All aboard the refactor tractor

This commit is contained in:
Chris 2016-10-16 21:37:27 +01:00
parent 8735d29858
commit 56fdc166c9
22 changed files with 480 additions and 164 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
## @file
# This file contains the implementation of the login/logout facility.
# This file contains the implementation of the login/signout facility.
# @author Chris Page <>
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ use strict;
use parent qw(ORB); # This class extends the ORB block class
use experimental qw(smartmatch);
use Webperl::Utils qw(path_join is_defined_numeric);
use v5.12;
use v5.14;
# ============================================================================
# Emailer functions
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ sub validate_login {
"formattest" => '^[-\w]+$',
"formatdesc" => $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_ERR_BADUSERCHAR")});
# Bomb out at this point if the username is not valid.
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/error.tem", {"***reason***" => $error}), $args)
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/error.tem", {"%(reason)s" => $error}), $args)
# Do the same with the password...
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ sub validate_login {
"nicename" => $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_PASSWORD"),
"minlen" => 2,
"maxlen" => 255});
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/error.tem", {"***reason***" => $error}), $args)
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/error.tem", {"%(reason)s" => $error}), $args)
# Username and password appear to be present and contain sane characters. Try to log the user in...
@ -250,8 +250,8 @@ sub validate_login {
} else {
# Otherwise, send back the 'account needs activating' error
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/error.tem",
{"***reason***" => $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_ERR_INACTIVE",
{ "***url-resend***" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "resend" ]) })
{"%(reason)s" => $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_ERR_INACTIVE",
{ "***url-resend***" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "resend" ]) })
}), $args);
@ -297,10 +297,7 @@ sub validate_login {
# limiting not supported, or username is bunk - return the failure message as-is
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/error.tem",
"***reason***" => $failmsg
}), $args);
return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/error.tem", { "%(reason)" => $failmsg }), $args);
@ -705,28 +702,21 @@ sub generate_login_form {
my $args = shift;
# Wrap the error message in a message box if we have one.
$error = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/error_box.tem", {"***message***" => $error})
$error = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/error_box.tem", {"%(message)s" => $error})
# Persist length is always in seconds, so convert it to something more readable
my $persist_length = $self -> {"template"} -> humanise_seconds($self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> get_config("max_autologin_time"));
# if self-registration is enabled, turn on the option
my $self_register = $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Login:allow_self_register"} ?
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/selfreg.tem") :
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/no_selfreg.tem");
my $persist = $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Auth:allow_autologin"} ?
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/persist_enabled.tem") :
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/persist_disabled.tem");
return ($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_TITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/form.tem", {"***error***" => $error,
"***persistlen***" => $persist_length,
"***selfreg***" => $self_register,
"***url-actform***" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "activate" ]),
"***url-recform***" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "recover" ]),
"***target***" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login"),
"***question***" => $self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Login:self_register_question"},
"***username***" => $args -> {"username"},
"***regname***" => $args -> {"regname"},
"***email***" => $args -> {"email"}}));
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/form.tem", {"%(error)s" => $error,
"%(persist)s" => $persist,
"%(url-forgot)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "recover" ]),
"%(target)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login"),
"%(username)s" => $args -> {"username"}}),
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/extrahead.tem"),
$self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/extrajs.tem"));
@ -846,22 +836,27 @@ sub generate_loggedin {
# If any warnings were encountered, send back a different logged-in page to avoid
# confusing users.
if(!$warning) {
# Note that, while it would be nice to immediately redirect users at this point,
$content = $self -> {"template"} -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_DONETITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_SUMMARY"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_LONGDESC", {"***url***" => $url}),
[ {"message" => $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("SITE_CONTINUE"),
"colour" => "blue",
"action" => "location.href='$url'"} ]);
$extrahead = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("refreshmeta.tem", {"***url***" => $url});
# Do a redirect to the return URL. This bypasses problems with double-post, and
# avoids the need for an interstitial. There is ambiguity about whether 302/303
# responses should contain cookies, but all major browsers support doing this
# (see, eg )
print $self -> {"cgi"} -> redirect( -url => $url,
-charset => 'utf-8',
-cookie => $self -> {"session"} -> session_cookies());
# Prevent circular references from messing up shutdown
$self -> {"template"} -> set_module_obj(undef);
$self -> {"messages"} -> set_module_obj(undef);
$self -> {"system"} -> clear() if($self -> {"system"});
$self -> {"appuser"} -> set_system(undef) if($self -> {"appuser"});
$self -> {"dbh"} -> disconnect();
$self -> {"logger"} -> end_log();
