Chris 26c5da2d5b Piggyback left menu generation off userbar code
They have so much in common there's little point in separating them
and having to generate the same URLs in both.
2017-01-09 23:43:17 +00:00

885 lines
36 KiB
Executable File

## @file
# This file contains the implementation of the ORB block base class.
# @author Chris Page <chris@starforge.co.uk>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## @class
package ORB;
use strict;
use experimental qw(smartmatch);
use v5.14;
use parent qw(Webperl::Block); # Features are just a specific form of Block
use CGI::Util qw(escape);
use HTML::Entities;
use Webperl::Utils qw(join_complex path_join hash_or_hashref);
use XML::Simple;
use DateTime;
use JSON;
# Hack the DateTime object to include the TO_JSON function needed to support
# JSON output of datetime objects. Outputs as ISO8601
sub DateTime::TO_JSON {
my $dt = shift;
return $dt -> format_cldr('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZZZZZ');
# ============================================================================
# Constructor
## @cmethod $ new(%args)
# Overloaded constructor for ORB block modules. This will ensure that a valid
# item id has been stored in the block object data.
# @param args A hash of values to initialise the object with. See the Block docs
# for more information.
# @return A reference to a new ORB object on success, undef on error.
sub new {
my $invocant = shift;
my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant;
my $self = $class -> SUPER::new(entitymap => { '&ndash;' => '-',
'&mdash;' => '-',
'&rsquo;' => "'",
'&lsquo;' => "'",
'&ldquo;' => '"',
'&rdquo;' => '"',
'&hellip;' => '...',
'&gt;' => '>',
'&lt;' => '<',
'&amp;' => '&',
'&nbsp;' => ' ',
api_auth_header => 'Private-Token',
api_auth_keylen => 24,
or return undef;
return $self;
# ============================================================================
# HTML generation support
## @method void redirect($url)
# Redirect the user to the specified url.
# @param url The URL to send the user to.
sub redirect {
my $self = shift;
my $url = shift;
# There is ambiguity about whether 302/303 responses should contain cookies,
# but all major browsers support doing this as of at least 2012 - see
# http://blog.dubbelboer.com/2012/11/25/302-cookie.html
print $self -> {"cgi"} -> redirect( -url => $url,
-charset => 'utf-8',
-cookie => $self -> {"session"} -> session_cookies());
# Prevent circular references from messing up shutdown
$self -> {"template"} -> set_module_obj(undef) if($self -> {"template"});
$self -> {"messages"} -> set_module_obj(undef) if($self -> {"messages"});
$self -> {"system"} -> clear() if($self -> {"system"});
$self -> {"appuser"} -> set_system(undef) if($self -> {"appuser"});
$self -> {"dbh"} -> disconnect() if($self -> {"dbh"});
$self -> {"logger"} -> end_log() if($self -> {"logger"});
## @method $ generate_orb_page(%args)
# A convenience function to wrap page content in the standard page template. This
# function allows blocks to embed their content in a page without having to build
# the whole page including "common" items themselves. It should be called to wrap
# the content when the block's page_display is returning. Supported arguments are:
# - `title`: The page title.
# - `content`: The content to show in the page.
# - `leftmenu`: Optional content to show in a left popup menu.
# - `extrahead`: Any extra directives to place in the header.
# - `extrajs`: Any extra javascript to place in the footer.
# - `doclink`: The name of a document link to include in the userbar. If not
# supplied, no link is shown.
# @return A string containing the page.
sub generate_orb_page {
my $self = shift;
my $args = hash_or_hashref(@_);
my $userbar = $self -> {"module"} -> load_module("ORB::Userbar");
my ($topbar, $leftbar) = $userbar -> block_display($args -> {"title"}, $self -> {"block"}, $args -> {"doclink"});
return $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("page.tem", {"%(extrahead)s" => $args -> {"extrahead"} // "",
"%(extrajs)s" => $args -> {"extrajs"} // "",
"%(title)s" => $args -> {"title"} // "",
"%(leftmenu)s" => $leftbar,
"%(userbar)s" => $topbar,
"%(content)s" => $args -> {"content"}});
