Move code that can be common to New and Edit into a common parent

This commit is contained in:
Chris 2018-07-27 12:04:17 +01:00
parent e70268dfac
commit bd23733166
2 changed files with 553 additions and 129 deletions

blocks/ORB/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
## @file
# This file contains functions that can be common to the New and Edit pages
# @author Chris Page <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see
## @class
package ORB::Common;
use strict;
use parent qw(ORB); # This class extends the ORB block class
use experimental qw(smartmatch);
use v5.14;
use JSON;
# How many ingredient rows should appear in the empty form?
# ============================================================================
# Page generation support functions
## @method private $ _build_timereq($seconds)
# Given a time requirement in seconds, generate a string representing
# the time required in the form "X days, Y hours and Z minues",
# optionally dropping parts of the string depending on whether
# X, Y, or Z are zero.
# @param seconds The number of seconds required to make the recipe.
# @return A string representing the seconds.
sub _build_timereq {
my $self = shift;
my $seconds = shift;
my $days = int($seconds / (24 * 60 * 60));
my $hours = ($seconds / (60 * 60)) % 24;
my $mins = ($seconds / 60) % 60;
# FIXME: localisation needed?
my @parts = ();
push(@parts, "$days days") if($days);
push(@parts, "$hours hours") if($hours);
push(@parts, "$mins minutes") if($mins);
my $count = scalar(@parts);
if($count == 3) {
return $parts[0].", ".$parts[1]." and ".$parts[2];
} elsif($count == 2) {
return $parts[0]." and ".$parts[1];
} elsif($count == 1) {
return $parts[0];
return "";
## @method private $ _build_temptypes()
# Generate a list of temperature types supported by the system in a form
# suitable for using during validation and as an argument to build_optionlist()
# @return A reference to an array of {name => "", value => ""} hashes
# representing the supported temperature types
sub _build_temptypes {
my $self = shift;
return $self -> {"temptypes"}
if($self -> {"temptypes"});
# Supported types are in the column enum list
my $tempenum = $self -> get_enum_values($self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"recipes"}, "temptype");
return $tempenum
unless(ref($tempenum) eq "ARRAY");
# convert to something build_optionlist will understand
map { $_ = { name => $_, value => $_ } } @{$tempenum};
$self -> {"temptypes"} = $tempenum;
return $self -> {"temptypes"};
## @method private $ _get_units()
# Generate the list of supported units in the system. This creates a
# units list (and caches it) that can be used for validation and
# generating the unit options in the ingredients list.
# @return A reference to an array of {name => "", value => ""} hashes
# representing the supported units
sub _get_units {
my $self = shift;
return $self -> {"units"}
if($self -> {"units"});
$self -> {"units"} = [
{ value => "None", name => "- Units -" },
@{ $self -> {"system"} -> {"entities"} -> {"units"} -> as_options(1) }
return $self -> {"units"};
## @method private $ _get_prepmethods()
# Generate the list of supported preparation methods in the system. This
# creates a prep methods list (and caches it) that can be used for
# validation and generating the prep method options in the ingredients list.
# @return A reference to an array of {name => "", value => ""} hashes
# representing the supported prep methods
sub _get_prepmethods {
my $self = shift;
return $self -> {"preps"}
if($self -> {"preps"});
$self -> {"preps"} = [
{ value => "None", name => "- Prep -" },
@{ $self -> {"system"} -> {"entities"} -> {"prep"} -> as_options(1) }
return $self -> {"preps"};
