BLOCK_VALIDATE_NOTSET = No value provided for '***field***', this field is required. BLOCK_VALIDATE_TOOSHORT = The value provided for '***field***' is too short. ***minlen*** or more characters must be provided for this field. BLOCK_VALIDATE_TOOLONG = The value provided for '***field***' is too long. No more than ***maxlen*** characters can be provided for this field. BLOCK_VALIDATE_BADCHARS = The value provided for '***field***' contains illegal characters. ***desc*** BLOCK_VALIDATE_BADFORMAT = The value provided for '***field***' is not valid. ***desc*** BLOCK_VALIDATE_DBERR = Unable to look up the value for '***field***' in the database. Error was: ***dberr***. BLOCK_VALIDATE_BADOPT = The value selected for '***field***' is not a valid option. BLOCK_VALIDATE_SCRUBFAIL = No content was left after cleaning the contents of html field '***field***'. BLOCK_VALIDATE_TIDYFAIL = htmltidy failed for field '***field***'. BLOCK_VALIDATE_CHKERRS = ***error*** html errors where encountered while validating '***field***'. Clean up the html and try again. BLOCK_VALIDATE_CHKFAIL = Validation of '***field***' failed. Error from the W3C validator was: ***error***. BLOCK_VALIDATE_NOTNUMBER = The value provided for '***field***' is not a valid number. BLOCK_VALIDATE_RANGEMIN = The value provided for '***field***' is out of range (minimum is ***min***) BLOCK_VALIDATE_RANGEMAX = The value provided for '***field***' is out of range (maximum is ***max***) BLOCK_ERROR_TITLE = Fatal System Error BLOCK_ERROR_SUMMARY = The system has encountered an unrecoverable error. BLOCK_ERROR_TEXT = A serious error has been encountered while processing your request. The following information was generated by the system, please contact about this, including this error and a description of what you were doing when it happened!

***error*** BLOCK_ERROR_BADENUM = Unable to fetch enum values from ***table***.***col***: ***errstr***