## @method $ generate_errorbox(%args)
# Generate the HTML to show in the page when a fatal error has been encountered.
# The following options can be specified in the arguments:
# - `message`: The message to show in the page.
# - `title`: The title to use for the error. If not set "{L_FATAL_ERROR}" is used.
# @param args A hash, or reference to a hash, of options.
# @return A string containing the page
sub generate_errorbox {
my $self = shift;
my $args = hash_or_hashref(@_);
$self -> log("error:fatal", $args -> {"message"});
return ($args -> {"title"},
$self -> message_box(title => $args -> {"title"} // "{L_FATAL_ERROR}",
type => "error",
class => "alert",
summary => "{L_FATAL_ERROR_SUMMARY}",
message => $args -> {"message"},
buttons => [ { "message" => "{L_SITE_CONTINUE}",
"colour" => "standard",
"href" => "{V_[scriptpath]}"
## @method $ message_box(%args)
# Create a message box block to include in a page. This generates a templated
# message box to include in a page. It assumes the presence of messagebox.tem
# in the template directory, containing markers for a title, type, summary,
# long description and additional data. The type argument should correspond
# to an image in the {template}/images/messages/ directory without an extension.
# Supported arguments are:
# - `title`: The title of the message box.
# - `type`: The message type.
# - `class`: Optional additional classes to set on the box.
# - `summary`: A summary version of the message.
# - `message`: The full message body
# - `additional`: Any additional content to include in the message box.
# - `buttons`: Optional reference to an array of hashes containing button
# data. Each hash in the array should contain three keys:
# - `colour`: specifies the button colour
# - `href`: the href to set in the button
# - `message`: the message to show in the button.
# @param args A hash, or reference to a hash, of arguments.
# @return A string containing the message box.
sub message_box {
my $self = shift;
my $args = hash_or_hashref(@_);
my $buttonbar = "";
# Has the caller specified any buttons?
if($args -> {"buttons"}) {
# Build the list of buttons...
my $buttonlist = "";
foreach my $button (@{$args -> {"buttons"}}) {
$buttonlist .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("messagebox/button.tem",
{ "%(colour)s" => $button -> {"colour"},
"%(href)s" => $button -> {"href"},
"%(message)s" => $button -> {"message"}
# Shove into the bar
$buttonbar = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("messagebox/buttonbar.tem",
{ "%(buttons)s" => $buttonlist });
return $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("messagebox/box.tem",
{ "%(title)s" => $args -> {"title"},
"%(icon)s" => $args -> {"type"} // "important",
"%(summary)s" => $args -> {"summary"},
"%(message)s" => $args -> {"message"},
"%(additional)s" => $args -> {"additional"},
"%(class)s" => $args -> {"class"} // "secondary",
"%(buttons)s" => $buttonbar,
## @method $ pagemenu($active)
# Create a page menu to include at the top of pages that need menu listing pages
# @param active The active page letter, or undef if none are active.
# @return A string containing the page menu
sub pagemenu {
my $self = shift;
my $active = shift // "all";
my $pages = "";
foreach my $page ("0", "A" ... "Z", "All") {
my $url = $self -> build_url(block => "list",
pathinfo => [ $page ]);
$pages .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("navigation/pagemenu-page.tem",
{ "%(active)s" => (lc($active) eq lc($page) ? "active" : ""),
"%(page)s" => $page,
"%(url)s" => $url });
return $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("navigation/pagemenu.tem",
{ "%(pages)s" => $pages });
