Add support for recipe list retrieval
This commit is contained in:
@ -299,6 +299,93 @@ sub set_status {
# ============================================================================
# Recipe retrieval
## @method $ get_recipe_list($mode, $exclstates)
# Fetch a minimal list of attributes for a list of recipes. This can be used
# to generate recipe index pages.
# @param mode The list mode. Set this to $ to list recipes whose names start
# with symbols; 0 to list recipes whose names start with a digit,
# A to Z (or the lowercase) to list recipes whose names start with
# that letter, or undef to fetch all recipes.
# @param exlstates Optional list of state names to exclude from the list. If
# not specified, this defaults to the standard deleted and edited
# state names.
# @return A reference to an array of recipe hashes, sorted by name.
sub get_recipe_list {
my $self = shift;
my $mode = shift;
my $exlstates = shift;
$self -> clear_error();
if(!defined($exlstates)) {
$exlstates = [ $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Recipe:status:edited"} // "Edited",
$self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Recipe:status:deleted"} // "Deleted",
my @params = ();
my @wherefrag = ();
# Get the status IDs for excluded states
my @states = ();
foreach my $state (@{$exlstates}) {
my $statusid = $self -> {"entities"} -> {"states"} -> get_id($state)
or return $self -> self_error($self -> {"entities"} -> {"states"} -> errstr());
push(@states, $statusid);
# And add them to the query
if(scalar(@states)) {
push(@wherefrag, "`r`.`status_id` NOT IN (?".(",?" x (scalar(@states) - 1)).") ");
push(@params, @states);
# If a mode has been specified, set up query framents for it
if(defined($mode)) {
given($mode) {
when('$') { push(@wherefrag, "`r`.`name` REGEXP '^[^[:alnum:]]'"); }
when('0') { push(@wherefrag, "`r`.`name` REGEXP '^[[:digit:]]'"); }
when(/[a-zA-Z]/) { push(@wherefrag, "`r`.`name` LIKE '$mode%'"); }
my $where = "";
$where = "WHERE ".join(" AND ", @wherefrag)
my $query = "SELECT `r`.*,
`s`.`name` AS `status`,
`t`.`name` AS `type`,
`c`.`username` AS `creatoruser`, `c`.`realname` AS `creatorname`,
`u`.`username` AS `updateuser`, `u`.`realname` AS `updatename`
FROM `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"recipes"}."` AS `r`
LEFT JOIN `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"states"}."` AS `s`
ON `s`.`id` = `r`.`status_id`
LEFT JOIN `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"types"}."` AS `t`
ON `t`.`id` = `r`.`type_id`
LEFT JOIN `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"users"}."` AS `c`
ON `c`.`user_id` = `r`.`creator_id`
LEFT JOIN `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"users"}."` AS `u`
ON `u`.`user_id` = `r`.`updater_id`
ORDER BY `r`.`name`";
my $recipeh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare($query);
$recipeh -> execute(@params)
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to perform recipe listing: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
my $recipes = $recipeh -> fetchall_arrayref({});
foreach my $recipe (@{$recipes}) {
$recipe -> {"tags"} = $self -> _get_tags($recipe -> {"id"})
or return undef;
return $recipes;
## @method $ get_recipe($recipeid)
# Given a recipe ID, attempt to fetch the data for the recipe, including its
# ingredient and tags lists.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user