Add a script to migrate from the old ORB to the new system
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use v5.14;
use strict;
use lib qw(/var/www/webperl);
use lib qw(../modules);
use DBI;
use Webperl::Logger;
use Webperl::ConfigMicro;
use ORB::System;
use Data::Dumper;
## @fn $ get_source_recipeids($dbh, $settings, $logger)
# Fetch a list of recipie IDs in the source ORB database.
# @param dbh A reference to a database handle to issue queries through.
# @param settings A reference to the system settings object
# @param logger A reference to a global logger object
# @return A reference to an array of recipe IDs.
sub get_source_recipeids {
my $dbh = shift;
my $settings = shift;
my $logger = shift;
my $query = $dbh -> prepare("SELECT `id`
FROM `".$settings -> {"database"} -> {"recipes"}."`
ORDER BY `id`");
$query -> execute()
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Unable to fetch source recipe list: ".$dbh -> errstr);
# Flatten the result of fetchall_arrayref so that we return a reference to
# an array of recipie IDs rather than a reference to an array of arrayrefs
return [ map { $_ -> [0] } @{$query -> fetchall_arrayref([0])} ];
## @fn $ get_source_recipe_relations($recipe, $dbh, $settings, $logger)
# Fetch the ingredients and tags from the source database and store them in the
# provided recipe hash.
# @param recipe A reference to a recipe hash
# @param dbh A reference to a database handle to issue queries through.
# @param settings A reference to the system settings object
# @param logger A reference to a global logger object
# @return A reference to a hash containing the recipe data.
sub get_source_recipe_relations {
my $recipe = shift;
my $dbh = shift;
my $settings = shift;
my $logger = shift;
# Fetch all the recipe ingredients - the ordering is implicit in the IDs in
# the old ORB setup
my $ingredh = $dbh -> prepare("SELECT `r`.*, `i`.`name`, `p`.`name` AS `prep`
FROM `".$settings -> {"database"} -> {"recipeing"}."` AS `r`
LEFT JOIN `".$settings -> {"database"} -> {"ingredients"}."` AS `i`
ON `i`.`id` = `r`.`ingredient`
LEFT JOIN `".$settings -> {"database"} -> {"prep"}."` AS `p`
ON `p`.`id` = `r`.`prepid`
WHERE `r`.`recipeid` = ?
ORDER BY `r`.`id`");
$ingredh -> execute($recipe -> {"id"})
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Unable to fetch source ingredient list: ".$dbh -> errstr);
my @ingredients;
# construct a list of the ingredients
while(my $ingred = $ingredh -> fetchrow_hashref()) {
push(@ingredients, $ingred);
# A reference to the ingredients has to go into the recipe
$recipe -> {"ingredients"} = \@ingredients;
# Now build the tags
my $tagh = $dbh -> prepare("SELECT `t`.`name`
FROM `".$settings -> {"database"} -> {"recipetags"}."` AS `r`,
`".$settings -> {"database"} -> {"tags"}."` AS `t`
WHERE `r`.`recipeid` = ?
AND `t`.`id` = `r`.`tagid`");
$tagh -> execute($recipe -> {"id"})
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Unable to fetch source tag list: ".$dbh -> errstr);
# Build up the tags in one string
my @tags = map { $_ -> [0] } @{$tagh -> fetchall_arrayref([0])};
$recipe -> {"tags"} = join(",", @tags);
return $recipe;
## @fn $ get_source_recipe($recipieid, $dbh, $settings, $logger)
# Fetch the data for a specified recipe in the source ORB database.
# @param recipeid The ID of the recipie to fetch the data for.
# @param dbh A reference to a database handle to issue queries through.
# @param settings A reference to the system settings object
# @param logger A reference to a global logger object
# @return A reference to a hash containing the recipe data
sub get_source_recipe {
my $recipeid = shift;
my $dbh = shift;
my $settings = shift;
my $logger = shift;
my $lookup = $dbh -> prepare("SELECT `r`.*, `s`.`name` AS `statusname`, `t`.`name` AS `typename`, `c`.`username` AS `createuser`, `u`.`username` AS `updateruser`
FROM `".$settings -> {"database"} -> {"recipes"}."` AS `r`
LEFT JOIN `".$settings -> {"database"} -> {"states"}."` AS `s`
ON `s`.`id` = `r`.`status`
LEFT JOIN `".$settings -> {"database"} -> {"types"}."` AS `t`
ON `t`.`id` = `r`.`type`
LEFT JOIN `".$settings -> {"database"} -> {"users"}."` AS `c`
ON `c`.`user_id` = `r`.`creator`
LEFT JOIN `".$settings -> {"database"} -> {"users"}."` AS `u`
ON `u`.`user_id` = `r`.`updater`
WHERE `r`.`id` = ?");
$lookup -> execute($recipeid)
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Unable to fetch source recipe: ".$dbh -> errstr);
my $recipe = $lookup -> fetchrow_hashref()
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Request for non-existent recipe $recipeid");
# pull in the extra data - ingredients and tags
return get_source_recipe_relations($recipe, $dbh, $settings, $logger);