# ============================================================================
# Permissions/Roles related.
## @method $ check_permission($action, $contextid, $userid)
# Determine whether the user has permission to peform the requested action. This
# should be overridden in subclasses to provide actual checks.
# @param action The action the user is attempting to perform.
# @param contextid The ID of the metadata context the user is trying to perform
# an action in. If this is not given, the root context is used.
# @param userid The ID of the user to check the permissions for. If not
# specified, the current session user is used.
# @return true if the user has permission, false if they do not, undef on error.
sub check_permission {
my $self = shift;
my $action = shift;
my $contextid = shift || $self -> {"system"} -> {"roles"} -> {"root_context"};
my $userid = shift || $self -> {"session"} -> get_session_userid();
return $self -> {"system"} -> {"roles"} -> user_has_capability($contextid, $userid, $action);
## @method $ check_login()
# Determine whether the current user is logged in, and if not force them to
# the login form.
# @return undef if the user is logged in and has access, otherwise a page to
# send back with a permission error. If the user is not logged in, this
# will 'silently' redirect the user to the login form.
sub check_login {
my $self = shift;
# Anonymous users need to get punted over to the login form
if($self -> {"session"} -> anonymous_session()) {
$self -> log("error:anonymous", "Redirecting anonymous user to login form");
print $self -> {"cgi"} -> redirect($self -> build_login_url());
# Otherwise, permissions need to be checked
} elsif(!$self -> check_permission("view")) {
$self -> log("error:permission", "User does not have perission 'view'");
# Logged in, but permission failed
my $message = $self -> message_boc("{L_PERMISSION_FAILED_TITLE}",
[ {"message" => $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("SITE_CONTINUE"),
"colour" => "blue",
"action" => "location.href='{V_[scriptpath]}'"} ]);
return $self -> generate_orb_page(title => "{L_PERMISSION_FAILED_TITLE}",
content => $message);
return undef;
# ============================================================================
# API support
## @method $ is_api_operation()
# Determine whether the feature is being called in API mode, and if so what operation
# is being requested.
# @return A string containing the API operation name if the script is being invoked
# in API mode, undef otherwise. Note that, if the script is invoked in API mode,
# but no operation has been specified, this returns an empty string.
sub is_api_operation {
my $self = shift;
my @api = $self -> {"cgi"} -> multi_param('api');
# No api means no API mode.
return undef unless(scalar(@api));
# API mode is set by placing 'api' in the first api entry. The second api
# entry is the operation.
return $api[1] || "" if($api[0] eq 'api');
return undef;
## @method $ api_param($param, $hasval, $params)
# Determine whether an API parameter has been set, and optionally return
# its value. This checks through the list of API parameters specified and,
# if the named parameter is present, this will either return the value
# that follows it in the parameter list if $hasval is true, or it will
# simply return true to indicate the parameter is present.
# @param param The name of the API parameter to search for.
# @param hasval If true, expect the value following the parameter in the
# list of parameters to be the value thereof, and return it.
# If false, this will return true if the parameter is present.
# @param params An optional reference to a list of parameters. If making
# multiple calls to api_param, grabbing the api parameter
# list beforehand and passing a reference to that into each
# api_param call will help speed the process up a bit.
# @return The value for the parameter if it is set and hasval is true,
# otherwise true if the paramter is present. If the parameter is
# not present, this will return undef.
sub api_param {
my $self = shift;
my $param = shift;
my $hasval = shift;
my $params = shift;
if(!$params) {
my @api = $self -> {"cgi"} -> multi_param('api');
return undef unless(scalar(@api));
$params = \@api;
for(my $pos = 2; $pos < scalar(@{$params}); ++$pos) {
if($params -> [$pos] eq $param) {
return $hasval ? $params -> [$pos + 1] : 1;
return undef;