# Users who have encountered warnings during login always get a login confirmation page, as it has
# to show them the warning message box.
} else {
my $message = $self -> {"template"} -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_DONETITLE"),
my $message = $self -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_DONETITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_SUMMARY"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_NOREDIRECT", {"***url***" => $url,
@ -882,12 +877,12 @@ sub generate_loggedin {
## @method private @ generate_loggedout()
## @method private @ generate_signedout()
# Generate the contents of a page telling the user that they have successfully logged out.
# @return An array of three values: the page title string, the 'logged out' message, and
# a meta element to insert into the head element to redirect the user.
sub generate_loggedout {
sub generate_signedout {
my $self = shift;
# NOTE: This is called **after** the session is deleted, so savestate will be undef. This
@ -896,7 +891,7 @@ sub generate_loggedout {
# return the title, content, and extraheader
return ($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGOUT_TITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGOUT_TITLE"),
$self -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGOUT_TITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGOUT_SUMMARY"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGOUT_LONGDESC", {"***url***" => $url}),
@ -921,7 +916,7 @@ sub generate_activated {
pathinfo => []);
return ($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_ACT_DONETITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_ACT_DONETITLE"),
$self -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_ACT_DONETITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_ACT_SUMMARY"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_ACT_LONGDESC",
@ -946,7 +941,7 @@ sub generate_registered {
pathinfo => [ "activate" ]);
return ($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_REG_DONETITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_REG_DONETITLE"),
$self -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_REG_DONETITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_REG_SUMMARY"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_REG_LONGDESC"),
@ -969,7 +964,7 @@ sub generate_resent {
my $url = $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "activate" ]);
return ($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESEND_DONETITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESEND_DONETITLE"),
$self -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESEND_DONETITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESEND_SUMMARY"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESEND_LONGDESC"),
@ -992,7 +987,7 @@ sub generate_recover {
my $url = $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => []);
return ($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RECOVER_DONETITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RECOVER_DONETITLE"),
$self -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RECOVER_DONETITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RECOVER_SUMMARY"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RECOVER_LONGDESC"),
@ -1018,7 +1013,7 @@ sub generate_reset {
if(!$error) {
return ($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESET_DONETITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESET_DONETITLE"),
$self -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESET_DONETITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESET_SUMMARY"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESET_LONGDESC"),
@ -1029,7 +1024,7 @@ sub generate_reset {
"action" => "location.href='$url'"} ]));
} else {
return ($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESET_ERRTITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESET_ERRTITLE"),
$self -> message_box($self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESET_ERRTITLE"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESET_ERRSUMMARY"),
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_RESET_ERRDESC", {"***reason***" => $error}),
@ -1092,61 +1087,156 @@ sub _build_login_response {
# ============================================================================
# Interface functions
## @method $ page_display()
# Generate the page content for this module.
sub page_display {
sub _handle_signout {
my $self = shift;
# Is this an API call, or a normal page operation?
my $apiop = $self -> is_api_operation();
if(defined($apiop)) {
# API call - dispatch to appropriate handler.
given($apiop) {
when("check") { return $self -> api_response ($self -> _build_login_check_response()); }
when("loginform") { return $self -> api_html_response($self -> _build_loginform_response()); }
when("login") { return $self -> api_response ($self -> _build_login_response()); }
# User must be logged in to log out
return $self -> _generate_not_loggedin()
if($self -> {"session"} -> anonymous_session());
default {
return $self -> api_response($self -> api_errorhash('bad_op',
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("API_BAD_OP")))
# User is logged in, do the signout
$self -> log("signout", $self -> {"session"} -> get_session_userid());
if($self -> {"session"} -> delete_session()) {
return $self -> _generate_signedout();
