Apply fixes for activation and resending

This commit is contained in:
Chris 2017-01-01 19:32:39 +00:00
parent 357c1e9cf7
commit 8d26e77c77
8 changed files with 266 additions and 199 deletions

View File

@ -447,6 +447,122 @@ sub _validate_signup {
## @method private @ validate_actcode()
# Determine whether the activation code provided by the user is valid
# @return An array of two values: the first is a reference to the activated
# user's data hash on success, an error message otherwise; the
# second is the args parsed from the activation data.
sub _validate_actcode {
my $self = shift;
my $args = {};
my $error;
# Check that the code has been provided and contains allowed characters
($args -> {"actcode"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("actcode", {"required" => 1,
"nicename" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_CODE}",
"minlen" => 64,
"maxlen" => 64,
"formattest" => '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$',
"formatdesc" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_BADACTCHAR}"});
# Bomb out at this point if the code is not valid.
return $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => $error})
# Act code is valid, can a user be activated?
# Note that this can not determine whether the user's auth method supports activation ahead of time, as
# we don't actually know which user is being activated until the actcode lookup is done. And generally, if
# an act code has been set, the authmethod supports activation anyway!
my $user = $self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> activate_user($args -> {"actcode"});
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_BADCODE}"}), $args)
# User is active
return ($user, $args);
## @method private @ validate_resend()
# Determine whether the email address the user entered is valid, and whether the
# the account needs to be (or can be) activated. If it is, generate a new password
# and activation code to send to the user.
# @return Two values: a reference to the user whose activation code has been send
# on success, or an error message, and a reference to a hash containing
# the data entered by the user.
sub _validate_resend {
my $self = shift;
my $args = {};
my $error;
# Get the recaptcha check out of the way first
# Pull the reCAPTCHA response code
($args -> {"recaptcha"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("g-recaptcha-response", {"required" => 1,
"nicename" => "{L_LOGIN_RECAPTCHA}",
"minlen" => 2,
"formattest" => '^[-\w]+$',
"formatdesc" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_BADRECAPTCHA}"
# Halt here if there are any problems.
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_list.tem", {"%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_REGFAILED}",
"%(errors)s" => $error}), $args)
# Is the response valid?
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_list.tem", {"%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_REGFAILED}",
"%(errors)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_RECAPTCHA}"}), $args)
unless($self -> _validate_recaptcha($args -> {"recaptcha"}));
# Get the email address entered by the user
($args -> {"email"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("email", {"required" => 1,
"nicename" => "{L_LOGIN_RESENDEMAIL}",
"minlen" => 2,
"maxlen" => 256
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => $error}), $args)
# Does the email look remotely valid?
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_BADEMAIL}"}), $args)
if($args -> {"email"} !~ /^[\w.+-]+\@([\w-]+\.)+\w+$/);
# Does the address correspond to an actual user?
my $user = $self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> {"app"} -> get_user_byemail($args -> {"email"});
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_BADUSER}"}), $args)
# Does the user's authmethod support activation anyway?
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => $self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> capabilities($user -> {"username"}, "activate_message")}), $args)
if(!$self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> capabilities($user -> {"username"}, "activate"));
# no point in resending an activation code to an active account
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_ALREADYACT}"}), $args)
if($self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> activated($user -> {"username"}));
$self -> log("login:resend", "Generating new password and act code for ".$user -> {"username"});
my $newpass;
($newpass, $user -> {"act_code"}) = $self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> reset_password_actcode($user -> {"username"});
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => $self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> {"app"} -> errstr()}), $args)
# Get here and the user's account isn't active, needs to be activated, and can be emailed a code...
$self -> _resend_act_email($user, $newpass);
return($user, $args);
## @method private @ validate_passchange()
# Determine whether the password change request made by the user is valid. If the
# password change is valid (passwords match, pass policy, and the old password is
@ -547,101 +663,6 @@ sub _validate_passchange {
## @method private @ validate_actcode()
# Determine whether the activation code provided by the user is valid
# @return An array of two values: the first is a reference to the activated
# user's data hash on success, an error message otherwise; the
# second is the args parsed from the activation data.
sub _validate_actcode {
