) =~ s|^(?:.*?/)?([^/]+)(\.\w+)?$|$1|
- if(!$title);
- # Query has a few optional bits, so add them as needed
- my $query = { action => 'upload',
- filename => $title,
- file => [$filename, $title] };
- $query -> {"ignorewarnings"} = 1 if($ignorewarn);
- $query -> {"comment"} = $comment if($comment);
- $query -> {"text"} = $text if($text);
- my $res = $self -> {"wikih"} -> edit($query)
- or return ($self -> self_error("Unable to perform upload. API error was: ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"code"}.": ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"details"}), undef);
- # This should never happen, all non-error results should have a 'result' field,
- # but I don't trust the API enough to not check it...
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to perform upload: no result defined.");
- unless(defined($res -> {"upload"} -> {"result"}));
- # All went well (or warnings are ignored), so return the filename with namespace
- return ("File:".$res -> {"upload"} -> {"filename"})
- if($res -> {"upload"} -> {"result"} eq "Success");
- # Failed due to warnings.
- if($res -> {"upload"} -> {"result"} eq "Warning") {
- $self -> self_error("Warnings prevented upload: ".$self -> warnings_to_str($res -> {"upload"} -> {"warnings"}));
- return '';
- }
- # This should never happen (errors should be caught by the edit call)
- return $self -> self_error("Unable to perform upload.");
-# ============================================================================
-# Convenience/support
-## @method $ wiki()
-# A convenience function to obtain a reference to the current MediaWiki::API object.
-# @return A reference to the MediaWiki::API object used by the MediaWiki::Simple object
-sub wiki {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self -> {"wikih"};
-## @method $ valid_namespace($namespace, $allow_talk, $minid, $maxid)
-# Determine whether the specified namespace exists in the wiki. This will return
-# true if the namespace exists, false if it does not.
-# @param namespace The namespace to look for in the wiki.
-# @param allow_talk If true, talk namespaces are allowed. Defaults to false.
-# @param minid Optional lower limit on the namespace ID, inclusive. Defaults to 0.
-# @param maxid Optional upper limit on the namespace ID, inclusive. Defaults to 32767.
-# @return The namespace ID if the namespace exists, -100 otherwise, undef on error.
-sub valid_namespace {
- my $self = shift;
- my $namespace = shift;
- my $allow_talk = shift;
- my $minid = shift;
- my $maxid = shift;
- $self -> clear_error();
- # Set defaults as needed. Note that, in practice, the minimum is actually -37628 (MediaWiki
- # uses a signed 16 bit value for namespace ids), but negatives are generally used for special
- # namespaces, so this pretends they don't exist. This may come back to bite me.
- $minid = 0 if(!defined($minid));
- $maxid = 32767 if(!defined($maxid));
- return $self -> self_error("Maximum namespace ID must be greater than the minimum ID!")
- unless($maxid > $minid);
- my $namespaces = $self -> {"wikih"} -> api({ action => 'query',
- meta => 'siteinfo',
- siprop => 'namespaces' })
- or return $self -> self_error("Unable to obtain namespace list from wiki. API error was: ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"code"}.": ".$self -> {"wikih"} -> {"error"} -> {"details"});
- # There may be no response from the server, so it needs to be checked first...
- if($namespaces -> {"query"} -> {"namespaces"}) {
- # As far as I know there's no specific way to ask the wiki if a specific namespace
- # exists, instead all the namespaces need to be checked to see whether one matches
- foreach my $id (keys(%{$namespaces -> {"query"} -> {"namespaces"}})) {
- my $name = $namespaces -> {"query"} -> {"namespaces"} -> {$id} -> {"*"};
- # Check that the name matches, is in ID range, and possibly isn't a talk page
- return $id if($name && ($name eq $namespace) && ($id >= $minid) && ($id <= $maxid) && ($allow_talk || $id % 2 == 0));
- }
- }
- # Can't return 0 on fail, as NS_MAIN is 0. -1 and -2 are SPECIAL and MEDIA, so blegh.
- return -100;
-# @method $ make_link($title, $name)
-# Generate a wiki link for the specified title. This is a simple convenience
-# function to wrap the specified title in the brackets needed to make
-# it into a link. If the specified title is '' or undef, this returns ''.
-# @param title The title to convert to a wiki link.
-# @param name An optional name to use instead of the title.
-# @return The link to the page with the specified title.
-sub make_link {
- my $self = shift;
- my $title = shift;
- my $name = shift;
- return $title ? '[['.$title.($name ? "|$name" : "").']]' : '';
-## @method $ make_anchor($text)
-# Convert the specified string into something that can be used as a mediawiki
-# anchor string.
-# @param text The text to convert.
-# @return The converted text.
-sub make_anchor {
- my $self = shift;
- my $text = shift;
- $text =~ s/ /_/g;
- $text = uri_encode($text, 1);
- # colons are actually allowed
- $text =~ s/%3A/:/gi;
- # Mediawiki uses . rather than % for escaped
- $text =~ s/%/./g;
- return $text;
-# ============================================================================
-# Ghastly internals
-## @method private $ warnings_to_str($warnings)
-# Given a hash of upload warnings, convert the warnings to a string suitable for
-# returning to the user in a human-readable format.
-# @param warnings A reference to a hash containing the warnings generated by
-# an upload operation.
-# @return A string containing the warning messages (may be an empty string if
-# no warnings are present).
-sub warnings_to_str {
- my $self = shift;
- my $warnings = shift || return ''; # Do nothing if there are no warnings
- my @entries;
- # Process each warning in the specified hash into a human-readable string
- # in the entries array...
- foreach my $warn (keys(%{$warnings})) {
- my $args = "";
- # Some warnings have useful values set that should be able to be substituted
- # into the human-readable warning string, so handle them here.
- given($warn) {
- when("duplicate") { $args = join(", ", @{$warnings -> {$warn}}); }
- when("badfilename") { $args = $warnings -> {$warn}; }
- }
- # Handle substitution of arguments as needed.
- my $msg = $self -> {"warningstr"} -> {$warn};
- $msg =~ s/%a/$args/g;
- push(@entries, $msg);
- }
- return join("; ", @entries);