Default create no longer relies on non-existent function, horay!

This commit is contained in:
Chris 2013-06-03 14:25:14 +01:00
parent 27adbf1dc3
commit 4071436458

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@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ sub create_user {
$self -> clear_error();
my $active = !$self -> capabilities("activate");
my $active = $self -> capabilities("activate") ? 0 : time();
my $newuser = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("INSERT INTO ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"users"}."
(user_auth, activated, username, created, last_login)
@ -108,7 +108,17 @@ sub create_user {
$newuser -> execute($authmethod, $active, $username)
or $self -> self_error("Unable to create new user record: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
return $self -> get_user($username);
# FIXME: This ties to MySQL, but is more reliable that last_insert_id in general.
# Try to find a decent solution for this mess...
my $userid = $self -> {"dbh"} -> {"mysql_insertid"};
return $self -> self_error("Unable to obtain id for user '$username'") if(!$userid);
my $userh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT * FROM ".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"users"}."
WHERE user_id = ?");
$userh -> execute($userid)
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to fetch user record: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
return $userh -> fetchrow_hashref();