## @method $ api_errorhash($code, $message)
# Generate a hash that can be passed to api_response() to indicate that an error was encountered.
# @param code A 'code' to identify the error. Does not need to be numeric, but it
# should be short, and as unique as possible to the error.
# @param message The human-readable error message.
# @return A reference to a hash to pass to api_response()
sub api_errorhash {
my $self = shift;
my $code = shift;
my $message = shift;
return { 'error' => {
'info' => $message,
'code' => $code
## @method $ api_html_response($data)
# Generate a HTML response containing the specified data.
# @param data The data to send back to the client. If this is a hash, it is
# assumed to be the result of a call to api_errorhash() and it is
# converted to an appropriate error box. Otherwise, the data is
# wrapped in a minimal html wrapper for return to the client.
# @return The html response to send back to the client.
sub api_html_response {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
# Fix up error hash returns
$data = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("api/html_error.tem", {"%(code)s" => $data -> {"error"} -> {"code"},
"%(info)s" => $data -> {"error"} -> {"info"}})
if(ref($data) eq "HASH" && $data -> {"error"});
return $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("api/html_wrapper.tem", {"%(data)s" => $data});
## @method private $ _api_status($data)
# Based on the specified data hash, determine which HTTP status code
# to use in the response.
# @param data A reference to a hash containing the data that will be sent to
# the client.
# @return A HTTP status string, including code and message.
sub _api_status {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
return "200 OK"
unless(ref($data) eq "HASH" && $data -> {"error"} && $data -> {"error"} -> {"code"});
given($data -> {"error"} -> {"code"}) {
when("bad_request") { return "400 Bad Request"; }
when("not_found") { return "404 Not Found"; }
when("permission_error") { return "403 Forbidden"; }
when("general_error") { return "532 Lilliputian snotweasel foxtrot omegaforce"; }
default { return "500 Internal Server Error"; }
## @method private void _xml_api_response($data, %xmlopts)
# Print out the specified data as a XML response.
# @param data The data to send back to the client as XML.
# @param xmlopts Additional options passed to XML::Simple::XMLout. See the
# documentation for api_response() regarding this argument.
sub _xml_api_response {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
my %xmlopts = @_;
my $xmldata;
$xmlopts{"XMLDecl"} = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>'
$xmlopts{"KeepRoot"} = 0
$xmlopts{"RootName"} = 'api'
eval { $xmldata = XMLout($data, %xmlopts); };
$xmldata = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("xml/error_response.tem", { "%(code)s" => "encoding_failed",
"%(error)s" => "Error encoding XML response: $@"})
my $status = $self -> _api_status($data);
print $self -> {"cgi"} -> header(-type => 'application/xml',
-status => $status
-charset => 'utf-8');
if($ENV{MOD_PERL} && $status ne "200 OK") {
$self -> {"cgi"} -> r -> rflush();
$self -> {"cgi"} -> r -> status(200);
print Encode::encode_utf8($xmldata);
## @method private void _json_api_response($data)
# Print out the specified data as a JSON response.
# @param data The data to send back to the client as JSON.
sub _json_api_response {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
my $json = JSON -> new();
my $status = $self -> _api_status($data);
print $self -> {"cgi"} -> header(-type => 'application/json',
-status => $status,
-charset => 'utf-8');
if($ENV{MOD_PERL} && $status ne "200 OK") {
$self -> {"cgi"} -> r -> rflush();
$self -> {"cgi"} -> r -> status(200);
print Encode::encode_utf8($json -> pretty -> convert_blessed(1) -> encode($data));