## @method private $ _build_ingredients($args)
# Generate the list of ingredients to show in the form. If there are no
# pre-existing ingredients defined in the supplied args hash, this will
# generate DEFAULT_INGREDIENT_COUNT empty ingredients.
# @param args A reference to a hash of arguments including an
# `ingredients` arrayref.
# @return A string containing the ingredients list.
sub _build_ingredients {
my $self = shift;
my $args = shift;
my @ingreds = ();
# Need units and prep methods for generation
my $units = $self -> _get_units();
my $preps = $self -> _get_prepmethods();
# If any ingredients are present in the argument list, push them into templated strings
if($args -> {"ingredients"} && scalar(@{$args -> {"ingredients"}})) {
foreach my $ingred (@{$args -> {"ingredients"}}) {
# Ensure we never try to deal with undef elements in the array
next unless($ingred);
# Which template to use depends on whether this is a separator
my $template = $ingred -> {"separator"} ? "new/separator.tem" : "new/ingredient.tem";
my $unitopts = $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($units, $args -> {"units"});
my $prepopts = $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($preps, $args -> {"prep"});
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template($template,
{ "%(quantity)s" => $ingred -> {"quantity"},
"%(name)s" => $ingred -> {"name"},
"%(notes)s" => $ingred -> {"notes"},
"%(units)s" => $unitopts,
"%(preps)s" => $prepopts,
# if the ingredient list is empty, generate some empties
} else {
# Only need to calculate these once for the empty ingredients
my $unitopts = $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($units);
my $prepopts = $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($preps);
for(my $i = 0; $i < DEFAULT_INGREDIENT_COUNT; ++$i) {
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("new/ingredient.tem",
{ "%(quantity)s" => "",
"%(name)s" => "",
"%(notes)s" => "",
"%(units)s" => $unitopts,
"%(preps)s" => $prepopts,
return join("", @ingreds);
# ============================================================================
# Validation support
## @method private $ _validate_separator($args, $sepdata)
# Validate the values specified for a separator in the ingredient list.
# @param args A reference to a hash containing the validated recipe values.
# @param ingdata A reference to a hash containing the separator data to validate.
# @return The empty string on success, otherwise a string containing errors
# encountered during validation.
sub _validate_separator {
my $self = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $sepdata = shift;
# check that the separator name is valid
if($sepdata -> {"name"} =~ /$self->{formats}->{sepname}/) {
push(@{$args -> {"ingredients"}}, { "separator" => 1,
"name" => $sepdata -> {"name"}} );
return "";
} else {
return $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem",
{ "%(error)s" => "{L_ERR_BADSEPNAME}" });
## @method private $ _validate_ingredient_option($value, $name, $options)
# Validate the value specified for an option (unit or prepmethod) specified
# for an ingredient in the ingredient list.
# @param value The value to validate.
# @param name The name of the field being validated.
# @param options A reference to a list of options to validate the value against.
sub _validate_ingredient_option {
my $self = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $options = shift;
foreach my $check (@{$options}) {
if(ref($check) eq "HASH") {
return ($value, undef) if($check -> {"value"} eq $value);
} else {
return ($value, undef) if($check eq $value);
return ("", $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("BLOCK_VALIDATE_BADOPT", {"***field***" => $name}));
## @method private $ _validate_ingredient($args, $ingdata)
# Validate the values specified for an ingredient in the ingredient list.
# @param args A reference to a hash containing the validated ingredient data.
# @param ingdata A reference to a hash containing the ingredient data to check.
# @return The empty string on success, otherwise a string containing errors
# encountered during validation.
sub _validate_ingredient {
my $self = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $ingdata = shift;
my ($error, $errors) = ("", "");
# Do nothing unless something has been set for the quantity and name
return ""
unless($ingdata -> {"quantity"} && $ingdata -> {"name"});
# Start accumulating ingredient data here
my $ingredient = {
"separator" => 0,
"notes" => "",
# Quantity valid?
if($ingdata -> {"quantity"} =~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/) {
$ingredient -> {"quantity"} = $ingdata -> {"quantity"};
} else {
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem",
{ "%(error)s" => "{L_ERR_BADQUANTITY}" });