my $self = shift;
my $args = {};
my $error;
# Check that the code has been provided and contains allowed characters
($args -> {"actcode"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("actcode", {"required" => 1,
"nicename" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_CODE}",
"minlen" => 64,
"maxlen" => 64,
"formattest" => '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$',
"formatdesc" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_BADACTCHAR}"});
# Bomb out at this point if the code is not valid.
return $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => $error})
# Act code is valid, can a user be activated?
# Note that this can not determine whether the user's auth method supports activation ahead of time, as
# we don't actually know which user is being activated until the actcode lookup is done. And generally, if
# an act code has been set, the authmethod supports activation anyway!
my $user = $self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> activate_user($args -> {"actcode"});
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_BADCODE}"}), $args)
# User is active
return ($user, $args);
## @method private @ validate_resend()
# Determine whether the email address the user entered is valid, and whether the
# the account needs to be (or can be) activated. If it is, generate a new password
# and activation code to send to the user.
# @return Two values: a reference to the user whose activation code has been send
# on success, or an error message, and a reference to a hash containing
# the data entered by the user.
sub _validate_resend {
my $self = shift;
my $args = {};
my $error;
# Get the email address entered by the user
($args -> {"email"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("email", {"required" => 1,
"nicename" => "{L_LOGIN_RESENDEMAIL}",
"minlen" => 2,
"maxlen" => 256
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => $error}), $args)
# Does the email look remotely valid?
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_BADEMAIL}"}), $args)
if($args -> {"email"} !~ /^[\w.+-]+\@([\w-]+\.)+\w+$/);
# Does the address correspond to an actual user?
my $user = $self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> {"app"} -> get_user_byemail($args -> {"email"});
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_BADUSER}"}), $args)
# Does the user's authmethod support activation anyway?
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => $self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> capabilities($user -> {"username"}, "activate_message")}), $args)
if(!$self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> capabilities($user -> {"username"}, "activate"));
# no point in resending an activation code to an active account
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_ALREADYACT}"}), $args)
if($self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> activated($user -> {"username"}));
my $newpass;
($newpass, $user -> {"act_code"}) = $self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> reset_password_actcode($user -> {"username"});
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => $self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> {"app"} -> errstr()}), $args)
# Get here and the user's account isn't active, needs to be activated, and can be emailed a code...
$self -> resend_act_email($user, $newpass);
return($user, $args);
## @method private @ validate_recover()
# Determine whether the email address the user entered is valid, and if so generate
# an act code to start the reset process.
@ -765,8 +786,8 @@ sub _validate_reset {
# @param error A string containing errors related to logging in, or undef.
# @param args A reference to a hash of intiial values.
# @return An array of two values: the page title, and a string containing
# the login form.
# @return An array containing the page title, content, extra header data, and
# extra javascript content.
sub _generate_signin_form {
my $self = shift;
my $error = shift;
@ -784,7 +805,7 @@ sub _generate_signin_form {
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/form_signin.tem", {"%(error)s" => $error,
"%(persist)s" => $persist,
"%(url-forgot)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "recover" ]),
"%(target)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login"),
"%(url-target)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login"),
"%(username)s" => $args -> {"username"}}),
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/extrahead.tem"),
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/extrajs.tem"));
@ -796,8 +817,8 @@ sub _generate_signin_form {
# @param error A string containing errors related to signing up, or undef.
# @param args A reference to a hash of intiial values.
# @return An array of two values: the page title, and a string containing
# the registration form.
# @return An array containing the page title, content, extra header data, and
# extra javascript content.
sub _generate_signup_form {
my $self = shift;
my $error = shift;
@ -811,7 +832,7 @@ sub _generate_signup_form {
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/form_signup.tem", {"%(error)s" => $error,
"%(sitekey)s" => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Login:recaptcha_sitekey"},
