#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Note: above -w flag should be removed in production, as it will cause warnings in # 3rd party modules to appear in the server error log use utf8; use v5.12; use lib qw(/var/www/webperl); use FindBin; # Work out where the script is, so module and config loading can work. my $scriptpath; BEGIN { if($FindBin::Bin =~ /(.*)/) { $scriptpath = $1; } } use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser set_message); # Catch as many fatals as possible and send them to the user as well as stderr use lib "$scriptpath/modules"; my $contact = 'contact@email.address'; # global contact address, for error messages # System modules use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser set_message); # Catch as many fatals as possible and send them to the user as well as stderr # Webperl modules use Webperl::Application; # Webapp modules use ORB::AppUser; use ORB::BlockSelector; use ORB::System; delete @ENV{qw(PATH IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; # Clean up ENV # install more useful error handling sub handle_errors { my $msg = shift; print "

Software error

\n"; print '

Server time: ',scalar(localtime()),'
Error was:

'; print '

Please report this error to ',$contact,' giving the text of this error and the time and date at which it occured

'; } set_message(\&handle_errors); do { my $app = Webperl::Application -> new(appuser => ORB::AppUser -> new(), system => ORB::System -> new(), block_selector => ORB::BlockSelector -> new()) or die "Unable to create application"; $app -> run(); }