Implement majority of search facility

This is missing the ingredient and tag 'OR' featuers
This commit is contained in:
Chris 2016-10-11 08:57:08 +01:00
parent 2933ded557
commit 131251ea4d

View File

@ -273,14 +273,143 @@ sub get_recipe {
## @method $ find(%args)
# Attempt to locate recipes that match the criteria specified. Supported search
# criteria are given below. Criteria marked with * perform embedded string
# matching, and may further contain % or * to do additional matching, and
# all the criteria are optional.
# - `name`: search based on strings in the name field*
# - `method`: search based on strings in the method*
# - `notes`: search based on strings in the notes*
# - `type`: find recipes of the specified type.
# - `status`: find recipes with the specified status.
# - `time`: do a time-based search. This should be a time required in minutes.
# How this operates depends on the value of `timemode`.
# - `timemode`: control how time searching works. This can either be '>=' or
# '<=': in the former case the search will return recipes that take
# `time` minutes or more, in the latter it will find recipes that
# take `time` minutes or less. Defaults to '<='.
# - `ingredients`: A reference to an array of ingredient names. This allows
# the caller to search for recipes that use the specified ingredients
# subject to the logic imposed by `ingredmatch`. Automatic substring
# matching *is not* performed for ingredients, but * or % in the
# ingredient names may be used to do wildcard searches.
# - `ingredmatch`: Control how ingredient searching works. This can either be
# "all" or "any" (default is "all"). If this is set to "all", only
# recipes that use all the specified ingredients are returned, if
# it is set to "any" then recipes that use any of the ingredients
# will be returned.
# - `tags`: A reference to an array of tag names. This allows the caller to
# search for recipes with one or more tags associated with them,
# subject to the logic imposed by `tagmatch`. Automatic substring
# matching *is not* performed for tags, but * or % in the
# tag names may be used to do wildcard searches.
# - `tagmatch`: control how tag searching works. As with `ingredmatch`, this
# may be "all" or "any", with corresponding behaviour.
# - `limit`: how many recipies may be returned by the find()
# - `offset`: offset from the start of the query results.
# - `searchmode`: This may be "all", in which only recipes that match all the
# specified criteria are returned, or "any" in which case
# recipes that match any of the criteria will be returned. This
# defaults to "all". Note that this breaks slightly with ingredient
# and tag searching: if the `ingredmatch` or `tagmatch` are set to
# "all", only recipes that pass those checks will have any other
# search criteria applied to them - recipes that do not match
# will not be considered, even if they might match other criteria.
# @param args A hash, or reference to a hash, of criteria to use when searching.
# @return A reference to an array of recipe records.
sub find {
my $self = shift;
my $args = hash_or_hashref(@_);
$self -> clear_error();
# Convert ingredients and tags to IDs for easier query structure
# This will return an empty array if there are no ingredients to search on
my $ingreds = $self -> {"system"} -> {"ingredients"} -> find_ids($args -> {"ingredients"})
or return $self -> self_error("Ingredient lookup error: ".$self -> {"system"} -> {"ingredients"} -> errstr());
# Fix the array returned from find_ids so that we only have the id numbers
$args -> {"ingredientids"} = $self -> _hashlist_to_list($ingreds, "id");
# Repeat the process for the recipe tags
my $tags = $self -> {"system"} -> {"tags"} -> find_ids($args -> {"tags"})
or return $self -> self_error("Tag lookup error: ".$self -> {"system"} -> {"tags"} -> errstr());
$args -> {"tagids"} = $self -> _hashlist_to_list($tags, "id");
# Fix up default matching modes
$args -> {"ingredmatch"} = "all" unless($args -> {"ingredmatch"} eq "any");
$args -> {"tagmatch"} = "all" unless($args -> {"tagmatch"} eq "any");
# Now start the process of building the query
my (@params, $joins, @where) = ((), "", ());
# Matching all ingredients or tags requires multiple inner joins
$joins .= $self -> _join_fragment($args -> {"ingredientids"}, $self -> {"system"} -> {"ingredients"} -> {"entity_table"}, \@params)
if(scalar(@{$args -> {"ingredientids"}}) && $args -> {"ingredmatch"} eq "all");
$joins .= $self -> _join_fragment($args -> {"tagids"}, $self -> {"system"} -> {"tags"} -> {"entity_table"}, \@params)
if(scalar(@{$args -> {"tagids"}}) && $args -> {"tagmatch"} eq "all");
# Simple searches on recipe fields
push(@where, $self -> _where_fragment("`r`.`name` LIKE ?", $args -> {"name"}, 1, \@params))
if($args -> {"name"});
push(@where, $self -> _where_fragment("`r`.`method` LIKE ?", $args -> {"method"}, 1, \@params))
if($args -> {"method"});
push(@where, $self -> _where_fragment("`r`.`notes` LIKE ?", $args -> {"notes"}, 1, \@params))
if($args -> {"notes"});
push(@where, $self -> _where_fragment("`st`.`name` LIKE ?", $args -> {"status"}, 0, \@params))
if($args -> {"status"});
push(@where, $self -> _where_fragment("`ty`.`name` LIKE ?", $args -> {"type"}, 0, \@params))
if($args -> {"type"});