"%(url-activate)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "activate" ]),
"%(target)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "signup" ]),
"%(url-target)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "signup" ]),
"%(username)s" => $args -> {"username"},
"%(email)s" => $args -> {"email"}}),
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/signup_extrahead.tem"),
@ -823,7 +844,8 @@ sub _generate_signup_form {
# Generate a form through which the user may specify an activation code.
# @param error A string containing errors related to activating, or undef.
# @return An array of two values: the page title string, the code form
# @return An array containing the page title, content, extra header data, and
# extra javascript content.
sub _generate_actcode_form {
my $self = shift;
my $error = shift;
@ -834,19 +856,43 @@ sub _generate_actcode_form {
return ("{L_LOGIN_TITLE}",
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/form_activate.tem", {"%(error)s" => $error,
"%(target)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login"),
"%(url-target)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login"),
"%(url-resend)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "resend" ]),}),
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/extrahead.tem"),
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/extrajs.tem"));
## @method private @ generate_resend_form($error)
# Generate a form through which the user may resend their account activation code.
# @param error A string containing errors related to resending, or undef.
# @return An array containing the page title, content, extra header data, and
# extra javascript content.
sub _generate_resend_form {
my $self = shift;
my $error = shift;
# Wrap the error message in a message box if we have one.
$error = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_box.tem", {"%(message)s" => $error})
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/form_resend.tem", {"%(error)s" => $error,
"%(sitekey)s" => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Login:recaptcha_sitekey"},
"%(url-target)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login")}),
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/signup_extrahead.tem"),
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/extrajs.tem"));
## @method private @ generate_passchange_form($error)
# Generate a form through which the user can change their password, used to
# support forced password changes.
# @param error A string containing errors related to password changes, or undef.
# @return An array of two values: the page title string, the code form
# @return An array containing the page title, content, extra header data, and
# extra javascript content.
sub _generate_passchange_form {
my $self = shift;
@ -880,7 +926,8 @@ sub _generate_passchange_form {
# Generate a form through which the user may recover their account details.
# @param error A string containing errors related to recovery, or undef.
# @return An array of two values: the page title string, the code form
# @return An array containing the page title, content, extra header data, and
# extra javascript content.
sub _generate_recover_form {
my $self = shift;
@ -896,26 +943,6 @@ sub _generate_recover_form {
## @method private @ generate_resend_form($error)
# Generate a form through which the user may resend their account activation code.
# @param error A string containing errors related to resending, or undef.
# @return An array of two values: the page title string, the code form
sub _generate_resend_form {
my $self = shift;
my $error = shift;
# Wrap the error message in a message box if we have one.
$error = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_box.tem", {"%(message)s" => $error})
return ("{L_LOGIN_TITLE}",
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/resend_form.tem", {"%(error)s" => $error,
"%(target)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login")}));
# ============================================================================
# Response generators
@ -980,7 +1007,7 @@ sub _generate_signedout {
$self -> message_box("{L_LOGOUT_TITLE}",
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGOUT_LONGDESC", {"%(url)s" => $url}),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGOUT_MESSAGE", {"%(url)s" => $url}),
[ {"message" => "{L_SITE_CONTINUE}",
@ -1040,22 +1067,20 @@ sub _generate_signedup {
# sent to their email address.
# @return An array of two values: the page title string, the 'resent' message.
sub _generate_resent {
my $self = shift;
my $url = $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "activate" ]);
my $url = $self -> build_url(block => "login",
pathinfo => [ "activate" ]);
$self -> message_box("{L_LOGIN_RESEND_DONETITLE}",
[ {"message" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE}",
$self -> message_box(title => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_DONETITLE}",
type => "account",
summary => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_SUMMARY}",
message => "{L_LOGIN_RESEND_MESSAGE}",
buttons => [ {"message" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE}",
"colour" => "blue",
"action" => "location.href='$url'"} ]));
"href" => $url} ]));
@ -1074,7 +1099,7 @@ sub _generate_recover {
$self -> message_box("{L_LOGIN_RECOVER_DONETITLE}",
[ {"message" => "{L_LOGIN_LOGIN}",
@ -1101,7 +1126,7 @@ sub _generate_reset {