## @method $ api_response($data, %xmlopts)
# Generate an API response containing the specified data. This function will not return
# if it is successful - it will return an response and exit. The content generated by
# this function will be either JSON or XML depending on whether the user has specified
# an appropriate 'format=' argument, whether a system default default is set, falling back
# on JSON otherwise.
# @param data A reference to a hash containing the data to send back to the client as an
# API response.
# @param xmlopts Options passed to XML::Simple::XMLout if the respons is in XML. Note that
# the following defaults are set for you:
# - XMLDecl is set to '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>'
# - KeepRoot is set to 0
# - RootName is set to 'api'
# @return Does not return if successful, otherwise returns undef.
sub api_response {
my $self = shift;
my $data = shift;
my @xmlopts = @_;
# What manner of result should be resulting?
my $format = $self -> {"settings"} -> {"API:format"} || "json";
$format = "json" if($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("format") && $self -> {"cgi"} -> param("format") =~ /^json$/i);
$format = "xml" if($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("format") && $self -> {"cgi"} -> param("format") =~ /^xml$/i);
given($format) {
when("xml") { $self -> _xml_api_response($data, @xmlopts); }
default { $self -> _json_api_response($data); }
$self -> {"template"} -> set_module_obj(undef);
$self -> {"messages"} -> set_module_obj(undef);
$self -> {"system"} -> clear() if($self -> {"system"});
$self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> {"app"} -> set_system(undef) if($self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> {"app"});
$self -> {"dbh"} -> disconnect();
$self -> {"logger"} -> end_log();
## @method $ api_token_login()
# Determine whether the client has sent an API token as part of the http request, and
# if so establish whether the key is valid and corresponds to a user in the system.
# This will set up the global session object to be 'logged in' as the key owner,
# if they key is valid. Note that methods that rely on or generate session cookies
# are not going to operate correctly when this is used: use only for API code!
# @note If using token auth, https *must* be used, or you may as well remove the
# auth code entirely.
# @return The ID of the user the token corresponds to on success, undef if the user
# has not provided a token header, or the token is not valid.
sub api_token_login {
my $self = shift;
$self -> clear_error();
my $key = $self -> {"cgi"} -> http($self -> {"api_auth_header"});
return undef unless($key);
my ($checkkey) = $key =~ /^(\w+)$/;
return undef unless($checkkey);
my $sha256 = Digest -> new('SHA-256');
$sha256 -> add($checkkey);
my $crypt = $sha256 -> hexdigest();
my $keyrec = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT `user_id`
FROM `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"apikeys"}."`
WHERE `token` = ?
AND `active` = 1
ORDER BY `created` DESC
LIMIT 1");
$keyrec -> execute($crypt)
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to look up api key: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr());
my $keydata = $keyrec -> fetchrow_hashref()
or return $self -> self_error("No matching api key record when looking for key '$checkkey'");
# This is a bit of a hack, but as long as it is called before any other session
# code in the API module, it'll fake a logged-in session.
$self -> {"session"} -> {"sessuser"} = $keydata -> {"user_id"};
return $keydata -> {"user_id"};
## @method $ api_token_generate($userid)
# Generate a guaranteed-unique API token/key for the specified user. This will record the
# new token in the database for later use, deactivating any previously-issued tokens for
# the user, and return a copy of the new token.
# @param userid The ID of the user to generate a token for
# @return The new token string on success, undef on error.
sub api_token_generate {
my $self = shift;
my $userid = shift;
my ($token, $crypt) = ('', '');
$self -> clear_error();
my $checkh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT `user_id`
FROM `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"apikeys"}."`
WHERE `token` = ?");
# Generate tokens until we hit one that isn't already defined.
do {
$token = join("", map { ("a".."z", "A".."Z", 0..9)[rand 62] } 1..$self -> {"api_auth_keylen"});
my $sha256 = Digest -> new('SHA-256');
$sha256 -> add($token);
$crypt = $sha256 -> hexdigest();
$checkh -> execute($crypt)
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to look up api token: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr());
} while($checkh -> fetchrow_hashref());
# Deactivate the user's old tokens
my $blockh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("UPDATE `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"apikeys"}."`
SET `active` = 0
WHERE `active` = 1 AND `user_id` = ?");
$blockh -> execute($userid)
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to deactivate old api tokens: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr());
# And add the new token
my $newh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("INSERT INTO `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"apikeys"}."`
(`user_id`, `token`, `created`)
my $row = $newh -> execute($userid, $crypt);
return $self -> self_error("Unable to store token for user '$userid': ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr) if(!$row);
return $self -> self_error("Insert failed for token for user '$userid': no rows inserted") if($row eq "0E0");
return $token;