# Handling time specification is a bit tricker.
if($args -> {"time"} && $args -> {"time"} =~ /^\d+$/) {
$args -> {"timemode"} = "<=" unless($args -> {"timemode"} eq ">=");
push(@where, $self -> _where_fragment("`r`.`timereq` ".$args -> {"timemode"}." ?", $args -> {"time"}, 0, \@params));
# Handle 'OR' case for ingredients and tags
# ARGH. Can we naively do a `WHERE `ri`.`ingred_id` IN ( ... list of IDs.... ) here?
# push(@where, $self -> _multi_where_fragment("`r`.`in
# Squish all the where conditions into a string
my $wherecond = join(($args -> {"searchmode"} eq "any" ? "\nOR " : "\nAND "), @where);
# Construct the limit term when limit (and optionally offset) are
# specified by the caller
my $limit = "";
if($args -> {"limit"} && $args -> {"limit"} =~ /^\d+$/) {
$limit = "LIMIT ";
$limit .= $args -> {"offset"}.", "
if($args -> {"offset"} && $args -> {"offset"} =~ /^\d+$/);
$limit .= $args -> {"limit"};
# Build and run the search query
my $query = "SELECT `r`.*, `s`.name` AS `status`, `t`.`name` AS `type`, `c`.`username`, `c`.`email`, `c`.`realname`
FROM `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"recipes"}."` AS `r`
INNER JOIN `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"states"}."` AS `s` ON `s`.`id` = `r`.`status_id`
INNER JOIN `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"types"}."` AS `t` ON `t`.`id` = `r`.`type_id`
INNER JOIN `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"users"}."` AS `u` ON `u`.`user_id` = `r`.`creator_id`
WHERE $wherecond
ORDER BY `r`.`name` ASC, `r`.`created` DESC
my $search = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare($query);
$search -> execute(@params)
or return $self -> self_error("Unable ot perform recipe search: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
return $search -> fetchall_arrayref({});
# ==============================================================================
# Private methods
@ -325,16 +454,24 @@ sub _add_ingredients {
# Otherwise, it's a real ingredient, so we need to do the more complex work
} else {
# obtain the ingredient id
my $ingid = $self -> {"ingredients"} -> get_id($ingred -> {"name"})
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to get ingreditent ID for '".$ingred -> {"name"}."': ".$self -> {"ingredient"} -> errstr());
# obtain the IDs of entities referenced by this ingredient relation
my $ingid = $self -> {"system"} -> {"ingredients"} -> get_id($ingred -> {"name"})
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to get ingreditent ID for '".$ingred -> {"name"}."': ".$self -> {"system"} -> {"ingredient"} -> errstr());
my $unitid = $self -> {"system"} -> {"units"} -> get_id($ingred -> {"units"})
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to get unit ID for '".$ingred -> {"units"}."': ".$self -> {"system"} -> {"units"} -> errstr());
my $prepid = $self -> {"system"} -> {"prepmethod"} -> get_id($ingred -> {"prep"})
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to get preparation method ID for '".$ingred -> {"prep"}."': ".$self -> {"system"} -> {"prepmethod"} -> errstr());