$self -> message_box("{L_LOGIN_RESET_DONETITLE}",
[ {"message" => "{L_LOGIN_LOGIN}",
@ -1133,7 +1158,7 @@ sub _generate_reset {
sub _build_login_check_response {
my $self = shift;
return { "login" => {"loggedin" => $self -> {"session"} -> anonymous_session() ? "no" : "yes" }};
return { "login" => { "loggedin" => $self -> {"session"} -> anonymous_session() ? "false" : "true" }};
@ -1151,12 +1176,12 @@ sub _build_login_response {
my $cookies = $self -> {"session"} -> session_cookies();
return { "login" => { "loggedin" => "yes",
return { "login" => { "loggedin" => "true",
"user" => $user -> {"user_id"},
"sid" => $self -> {"session"} -> {"sessid"},
"cookies" => $cookies}};
} else {
return { "login" => { "loggedin" => "no",
return { "login" => { "loggedin" => "false",
"content" => $user}};
@ -1165,6 +1190,13 @@ sub _build_login_response {
# ============================================================================
# Interface functions
## @method private @ _handle_signup()
# Handle the process of showing the user the signup form, and processing any
# submission from the form. Note that this will abort immediately if self-registration
# has not been enabled.
# @return An array containing the page title, content, extra header data, and
# extra javascript content.
sub _handle_signup {
my $self = shift;
@ -1181,7 +1213,7 @@ sub _handle_signup {
# Validate/perform the registration
my ($user, $args) = $self -> _validate_signup();
# Do we have any errors? If so, send back the login form with them
# Do we have any errors? If so, send back the signup form with them
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("registration error", $user);
return $self -> _generate_signup_form($user, $args);
@ -1199,27 +1231,18 @@ sub _handle_signup {
sub _handle_signout {
my $self = shift;
# User must be logged in to log out
return $self -> _generate_not_loggedin()
if($self -> {"session"} -> anonymous_session());
# User is logged in, do the signout
$self -> log("signout", $self -> {"session"} -> get_session_userid());
if($self -> {"session"} -> delete_session()) {
return $self -> _generate_signedout();
} else {
return $self -> generate_errorbox($SessionHandler::errstr);
## @method private @ _handle_activate()
# Handle the process of showing the form they can enter an acitivation code
# through, and processing submission from the form.
# @return An array containing the page title, content, extra header data, and
# extra javascript content.
sub _handle_activate {
my $self = shift;
# Does the get/post data include an activation code? If so, check it
# note that we don't care about post v get as the user is given a get
# URL in the signup email
if(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("actcode"))) {
my ($user, $args) = $self -> _validate_actcode();
if(!ref($user)) {
@ -1236,6 +1259,31 @@ sub _handle_activate {
## @method private @ _handle_resend()
# Handle the process of showing the form they can request a new acitivation code
# through, and processing submission from the form.
# @return An array containing the page title, content, extra header data, and
# extra javascript content.
sub _handle_resend {
my $self = shift;
if(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("doresend"))) {
my ($user, $args) = $self -> _validate_resend();
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("Resend error", $user);
return $self -> _generate_resend_form($user);
} else {
$self -> log("Resend success", $user -> {"username"});
return $self -> _generate_resent($user);
return $self -> _generate_resend_form();
sub _handle_recover {
my $self = shift;
@ -1255,25 +1303,6 @@ sub _handle_recover {
sub _handle_resend {
my $self = shift;
if(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("doresend"))) {
my ($user, $args) = $self -> _validate_resend();
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("Resend error", $user);
return $self -> _generate_resend_form($user);
} else {
$self -> log("Resend success", $user -> {"username"});
return $self -> _generate_resent($user);
return $self -> _generate_resend_form();
sub _handle_passchange {
my $self = shift;
@ -1298,6 +1327,24 @@ sub _handle_passchange {
sub _handle_signout {
my $self = shift;
# User must be logged in to log out
return $self -> _generate_not_loggedin()
if($self -> {"session"} -> anonymous_session());
# User is logged in, do the signout
$self -> log("signout", $self -> {"session"} -> get_session_userid());
if($self -> {"session"} -> delete_session()) {
return $self -> _generate_signedout();
} else {
return $self -> generate_errorbox($SessionHandler::errstr);
sub _handle_default {
my $self = shift;
@ -1374,10 +1421,9 @@ sub _dispatch_ui {
given($pathinfo[0]) {
when("signup") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_signup(); }
when("signout") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_signout(); }
when("activate") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_activate(); }
when("recover") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_recover(); }
when("resend") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_resend(); }
when("recover") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_recover(); }
when("reset") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_reset(); }
when("passchange") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_passchange(); }
default { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_default(); }