# ============================================================================
# General utility
## @method void log($type, $message)
# Log the current user's actions in the system. This is a convenience wrapper around the
# Logger::log function.
# @param type The type of log entry to make, may be up to 64 characters long.
# @param message The message to attach to the log entry, avoid messages over 128 characters.
sub log {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $message = shift;
$message = "[Item:".($self -> {"itemid"} ? $self -> {"itemid"} : "none")."] $message";
$self -> {"logger"} -> log($type, $self -> {"session"} -> get_session_userid(), $self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), $message);
## @method $ set_saved_state()
# Store the current status of the script, including block, api, pathinfo, and querystring
# to session variables for later restoration.
# @return true on success, undef on error.
sub set_saved_state {
my $self = shift;
$self -> clear_error();
my $block = $self -> {"cgi"} -> param("block");
my $res = $self -> {"session"} -> set_variable("saved_block", $block);
return undef unless(defined($res));
my @pathinfo = $self -> {"cgi"} -> multi_param("pathinfo");
$res = $self -> {"session"} -> set_variable("saved_pathinfo", join("/", @pathinfo));
return undef unless(defined($res));
my @api = $self -> {"cgi"} -> multi_param("api");
$res = $self -> {"session"} -> set_variable("saved_api", join("/", @api));
return undef unless(defined($res));
# Convert the query parameters to a string, skipping the block, pathinfo, and api
my @names = $self -> {"cgi"} -> param;
my @qstring = ();
foreach my $name (@names) {
next if($name eq "block" || $name eq "pathinfo" || $name eq "api");
my @vals = $self -> {"cgi"} -> param($name);
foreach my $val (@vals) {
push(@qstring, escape($name)."=".escape($val));
$res = $self -> {"session"} -> set_variable("saved_qstring", join("&amp;", @qstring));
return undef unless(defined($res));
return 1;
## @method @ get_saved_state()
# A convenience wrapper around Session::get_variable() for fetching the state saved in
# build_login_url().
# @return An array of strings, containing the block, pathinfo, api, and query string.
sub get_saved_state {
my $self = shift;
# Yes, these use set_variable. set_variable will return the value in the
# variable, like get_variable, except that this will also delete the variable
return ($self -> {"session"} -> set_variable("saved_block"),
$self -> {"session"} -> set_variable("saved_pathinfo"),
$self -> {"session"} -> set_variable("saved_api"),
$self -> {"session"} -> set_variable("saved_qstring"));
## @method $ cleanup_entities($html)
# Wrangle the specified HTML into something that won't produce an unholy mess when
# passed to something that doesn't handle UTF-8 properly.
# @param html The HTML to process
# @return A somewhat cleaned-up string of HTML
sub cleanup_entities {
my $self = shift;
my $html = shift;
$html =~ s/\r//g;
return encode_entities($html, '^\n\x20-\x7e');
# ============================================================================
# URL building
## @method $ build_login_url()
# Attempt to generate a URL that can be used to redirect the user to a login form.
# The user's current query state (course, block, etc) is stored in a session variable
# that can later be used to bring them back to the location this was called from.
# @return A relative login form redirection URL.
sub build_login_url {
my $self = shift;
# Store as much state as possible to restore after login (does not store POST
# data!)
$self -> set_saved_state();
return $self -> build_url(block => "login",
fullurl => 1,
pathinfo => [],
params => {},
forcessl => 1);