} else {
# We need to determine what the page title should be, and the content to shove in it...
my ($title, $body, $extrahead) = ("", "", "");
my @pathinfo = $self -> {"cgi"} -> multi_param("pathinfo");
return $self -> _generate_fatal($SessionHandler::errstr);
sub _handle_activate {
my $self = shift;
# Does the get/post data include an activation code? If so, check it
if(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("actcode"))) {
my ($user, $args) = $self -> _validate_actcode();
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("activation error", $user);
return $self -> _generate_actcode_form($user);
} else {
$self -> log("activation success", $user -> {"username"});
return $self -> _generate_activated($user);
# Otherwise, just return the activation form
return $self -> _generate_actcode_form();
sub _handle_recover {
my $self = shift;
if(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("dorecover"))) {
my ($user, $args) = $self -> _validate_recover();
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("Reset error", $user);
return $self -> _generate_recover_form($user);
} else {
$self -> log("Reset success", $user -> {"username"});
return $self -> _generate_recover($user);
return $self -> _generate_recover_form();
sub _handle_resend {
my $self = shift;
if(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("doresend"))) {
my ($user, $args) = $self -> _validate_resend();
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("Resend error", $user);
return $self -> _generate_resend_form($user);
} else {
$self -> log("Resend success", $user -> {"username"});
return $self -> _generate_resent($user);
return $self -> _generate_resend_form();
sub _handle_signup {
my $self = shift;
if(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("signup"))) {
# Validate/perform the registration
my ($user, $args) = $self -> _validate_signup();
# Do we have any errors? If so, send back the login form with them
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("registration error", $user);
return $self -> _generate_signup_form($user, $args);
# No errors, user is registered
} else {
# Do not create a new session - the user needs to confirm the account.
$self -> log("registered inactive", $user -> {"username"});
return $self -> _generate_signedup();
return $self -> _generate_signup_form();
sub _handle_changepass {
my $self = shift;
if(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("changepass"))) {
# Check the password is valid
my ($user, $args) = $self -> validate_passchange();
# Change failed, send back the change form
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("passchange error", $user);
return $self -> _generate_passchange_form($user);
# Change done, send back the loggedin page
} else {
$self -> log("password updated", $user);
return $self -> _generate_loggedin();
return $self -> _generate_passchange_form();
sub _dispatch_ui {
my $self = shift;
# We need to determine what the page title should be, and the content to shove in it...
my ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = ("", "", "", "");
my @pathinfo = $self -> {"cgi"} -> multi_param("pathinfo");
given($pathinfo[0]) {
when("signup") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_signup(); }
when("signout") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_signout(); }
when("activate") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_activate(); }
when("recover") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_recover(); }
when("resend") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_resend(); }
when("passchange") { ($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> _handle_passchange(); }
default {
($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> generate_login_form();
# Done generating the page content, return the filled in page template
return $self -> generate_orb_page($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs, 'login');
# User is attempting to do a password change
if(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("changepass"))) {
# Check the password is valid
my ($user, $args) = $self -> validate_passchange();
# Change failed, send back the change form
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("passchange error", $user);
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_passchange_form($user);
# Change done, send back the loggedin page
} else {
$self -> log("password updated", $user);
($title, $body, $extrahead) = $self -> generate_loggedin();
# If the user is not anonymous, they have logged in already.
} elsif(!$self -> {"session"} -> anonymous_session()) {
} elsif(!) {
# Is the user requesting a logout? If so, doo eet.
if(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("logout")) || ($pathinfo[0] && $pathinfo[0] eq "logout")) {
$self -> log("logout", $self -> {"session"} -> get_session_userid());
if($self -> {"session"} -> delete_session()) {
($title, $body, $extrahead) = $self -> generate_loggedout();
} else {
return $self -> generate_fatal($SessionHandler::errstr);
# Already logged in, check password and either force a change or tell the user they logged in.
} else {
my $user = $self -> {"session"} -> get_user_byid();
if($user) {
@ -1159,7 +1249,7 @@ sub page_display {
($title, $body, $extrahead) = $self -> generate_loggedin();
} else {
$self -> {"session"} -> set_variable("passchange_reason", $passchange);
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_passchange_form();
($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> generate_passchange_form();
} else {
$self -> {"logger"} -> die_log($self -> {"cgi"} -> remote_host(), "Logged in session with no user record. This Should Not Happen.");