# Name valid?
if($ingdata -> {"name"} =~ /$self->{formats}->{ingredient}/) {
$ingredient -> {"name"} = $ingdata -> {"name"};
} else {
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem",
{ "%(error)s" => "{L_ERR_BADINGNAME}" });
# Notes get copied, as long as they don't contain junk
if($ingdata -> {"notes"}) {
if($ingdata -> {"notes"} =~ /$self->{formats}->{notes}/) {
$ingredient -> {"notes"} = $ingdata -> {"notes"};
} else {
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem",
{ "%(error)s" => "{L_ERR_BADNOTES}" });
# Units and prep method are option lists, so check them
($ingredient -> {"units"}, $error) = $self -> _validate_ingredient_option($ingdata -> {"units"},
$self -> _get_units());
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
($ingredient -> {"prep"}, $error) = $self -> _validate_ingredient_option($ingdata -> {"prep"},
$self -> _get_prepmethods());
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
# Store everything that passed validation
push(@{$args -> {"ingredients"}}, $ingredient);
return $errors;
## @method private $ _validate_ingredients($args)
# Validate the values supplied for the recipe's ingredients.
# @param args A reference to the hash to store the ingredients data in.
# @return An empty string on success, otherwise a string containing one or
# more error messages wrapped in <li></li>
sub _validate_ingredients {
my $self = shift;
my $args = shift;
my ($error, $errors) = ( "", "");
($args -> {"ingdata"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("ingdata", { required => 1,
default => "",
nicename => "{L_NEW_INGREDIENTS}",
encode => 0,
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
print STDERR "JSON:".$args -> {"ingdata"}."\n";
my $ingdata = eval { decode_json($args -> {"ingdata"}) };
return $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => "{L_ERR_JSONFORMAT}: $@" })
foreach my $ingred (@{$ingdata -> {"ingredients"}}) {
if($ingred -> {"separator"}) {
$errors .= $self -> _validate_separator($args, $ingred);
} else {
$errors .= $self -> _validate_ingredient($args, $ingred);
return $errors;
## @method private $ _validate_recipe($temptypes)
# Validate the values supplied by the user for the recipe. If the values are
# all correct, this will create a new recipe before returning.
# @return An array of two values: the first is a reference to a hash of
# valid or default recipe field values, the second is a string
# containing error messages, or the empty string if everything
# passed validation.
sub _validate_recipe {
my $self = shift;
my ($args, $error, $errors) = ( {}, "", "" );
# <label>{L_NEW_NAME}
($args -> {"name"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("name", { required => 1,
default => "",
minlen => 4,
maxlen => 80,
nicename => "{L_NEW_NAME}",
formattest => $self -> {"formats"} -> {"recipename"},
formatdesc => "{L_ERR_NAMEFORMAT}"
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
# <label>{L_NEW_SOURCE}
($args -> {"source"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("source", { required => 0,
default => "",
maxlen => 255,
nicename => "{L_NEW_SOURCE}"
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
# <label>{L_NEW_YIELD}
($args -> {"yield"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("yield", { required => 0,
default => "",
maxlen => 80,
nicename => "{L_NEW_SOURCE}"
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
# <label>{L_NEW_PREPINFO}
($args -> {"timereq"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("timereq", { required => 0,
default => "",
maxlen => 255,
nicename => "{L_NEW_PREPINFO}"
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
# <label>{L_NEW_TIMEREQ}
($args -> {"timesecs"}, $error) = $self -> validate_numeric("timesecs", { required => 1,
default => 0,
intonly => 1,
min => 1,
nicename => "{L_NEW_TIMEREQ}"
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
$args -> {"timemins"} = int($args -> {"timesecs"} / 60);
# <label>{L_NEW_OVENTEMP}
($args -> {"temp"}, $error) = $self -> validate_numeric("temp", { required => 0,
default => 0,
intonly => 1,
nicename => "{L_NEW_OVENTEMP}"
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
my $temptypes = $self -> _build_temptypes();
($args -> {"temptype"}, $error) = $self -> validate_options("temptype", { required => 0,
default => "N/A",
source => $temptypes,
nicename => "{L_NEW_OVENTEMP}"
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
# <label>{L_NEW_TYPE}
my $types = $self -> {"system"} -> {"entities"} -> {"types"} -> as_options();
($args -> {"type"}, $error) = $self -> validate_options("type", { required => 1,
source => $types,
nicename => "{L_NEW_TYPE}"
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
# <label>{L_NEW_STATUS}
my $states = $self -> {"system"} -> {"entities"} -> {"states"} -> as_options(0, visible => {value => 1});
($args -> {"status"}, $error) = $self -> validate_options("status", { required => 1,
