NEW_TITLE = Create Recipe NEW_CREATE = Add Recipe NEW_ERRORS = Unable to create recipe; the following errors have been encountered: EDIT_TITLE = Edit Recipe EDIT_EDIT = Edit Recipe EDIT_ERRORS = Unable to edit recipe; the following errors have been encountered: CLONE_TITLE = Clone Recipe CLONE_CLONE = Clone Recipe CLONE_ERRORS = Unable to clone recipe; the following errors have been encountered: RECIPE_NAME = Name RECIPE_NAME_DOC = The name of the recipe RECIPE_NAME_PH = Recipe name RECIPE_SOURCE = Source RECIPE_SOURCE_DOC = Information about the source this recipe was based on RECIPE_SOURCE_PH = http://source.url RECIPE_YIELD = Yield RECIPE_YIELD_DOC = How many servings does this recipe make? RECIPE_YIELD_PH = X servings RECIPE_PREPINFO = Prep info RECIPE_PREPINFO_DOC = How much time each step of the recipe take? RECIPE_PREPINFO_PH = 10 min prep + 20 min cook RECIPE_PREPTIME = Preparation time required RECIPE_PREPTIME_DOC = How long does this recipe take to prepare? RECIPE_PREPTIME_PH = 30 minutes RECIPE_COOKTIME = Cooking time required RECIPE_COOKTIME_DOC = How long does this recipe take to cook? RECIPE_COOKTIME_PH = 30 minutes RECIPE_OVENTEMP = Oven preheat RECIPE_OVENTEMP_DOC = Initial oven temperature (show changes in method) RECIPE_OVENTEMP_PH = None RECIPE_TYPE = Type RECIPE_STATUS = Status RECIPE_TAGS = Tags RECIPE_UNITS = Units RECIPE_PREP = Prep method RECIPE_ADD_SEP = Add Separator RECIPE_ADD_INGRED = Add Ingredient RECIPE_ADD_INGRED5 = Add 5 Ingredients RECIPE_ADD_INGRED10 = Add 10 Ingredients RECIPE_INGREDIENTS = Ingredients RECIPE_ING_QUANT_PH = Quantity RECIPE_ING_ING_PH = Ingredient RECIPE_ING_NOTE_PH = Notes RECIPE_ING_SEP_PH = Separator text RECIPE_ING_DELETE = Delete RECIPE_ING_FORMAT = Ingredient names and separators may only contain alphanumrics, -, _, comma, period, colon, semi-colon, parenthesis, ampersand, octothorpe, * and backslash RECIPE_METHOD = Method RECIPE_NOTES = Notes ERR_NAMEFORMAT = Unsupported characters in the recipe name: only alphanumerics, _, -, comma, space, and period are supported. ERR_TAGFORMAT = Unsupported characters in tag name: only alphanumerics, _, -, and space are supported. ERR_BADSEPNAME = Unsupported characters in separator name: only alphanumerics, _, -, comma, space, and period are supported. ERR_BADQUANTITY = No quantity specified for ingredient. ERR_BADNOTES = Unsupported characters in ingredient notes: only alphanumerics, (, ), _, -, comma, space, and period are supported. ERR_JSONFORMAT = Unknown or corrupt data in ingredient JSON EDIT_FAILED_BADID = Unable to edit recipe: the specified recipe identifier is invalid. EDIT_FAILED_NOTFOUND = Unable to locate a recipe with the specified identifier.