@ -1167,7 +1257,7 @@ sub page_display {
# User is anonymous - do we have a login?
} elsif(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("login"))) {
} elsif(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("signin"))) {
# Validate the other fields...
my ($user, $args) = $self -> validate_login();
@ -1175,7 +1265,7 @@ sub page_display {
# Do we have any errors? If so, send back the login form with them
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("login error", $user);
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_login_form($user, $args);
($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> generate_login_form($user, $args);
# No errors, user is valid...
} else {
@ -1202,87 +1292,49 @@ sub page_display {
($title, $body, $extrahead) = $self -> generate_loggedin();
} else {
$self -> {"session"} -> set_variable("passchange_reason", $passchange);
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_passchange_form();
($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> generate_passchange_form();
# Has a registration attempt been made?
} elsif(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("register"))) {
# Validate/perform the registration
my ($user, $args) = $self -> validate_register();
# Do we have any errors? If so, send back the login form with them
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("registration error", $user);
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_login_form($user, $args);
# No errors, user is registered
} else {
# Do not create a new session - the user needs to confirm the account.
$self -> log("registered inactive", $user -> {"username"});
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_registered();
# Is the user attempting activation?
} elsif(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("actcode"))) {
my ($user, $args) = $self -> validate_actcode();
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("activation error", $user);
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_actcode_form($user);
} else {
$self -> log("activation success", $user -> {"username"});
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_activated($user);
# Password reset requested?
} elsif(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("dorecover"))) {
my ($user, $args) = $self -> validate_recover();
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("Reset error", $user);
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_recover_form($user);
} else {
$self -> log("Reset success", $user -> {"username"});
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_recover($user);
} els
} elsif(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("resetcode"))) {
my ($user, $args) = $self -> validate_reset();
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_reset(!ref($user) ? $user : undef);
($title, $body, $extrahead, $extrajs) = $self -> generate_reset(!ref($user) ? $user : undef);
# User wants a resend?
} elsif(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("doresend"))) {
my ($user, $args) = $self -> validate_resend();
if(!ref($user)) {
$self -> log("Resend error", $user);
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_resend_form($user);
} else {
$self -> log("Resend success", $user -> {"username"});
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_resent($user);
} els
} elsif(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("activate")) || ($pathinfo[0] && $pathinfo[0] eq "activate")) {
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_actcode_form();
} elsif(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("recover")) || ($pathinfo[0] && $pathinfo[0] eq "recover")) {
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_recover_form();
} elsif(defined($self -> {"cgi"} -> param("resend")) || ($pathinfo[0] && $pathinfo[0] eq "resend")) {
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_resend_form();
# No session, no submission? Send back the login form...
} else {
($title, $body) = $self -> generate_login_form();
# Done generating the page content, return the filled in page template
return $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/page.tem", {"***title***" => $title,
"***extrahead***" => $extrahead,
"***content***" => $body,});
## @method $ page_display()
# Generate the page content for this module.
sub page_display {
my $self = shift;
# Is this an API call, or a normal page operation?
my $apiop = $self -> is_api_operation();
if(defined($apiop)) {
# API call - dispatch to appropriate handler.
given($apiop) {
when("check") { return $self -> api_response ($self -> _build_login_check_response()); }
when("loginform") { return $self -> api_html_response($self -> _build_loginform_response()); }
when("login") { return $self -> api_response ($self -> _build_login_response()); }
default {
return $self -> api_response($self -> api_errorhash('bad_op',
$self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("API_BAD_OP")))
} else {
return $self -> _dispatch_ui();

templates/default/api/docs.tem Executable file
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url = decodeURIComponent(url[1]);
} else {
url = "{V_[scriptpath]}data/swagger.json";
highlightSizeThreshold: 5000
// Pre load translate...