source => $states,
nicename => "{L_NEW_STATUS}"
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
# <label>{L_NEW_TAGS}
my @tags = $self -> {"cgi"} -> multi_param("tags");
my @taglist = ();
foreach my $tag (@tags) {
if($tag =~ /$self->{formats}->{tags}/) {
push(@taglist, $tag);
} else {
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => "{L_ERR_TAGFORMAT}" });
$args -> {"tags"} = join(",", @taglist);
# Ingredients need to be validated in their own function because this is entirely too long already, like this line
$errors .= $self -> _validate_ingredients($args);
# <label>{L_NEW_METHOD}
($args -> {"method"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("method", { required => 1,
default => "",
minlen => 4,
nicename => "{L_NEW_METHOD}",
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
# <label>{L_NEW_NOTES}
($args -> {"notes"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("notes", { required => 0,
default => "",
nicename => "{L_NEW_NOTES}"
$errors .= $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem", { "%(error)s" => $error })
return ($args, undef);

View File

@ -20,136 +20,50 @@
package ORB::New;
use strict;
use parent qw(ORB); # This class extends the ORB block class
use parent qw(ORB::Common); # This class extends the ORB common class
use experimental qw(smartmatch);
use v5.14;
# How many ingredient rows should appear in the empty form?
use JSON;
## @method private $ _build_timereq($seconds)
# Given a time requirement in seconds, generate a string representing
# the time required in the form "X days, Y hours and Z minues",
# optionally dropping parts of the string depending on whether
# X, Y, or Z are zero.
# ============================================================================
# UI handler/dispatcher functions
## @method $ _generate_new()
# Build the page containing the user creation form.
# @param seconds The number of seconds required to make the recipe.
# @return A string representing the seconds.
sub _build_timereq {
my $self = shift;
my $seconds = shift;
my $days = int($seconds / (24 * 60 * 60));
my $hours = ($seconds / (60 * 60)) % 24;
my $mins = ($seconds / 60) % 60;
# localisation needed...
my @parts = ();
push(@parts, "$days days") if($days);
push(@parts, "$hours hours") if($hours);
push(@parts, "$mins minutes") if($mins);
my $count = scalar(@parts);
if($count == 3) {
return $parts[0].", ".$parts[1]." and ".$parts[2];
} elsif($count == 2) {
return $parts[0]." and ".$parts[1];
} elsif($count == 1) {
return $parts[0];
return "";
sub _build_temptypes {
my $self = shift;
my $default = shift;
# Supported types are in the column enum list
my $tempenum = $self -> get_enum_values($self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"recipes"}, "temptype");
return $tempenum
unless(ref($tempenum) eq "ARRAY");
# convert to something build_optionlist will understand
map { $_ = { name => $_, value => $_ } } @{$tempenum};
return $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($tempenum, $default);
sub _get_units {
my $self = shift;
return $self -> {"units"}
if($self -> {"units"});
$self -> {"units"} = [
{ value => "None", name => "None" },
@{ $self -> {"system"} -> {"entities"} -> {"units"} -> as_options(1) }
return $self -> {"units"};
sub _build_ingredients {
my $self = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $units = shift;
my $preps = shift;
my @ingreds = ();
# If any ingredients are present in the argument list, push them into templated strings
if($args -> {"ingredients"} && scalar(@{$args -> {"ingredients"}})) {
foreach my $ingred (@{$args -> {"ingredients"}}) {
# Ensure we never try to deal with undef elements in the array
next unless($ingred);
# Which template to use depends on whether this is a separator
my $template = $ingred -> {"separator"} ? "new/separator.tem" : "new/ingredient.tem";
my $unitopts = $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($units, $args -> {"units"});
my $prepopts = $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($preps, $args -> {"prep"});
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template($template,
{ "%(quantity)s" => $ingred -> {"quantity"},
"%(name)s" => $ingred -> {"name"},
"%(notes)s" => $ingred -> {"notes"},
"%(units)s" => $unitopts,
"%(preps)s" => $prepopts,
# if the ingredient list is empty, generate some empties
} else {
# Only need to calculate these once for the empty ingredients
my $unitopts = $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($units);
my $prepopts = $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($preps);
for(my $i = 0; $i < DEFAULT_INGREDIENT_COUNT; ++$i) {
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("new/ingredient.tem",
{ "%(quantity)s" => "",
"%(name)s" => "",
"%(notes)s" => "",
"%(units)s" => $unitopts,
"%(preps)s" => $prepopts,
return join("", @ingreds);