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LOGIN_USERNAME = Username
LOGIN_EMAIL = Email address
LOGIN_PERSIST = Remember me
LOGIN_FAILED = Login failed
LOGIN_RECOVER = Forgotten your username or password?
@ -16,12 +17,12 @@ PERSIST_WARNING = <strong>WARNING</strong>: do not enable the "Remember me" opti
LOGIN_SUMMARY = You have successfully signed into the system.
LOGIN_LONGDESC = You have successfully signed in, and you will be redirected shortly. If you do not want to wait, click continue. Alternatively, <a href="{V_[scriptpath]}">Click here</a> to return to the front page.
LOGIN_MESSAGE = You have successfully signed in, and you will be redirected shortly. If you do not want to wait, click continue. Alternatively, <a href="{V_[scriptpath]}">Click here</a> to return to the front page.
LOGIN_NOREDIRECT = You have successfully signed in, but warnings were encountered during login. Please check the warning messages, and <a href="mailto:%(supportaddr)s">contact support</a> if a serious problem has been encountered, otherwise, click continue. Alternatively, <a href="{V_[scriptpath]}">Click here</a> to return to the front page.
LOGOUT_TITLE = Signed out
LOGOUT_SUMMARY = You have successfully signed out.
LOGOUT_LONGDESC = You have successfully signed out, and you will be redirected shortly. If you do not want to wait, click continue. Alternatively, <a href="{V_[scriptpath]}">Click here</a> to return to the front page.
LOGOUT_MESSAGE = You have successfully signed out, and you will be redirected shortly. If you do not want to wait, click continue. Alternatively, <a href="{V_[scriptpath]}">Click here</a> to return to the front page.
LOGIN_ERR_BADUSERCHAR = Illegal character in username. Usernames may only contain alphanumeric characters, underscores, or hyphens.
LOGIN_ERR_INVALID = Login failed: unknown username or password provided.
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ LOGIN_RECOVER_IGNORE = If you did not request this reset, please either ignore
LOGIN_RECOVER_FAILED = Account recovery failed
LOGIN_RECOVER_DONETITLE = Account recovery code sent
LOGIN_RECOVER_SUMMARY = Recovery code sent!
LOGIN_RECOVER_LONGDESC = An account recovery code has been send to your email address.<br /><br />Please check your email for a message with the subject 'Your {V_[sitename]} account' and follow the instructions it contains.
LOGIN_RECOVER_MESSAGE = An account recovery code has been send to your email address.<br /><br />Please check your email for a message with the subject 'Your {V_[sitename]} account' and follow the instructions it contains.
LOGIN_ERR_NOUID = No user id specified.
LOGIN_ERR_BADUID = The specfied user id is not valid.
LOGIN_ERR_BADRECCHAR = Account reset codes may only contain alphanumeric characters.
@ -94,16 +95,17 @@ LOGIN_RESET_LOGIN = To sign into the {V_[sitename]}, please go to the follow
LOGIN_RESET_DONETITLE = Account reset complete
LOGIN_RESET_SUMMARY = Password reset successfully
LOGIN_RESET_LONGDESC = Your username and a new password have been sent to your email address. Please look for an email with the subject 'Your {V_[sitename]} account', you can use the account information it contains to sign into the system by clicking the 'Sign in' button below.
LOGIN_RESET_MESSAGE = Your username and a new password have been sent to your email address. Please look for an email with the subject 'Your {V_[sitename]} account', you can use the account information it contains to sign into the system by clicking the 'Sign in' button below.
LOGIN_RESET_ERRTITLE = Account reset failed
LOGIN_RESET_ERRSUMMARY = Password reset failed
LOGIN_RESET_ERRDESC = The system has been unable to reset your account. The error encountered was:<br /><br/>%(reason)s
# Activation resend
LOGIN_RESENDFORM = Resend activation code
LOGIN_RESENDINTRO = If you have accidentally deleted your activation email, or you have not received an an activation email more than 30 minutes after creating an account, enter your account email address below to be sent your activation code again.<br /><br/><strong>IMPORTANT</strong>: requesting a new copy of your activation code will also reset your password. If you later receive the original registration email, the code and password it contains will not work and should be ignored.
LOGIN_DORESEND = Resend code
LOGIN_RESEND_TITLE = Resend activation code
LOGIN_RESEND_DESC = If you have accidentally deleted your activation email, or you have not received an an activation email more than 30 minutes after creating an account, enter your account email address below to be sent your activation code again.<br /><br/><strong>IMPORTANT</strong>: requesting a new copy of your activation code will also reset your password. If you later receive the original registration email, the code and password it contains will not work and should be ignored.
LOGIN_RESEND_EMAIL = Email address
LOGIN_RESEND = Resend code
LOGIN_ERR_BADUSER = The email address provided does not appear to belong to any account in the system.
LOGIN_ERR_BADAUTH = The user account with the provided email address does not have a valid authentication method associated with it. This should not happen!
LOGIN_ERR_ALREADYACT = The user account with the provided email address is already active, and does not need a code to be activated.
@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED = Activation code resend failed
LOGIN_RESEND_DONETITLE = Activation code resent
LOGIN_RESEND_SUMMARY = Resend successful!
LOGIN_RESEND_LONGDESC = A new password and an activation link have been send to your email address.<br /><br />Please check your email for a message with the subject 'Your {V_[sitename]} activation code' and follow the instructions it contains to activate your account.
LOGIN_RESEND_MESSAGE = A new password and an activation link have been send to your email address.<br /><br />Please check your email for a message with the subject 'Your {V_[sitename]} activation code' and follow the instructions it contains to activate your account.
# Force password change
LOGIN_PASSCHANGE = Change password