## @fn $ convert_user($username, $dbh, $settings, $logger)
# Convert the username from the old system into a user Id in the new.
# @param username The name of the user to get an ID for
# @param dbh A reference to a database handle to issue queries through.
# @param settings A reference to the system settings object
# @param logger A reference to a global logger object
# @return The ID of the new user
sub convert_user {
my $username = shift;
my $dbh = shift;
my $settings = shift;
my $logger = shift;
my $lookup = $dbh -> prepare("SELECT `user_id`
FROM `".$settings -> {"database"} -> {"users"}."`
WHERE `username` LIKE ?");
$lookup -> execute($username)
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Unable to seach for updated user: ".$dbh -> errstr);
my $user = $lookup -> fetchrow_arrayref()
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Unable to locate match for user '$username'");
return $user -> [0];
## @fn $ convert_recipe($recipe, $dbh, $settings, $logger)
# Given a legacy ORB recipe data hash, update the fields to be suitable to pass
# to ORB::System::Recipe::create()
# @param recipe A reference to a recipe hash
# @param dbh A reference to a database handle to issue queries through.
# @param settings A reference to the system settings object
# @param logger A reference to a global logger object
# @return A reference to a hash containing the updated recipe data.
sub convert_recipe {
my $recipe = shift;
my $dbh = shift;
my $settings = shift;
my $logger = shift;
# Fix up recipe fields
# Created fields should use last update on the legacy system.
$recipe -> {"creatorid"} = convert_user($recipe -> {"updateruser"}, $dbh, $settings, $logger);
$recipe -> {"created"} = $recipe -> {"updated"};
# And fix up fields that need to do name mapping
$recipe -> {"type"} = $recipe -> {"typename"};
$recipe -> {"status"} = $recipe -> {"statusname"};
# And go through the list of ingredients tweaking as needed
foreach my $ingred (@{$recipe -> {"ingredients"}}) {
# Fix the moronic handling of separators in the original version
if($ingred -> {"units"} eq "Separator") {
$ingred -> {"units"} = '';
$ingred -> {"name"} = $ingred -> {"separator"};
$ingred -> {"separator"} = 1;
} else {
$ingred -> {"separator"} = 0;
return $recipe;
my $logger = Webperl::Logger -> new()
or die "FATAL: Unable to create logger object\n";
my $legacycfg = Webperl::ConfigMicro -> new("../config/legacy.cfg")
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Unable to open legacy config file: ".$Webperl::SystemModule::errstr);
my $targetcfg = Webperl::ConfigMicro -> new("../config/config.cfg")
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Unable to open target config file: ".$Webperl::SystemModule::errstr);
my $olddbh = DBI->connect($legacycfg -> {"database"} -> {"database"},
$legacycfg -> {"database"} -> {"username"},
$legacycfg -> {"database"} -> {"password"},
{ RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 1, mysql_enable_utf8 => 1 })
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Unable to connect to old database: ".$DBI::errstr);
my $newdbh = DBI->connect($targetcfg -> {"database"} -> {"database"},
$targetcfg -> {"database"} -> {"username"},
$targetcfg -> {"database"} -> {"password"},
{ RaiseError => 0, AutoCommit => 1, mysql_enable_utf8 => 1 })
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Unable to connect to new database: ".$DBI::errstr);
my $system = ORB::System -> new(dbh => $newdbh,
settings => $targetcfg,
logger => $logger)
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Unable to create system object: ".$Webperl::SystemModule::errstr);
$system -> init()
or $logger -> die_log(undef, $system -> errstr());
my $rows = get_source_recipeids($olddbh, $legacycfg, $logger);
foreach my $recipeid (@{$rows}) {
print "Migrating $recipeid: ";
my $recipe = get_source_recipe($recipeid, $olddbh, $legacycfg, $logger);
print $recipe -> {"name"}."... ";
$recipe = convert_recipe($recipe, $newdbh, $targetcfg, $logger);
my $newid = $system -> {"recipe"} -> create($recipe)
or $logger -> die_log(undef, "Addition failed: ".$system -> {"recipe"} -> errstr());
print "$newid\n";
print "Done\n";
Reference in New Issue
Block a user