if(window.SwaggerTranslator) {
window.swaggerUi = new SwaggerUi({
url: url,
dom_id: "swagger-ui-container",
supportedSubmitMethods: ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete', 'patch'],
onComplete: function(swaggerApi, swaggerUi){
if(typeof initOAuth == "function") {
clientId: "your-client-id",
clientSecret: "your-client-secret-if-required",
realm: "your-realms",
appName: "your-app-name",
scopeSeparator: " ",
additionalQueryStringParams: {}
if(window.SwaggerTranslator) {
onFailure: function(data) {
log("Unable to Load SwaggerUI");
docExpansion: "list",
jsonEditor: false,
defaultModelRendering: 'schema',
showRequestHeaders: false
function log() {
if ('console' in window) {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
<body class="swagger-section">
<div id='header'>
<div class="swagger-ui-wrap">
<a id="logo" href=""><img class="logo__img" alt="swagger" height="30" width="30" src="{V_[scriptpath]}apidocs/images/logo_small.png" /><span class="logo__title">swagger API explorer</span></a>
<div id="message-bar" class="swagger-ui-wrap" data-sw-translate>&nbsp;</div>
<div id="swagger-ui-container" class="swagger-ui-wrap"></div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<div id="apierror" class="error %(code)s">%(info)s</div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<head profile="">
<title>API Response</title>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
/* Remove margins from selected elements */
.nomargin {
margin: 0 0;
/* Label to the right of switches */
.switch-label {
color: #0a0a0a;
font-weight: normal;
padding-left: 0.5rem;
vertical-align: 50%;
/* Space out buttons in the title bar */ li {
padding-left: 0.25rem;
/* Centre text in title part of bar */ {
padding-top: 0.5rem;
font-weight: bold;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@charset "utf-8";
div.contextlink {
font-size: 12px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<table class="notebox notebox-error">
<td class="nbox-image show-for-medium"><img src="{V_[templatepath]}images/error.png" width="48" height="48" alt="error" /></td>
<td class="nbox-text">%(message)s</td>

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.2 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.0 KiB

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{V_[csspath]}login.css" />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
$(function() {
// Toggle the persist warning box, if it exists
if($('#persist').length) {
$('#persist').change(function() {
if($('#persist').is(':checked')) {
} else {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<div class="small-8 small-centered columns">
<!-- Start login form -->
<div class="signinform callout secondary">
<form id="signinform" method="post" action="%(target)s">
<div class="entry">
<label for="username">{L_LOGIN_USERNAME}:<br />
<input type="text" id="username" name="username" size="24" maxlength="32" value="%(username)s"/>
<div class="entry">
<label for="password">{L_LOGIN_PASSWORD}:<br />
<input type="password" id="password" name="password" size="24" maxlength="255" />
<div class="persist">
<div class="contextlink">(<a href="%(url-forgot)s">{L_LOGIN_RECOVER}</a>)</div>
<div class="submit clearfix">
<input type="submit" class="button float-right nomargin" id="signin" name="signin" value="{L_LOGIN_LOGIN}" />
<!-- Persist warning shown when persist is enabled -->
<table class="notebox notebox-error hidden" id="persist-warn">
<td class="nbox-image show-for-medium"><img src="{V_[templatepath]}images/error.png" width="48" height="48" alt="error" /></td>
<td class="nbox-text">{L_PERSIST_WARNING}</td>
<!-- End login form -->

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<!-- no persist -->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<div class="switch nomargin">
<input class="switch-input nomargin" id="persist" type="checkbox" name="persist">
<label class="switch-paddle" for="persist"><span class="show-for-sr">Keep me logged in</span></label><span class="switch-label">Keep me logged in</span>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<div class="small-8 small-centered columns">
<!-- Start messagebox core -->
<div class="messagebox callout %(boxclass)s">
<div class="mbcontent">
<div class="mcore">
<div class="msummary">%(summary)s</div>
<div class="mtext">%(longdesc)s</div>
<!-- End messagebox core -->

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<button class="button %(colour)s" onclick="%(onclick)s">%(message)s</div>

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<div class="buttonbox">%(buttons)s</div>

templates/default/page.tem Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{V_[templatepath]}foundation/css/foundation.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{V_[csspath]}notebox.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{V_[csspath]}foundation.mods.css" />
<!-- Start top bar -->
<!-- End top bar -->
<br />
<!-- Start content -->
<div class="row" id="content">
<!-- End content -->
<!-- Foundation and other javascript shenanigans -->
<script src="{V_[templatepath]}foundation/js/vendor/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="{V_[templatepath]}foundation/js/vendor/foundation.min.js"></script>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<div class="top-bar">
<div class="top-bar-title"><span class="title">%(title)s</span></div>
<div class="top-bar-right">
<ul class="menu">
<li><a class="button success">Sign up</a></li>
<li><a class="button">Sign in</a></li>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>AATL Validation Harness</title>