View File

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
{L_LOGIN_USERNAME}: %(username)s
{L_LOGIN_PASSWORD}: %(password)s
{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_CODE}: %(act_code)s

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_CODE}: %(act_code)s

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<!-- Start activate form -->
<div class="activateform callout secondary">
<form id="activateform" method="post" action="%(target)s">
<form id="activateform" method="post" action="%(url-target)s">
<div class="entry">
<label for="actcode">{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_CODE}:<br />
<input type="text" id="actcode" name="actcode" size="24" maxlength="64" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<div class="small-8 small-centered columns">
<!-- Start resend form -->
<div class="resendform callout secondary">
<form id="resendform" method="post" action="%(url-target)s">
<div class="entry">
<label for="email">{L_LOGIN_RESEND_EMAIL}:<br />
<input type="text" id="email" name="email" size="24" maxlength="255" value=""/>
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="%(sitekey)s"></div>
<div class="submit clearfix">
<input type="submit" class="button float-right nomargin" id="doresend" name="doresend" value="{L_LOGIN_RESEND}" />
<!-- End resend form -->

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<!-- Start login form -->
<div class="signinform callout secondary">
<form id="signinform" method="post" action="%(target)s">
<form id="signinform" method="post" action="%(url-target)s">
<div class="entry">
<label for="username">{L_LOGIN_USERNAME}:<br />
<input type="text" id="username" name="username" size="24" maxlength="32" value="%(username)s"/>

View File

@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
<!-- Start signup form -->
<div class="signupform callout secondary">
<form id="signinform" method="post" action="%(target)s">
<form id="signinform" method="post" action="%(url-target)s">
<div class="entry">
<label for="username">{L_LOGIN_USERNAME}:<br />
<input type="text" id="username" name="username" size="24" maxlength="32" value="%(username)s"/>
<div class="entry">
<label for="password">{L_LOGIN_EMAIL}:<br />
<label for="email">{L_LOGIN_EMAIL}:<br />
<input type="text" id="email" name="email" size="24" maxlength="255" value="%(email)s"/>