## @method $ build_return_url($fullurl)
# Pulls the data out of the session saved state, checks it for safety,
# and returns the URL the user should be redirected/linked to to return to the
# location they were attempting to access before login.
# @param fullurl If set to true, the generated url will contain the protocol and
# host. Otherwise the URL will be absolute from the server root.
# @return A relative return URL.
sub build_return_url {
my $self = shift;
my $fullurl = shift;
my ($block, $pathinfo, $api, $qstring) = $self -> get_saved_state();
# Return url block should never be "login"
$block = $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"default_block"} if($block eq "login" || !$block);
# Build the URL from them
return $self -> build_url("block" => $block,
"pathinfo" => $pathinfo,
"api" => $api,
"params" => $qstring,
"fullurl" => $fullurl);
## @method $ build_url(%args)
# Build a url suitable for use at any point in the system. This takes the args
# and attempts to build a url from them. Supported arguments are:
# * fullurl - if set, the resulting URL will include the protocol and host. Defaults to
# false (URL is absolute from the host root).
# * block - the name of the block to include in the url. If not set, the current block
# is used if possible, otherwise the system-wide default block is used.
# * pathinfo - Either a string containing the pathinfo, or a reference to an array
# containing pathinfo fragments. If not set, the current pathinfo is used.
# * api - api fragments. If the first element is not "api", it is added.
# * params - Either a string containing additional query string parameters to add to
# the URL, or a reference to a hash of additional query string arguments.
# Values in the hash may be references to arrays, in which case multiple
# copies of the parameter are added to the query string, one for each
# value in the array.
# * forcessl - If true, the URL is forced to https: rather than http:
# * anchor - Optional anchor name to append to the URL after #
# @param args A hash of arguments to use when building the URL.
# @return A string containing the URL.
sub build_url {
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $base = "";
# Default the block, item, and API fragments if needed and possible
$args{"block"} = ($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("block") || $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"default_block"})
if(!defined($args{"pathinfo"})) {
my @cgipath = $self -> {"cgi"} -> multi_param("pathinfo");
$args{"pathinfo"} = \@cgipath if(scalar(@cgipath));
if(!defined($args{"api"})) {
my @cgiapi = $self -> {"cgi"} -> multi_param("api");
$args{"api"} = \@cgiapi if(scalar(@cgiapi));
# Convert the pathinfo and api to slash-delimited strings
my $pathinfo = join_complex($args{"pathinfo"}, joinstr => "/");
my $api = join_complex($args{"api"}, joinstr => "/");
# Force the API call to start 'api' if it doesn't
$api = "api/$api" if($api && $api !~ m|^/?api|);
# build the query string parameters.
my $querystring = join_complex($args{"params"}, joinstr => ($args{"joinstr"} || "&amp;"), pairstr => "=", escape => 1);
# building the URL involves shoving the bits together. path_join is intelligent enough to ignore
# anything that is undef or "" here, so explicit checks beforehand should not be needed.
my $url = path_join($self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"scriptpath"}, $args{"block"}, $pathinfo, $api);
$url = path_join($self -> {"cgi"} -> url(-base => 1), $url)
# Strip block, pathinfo, and api from the query string if they've somehow made it in there.
# Note this can't simply be made 'eg' as the progressive match can leave a trailing &
if($querystring) {
while($querystring =~ s{((?:&(?:amp;))?)(?:api|block|pathinfo)=[^&]+(&?)}{$1 && $2 ? "&" : ""}e) {}
$url .= "?$querystring";
$url =~ s/^http:/https:/
if($args{"forcessl"} && $url =~ /^http:/);
$url .= "#".$args{"anchor"} if($args{"anchor"});
return $url;
# ============================================================================
# Documentation support
## @method $ get_documentation_url($doclink)
# Given a documentation link name, obtain the URL associated with that name.
# @param doclink The name of the documentation link to fetch.
# @return The documentation URL if the doclink is valid, undef otherwise.
sub get_documentation_url {
my $self = shift;
my $doclink = shift;
$self -> clear_error();
# No point trying anything if there is no link name set.
return undef if(!$doclink);
my $urlh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT `url`
FROM `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"docs"}."`
WHERE `name` LIKE ?");
$urlh -> execute($doclink)
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to look up documentation link: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
# Fetch the url row, and if one has been found return it.
my $url = $urlh -> fetchrow_arrayref();
return $url ? $url -> [0] : undef;