# @return An array containing the page title, content, extra header data, and
# extra javascript content.
sub _generate_new {
my $self = shift;
my ($args, $errors);
# User must have recipe create to proceed.
return $self -> _fatal_error("{L_PERMISSION_FAILED_SUMMARY}")
unless($self -> check_permission('recipe.create'));
if($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("newrecipe")) {
$self -> log("", "User has submitted data for new recipe");
# Do all the validation, and if there's no errors then add the recipe
($args, $errors) = $self -> _validate_recipe();
if(!$errors) {
# No errors, try adding the recipe
$args -> {"creatorid"} = $self -> {"session"} -> get_session_userid();
$args -> {"id"} = $self -> {"system"} -> {"recipe"} -> create($args)
or $errors = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_item.tem",
{ "%(error)s" => $self -> {"system"} -> {"recipe"} -> errstr() });
# Did the addition work? If so, send the user to the view page for the new recipe
return $self -> redirect($self -> build_url(block => "view",
pathinfo => [ $args -> {"id"} ],
params => "",
api => []))
# Wrap the errors if there are any
if($errors) {
$self -> log("new", "Errors detected in addition: $errors");
@ -158,16 +72,17 @@ sub _generate_new {
$errors = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/page_error.tem", { "%(message)s" => $errorlist });
# Prebuild arrays for units and prep methods
# Prebuild arrays for temptypes, units, and prep methods
my $temptypes = $self -> _build_temptypes();
my $units = $self -> _get_units();
my $preps = $self -> {"system"} -> {"entities"} -> {"prep"} -> as_options(1);
my $preps = $self -> _get_prepmethods();
# And convert them to optionlists for the later template call
my $unitopts = $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($units);
my $prepopts = $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($preps);
# Build the list of ingredients
my $ingredients = $self -> _build_ingredients($args, $units, $preps);
my $ingredients = $self -> _build_ingredients($args);
# Build up the type and status data
my $typeopts = $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($self -> {"system"} -> {"entities"} -> {"types"} -> as_options(),
@ -183,6 +98,16 @@ sub _generate_new {
$timemins = $self -> _build_timereq($timesecs);
# Convert tags - can't use build_optionlist because all of them need to be selected.
my $taglist = "";
if($args -> {"tags"}) {
my @tags = split(/,/, $args -> {"tags"});
foreach my $tag (@tags) {
$taglist .= "<option selected=\"selected\">$tag</option>\n";
# And squirt out the page content
my $body = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("new/content.tem",
@ -194,11 +119,12 @@ sub _generate_new {
"%(timemins)s" => $timemins,
"%(timesecs)s" => $timesecs,
"%(temp)s" => $args -> {"temp"} // "",
"%(temptypes)s" => $self -> _build_temptypes($args -> {"temptype"}),
"%(temptypes)s" => $self -> {"template"} -> build_optionlist($temptypes, $args -> {"temptype"}),
"%(types)s" => $typeopts,
"%(units)s" => $unitopts,
"%(preps)s" => $prepopts,
"%(status)s" => $statusopts,
"%(tags)s" => $taglist,
"%(ingreds)s" => $ingredients,
"%(method)s" => $args -> {"method"} // "",
"%(notes)s" => $args -> {"notes"} // "",
@ -211,9 +137,6 @@ sub _generate_new {
# ============================================================================
# UI handler/dispatcher functions
## @method private @ _fatal_error($error)
# Generate the tile and content for an error page.