# If we have an ID we can add the ingredient.
$addh -> execute($recipeid, $position, $ingred -> {"units"}, $ingred -> {"prepid"}, $ingid, $ingred -> {"quant"}, $ingred -> {"notes"}, undef)
$addh -> execute($recipeid, $position, $unitid, $prepid, $ingid, $ingred -> {"quant"}, $ingred -> {"notes"}, undef)
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to add ingredient '".$ingred -> {"name"}."' to recipe '$recipeid': ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr());
# And increase the ingredient refcount
# And increase the entity refcounts
$self -> {"system"} -> {"ingredients"} -> increase_refcount($ingid);
$self -> {"system"} -> {"units"} -> increase_refcount($unitid);
$self -> {"system"} -> {"prepmethod"} -> increase_refcount($prepid);
@ -531,32 +668,6 @@ sub _fix_recipe_relations {
## @method private $ _find_by_ingredient($
sub _find_by_ingredient {
my $self = shift;
my $ingreds = shift;
$ingreds = [ $ingreds ]
unless(ref($ingreds) eq "ARRAY");
my @names = ();
foreach my $ingred (@{$ingreds}) {
push(@names, "`ing`.`name` LIKE ?");
my $findh = $self -> {"dbh"} -> prepare("SELECT `r`.`id`
FROM `".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"recipes"}."` AS `r`,
`".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"recipeing"}."` AS `i`,
`".$self -> {"settings"} -> {"database"} -> {"ingredients"}."` AS `ing`
WHERE ($names)
AND `i`.`ingred_id` = `ing`.`id`
AND `r`.`id` = `i`.`recipe_id`");
$findh -> execute(@{$ingreds})
or return $self -> self_error("Unable to search for recipes by ingredient: ".$self -> {"dbh"} -> errstr);
# ==============================================================================
# Metadata related
@ -608,4 +719,86 @@ sub _create_recipe_metadata {
return $self -> {"metadata"} -> create($self -> {"settings"} -> {"config"} -> {"Recipe:base_metadata"} // 1);
# ==============================================================================
# Miscellaneous horribleness
## @method private $ _hashlist_to_list($hashlist, $field)
# Given a reference to an array of hashrefs, generate an array containing the
# values stored in specific fields in each hashref. For example, given an array
# that looks like
# [
# { "id" => 10, "name" => "foo" },
# { "id" => 11, "name" => "bar" },
# { "id" => 12, "name" => "foobar" },
# { "id" => 13, "name" => "barfoo" },
# ]
# if $field is set to "name", this will return the array
# [ 'foo', 'bar', 'foobar', 'barfoo' ]
# @param hashlist A reference to an array of hashrefs.
# @param field The name of the field in the hash that contains the values
# to return.
# @return A reference to an array of values pulled out of the hashes.
sub _hashlist_to_list {
my $self = shift;
my $hashlist = shift;
my $field = shift;
my @res = map { $_ -> {$field} } @{$hashlist};
return \@res;
## @method private $ _join_fragment($idlist, $table, $params)
# Generate an inner join fragment to append to the table list of a search
# query. This is used to restrict the results to recipes that use certain
# incredients or have specific tags associated with them.
# @param idlist A reference to an array of IDs to match with inner joins
# @param table The relation table to join against
# @param params A reference to an array of parameters that will be passed
# to execute() and replace value markers in the query
# @return A string containing the inner joins
sub _join_fragment {
my $self = shift;
my $idlist = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $params = shift;
my $result = "";
foreach my $id (@{$idlist}) {
$result .= " INNER JOIN `$table` AS `ij$id` ON `r`.`id` = `ij$id`.`recipe_id` AND `ij$id`.`ingred_id` = ?";
push(@{$params}, $id);
return $result;
## @method pricate $ _where_fragment($frag, $value, $wild, $params)
# Prepare values for inclusion in the WHERE section of the query
sub _where_fragment {
my $self = shift;
my $frag = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $wild = shift;
my $params = shift;
# Add missing % if wildcards are enabled
if($wild) {
$value = "%".$value unless($value =~ /^\%/);
$value = $value."%" unless($value =~ /\%$/);
$value =~ s/\*/%/g; # convert UI wildcard character to mysql
# And store the value in the execute parameters
push(@{$params}, $value);
return $frag;