diff --git a/blocks/ORB/Login.pm b/blocks/ORB/Login.pm
index 6088220..b746ba6 100755
--- a/blocks/ORB/Login.pm
+++ b/blocks/ORB/Login.pm
@@ -559,13 +559,13 @@ sub _validate_actcode {
# Check that the code has been provided and contains allowed characters
($args -> {"actcode"}, $error) = $self -> validate_string("actcode", {"required" => 1,
- "nicename" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTCODE}",
+ "nicename" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_CODE}",
"minlen" => 64,
"maxlen" => 64,
"formattest" => '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$',
"formatdesc" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_BADACTCHAR}"});
# Bomb out at this point if the code is not valid.
- return $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTFAILED}",
+ return $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => $error})
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ sub _validate_actcode {
# we don't actually know which user is being activated until the actcode lookup is done. And generally, if
# an act code has been set, the authmethod supports activation anyway!
my $user = $self -> {"session"} -> {"auth"} -> activate_user($args -> {"actcode"});
- return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTFAILED}",
+ return ($self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error.tem", { "%(message)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_FAILED}",
"%(reason)s" => "{L_LOGIN_ERR_BADCODE}"}), $args)
@@ -815,6 +815,28 @@ sub _generate_signup_form {
+## @method private @ generate_actcode_form($error)
+# Generate a form through which the user may specify an activation code.
+# @param error A string containing errors related to activating, or undef.
+# @return An array of two values: the page title string, the code form
+sub _generate_actcode_form {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $error = shift;
+ # Wrap the error message in a message box if we have one.
+ $error = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_box.tem", {"%(message)s" => $error})
+ if($error);
+ return ("{L_LOGIN_TITLE}",
+ $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/act_form.tem", {"%(error)s" => $error,
+ "%(target)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login"),
+ "%(url-resend)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "resend" ]),}),
+ $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/extrahead.tem"),
+ $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/extrajs.tem"));
## @method private @ generate_passchange_form($error)
# Generate a form through which the user can change their password, used to
# support forced password changes.
@@ -849,26 +871,6 @@ sub _generate_passchange_form {
-## @method private @ generate_actcode_form($error)
-# Generate a form through which the user may specify an activation code.
-# @param error A string containing errors related to activating, or undef.
-# @return An array of two values: the page title string, the code form
-sub _generate_actcode_form {
- my $self = shift;
- my $error = shift;
- # Wrap the error message in a message box if we have one.
- $error = $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("error/error_box.tem", {"%(message)s" => $error})
- if($error);
- return ("{L_LOGIN_TITLE}",
- $self -> {"template"} -> load_template("login/act_form.tem", {"%(error)s" => $error,
- "%(target)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login"),
- "%(url-resend)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login", "pathinfo" => [ "resend" ]),}));
## @method private @ generate_recover_form($error)
# Generate a form through which the user may recover their account details.
@@ -988,20 +990,18 @@ sub _generate_signedout {
sub _generate_activated {
my $self = shift;
- my $target = $self -> build_url(block => "login",
- pathinfo => []);
+ my $url = $self -> build_url(block => "login",
+ pathinfo => []);
- return ("{L_LOGIN_ACT_DONETITLE}",
- $self -> message_box("{L_LOGIN_ACT_DONETITLE}",
- "security",
- $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_ACT_LONGDESC",
- {"%(url-login)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login")}),
- undef,
- "logincore",
- [ {"message" => "{L_LOGIN_LOGIN}",
- "colour" => "blue",
- "action" => "location.href='$target'"} ]));
+ $self -> message_box(title => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_DONETITLE}",
+ type => "account",
+ summary => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE_SUMMARY}",
+ message => $self -> {"template"} -> replace_langvar("LOGIN_ACTIVATE_MESSAGE",
+ {"%(url-login)s" => $self -> build_url("block" => "login")}),
+ buttons => [ {"message" => "{L_LOGIN_LOGIN}",
+ "colour" => "standard",
+ "href" => "$url"} ]));
@@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ sub _generate_signedup {
summary => "{L_LOGIN_SIGNUP_SUMMARY}",
message => "{L_LOGIN_SIGNUP_MESSAGE}",
buttons => [ {"message" => "{L_LOGIN_ACTIVATE}",
- "colour" => "warning",
+ "colour" => "standard",
"href" => $url} ]));
diff --git a/lang/en/login.lang b/lang/en/login.lang
index be49782..9f98339 100755
--- a/lang/en/login.lang
+++ b/lang/en/login.lang
@@ -54,18 +54,19 @@ LOGIN_SIGNUP_ALTACT = Alternatively, enter the following code in the account
LOGIN_SIGNUP_ENJOY = Thank you for registering!
# Activation related
-LOGIN_ACTCODE = Activation code
-LOGIN_ACTFAILED = User account activation failed
-LOGIN_ACTFORM = Activate account
-LOGIN_ACTINTRO = Please enter your 64 character activation code here.
-LOGIN_ACTIVATE = Activate account
-LOGIN_ERR_BADACTCHAR = Activation codes may only contain alphanumeric characters.
-LOGIN_ERR_BADCODE = The provided activation code is invalid: either your account is already active, or you entered the code incorrectly. Note that the code is case sensitive - upper and lower case characters are treated differently. Please check you entered the code correctly.
+LOGIN_ACTIVATE_CODE = Activation code
+LOGIN_ACTIVATE_FAILED = User account activation failed
+LOGIN_ACTIVATE_FORM = Activate account
+LOGIN_ACTIVATE_INTRO = Please enter your 64 character activation code here.
+LOGIN_ACTIVATE_RESEND = Resend activation code
+LOGIN_ACTIVATE = Activate account
+LOGIN_ERR_BADACTCHAR = Activation codes may only contain alphanumeric characters.
+LOGIN_ERR_BADCODE = The provided activation code is invalid: either your account is already active, or you entered the code incorrectly. Note that the code is case sensitive - upper and lower case characters are treated differently. Please check you entered the code correctly.
# Activation done
-LOGIN_ACT_DONETITLE = Account activated
-LOGIN_ACT_SUMMARY = Activation successful!
-LOGIN_ACT_LONGDESC = Your new account has been acivated, and you can now sign in using your username and the password emailed to you.
+LOGIN_ACTIVATE_SUMMARY = Activation successful!
+LOGIN_ACTIVATE_MESSAGE = Your new account has been acivated, and you can now sign in using your username and the password emailed to you.
# Recovery related
LOGIN_RECFORM = Recover account details
@@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ LOGIN_RESEND_FAILED = Activation code resend failed
LOGIN_RESEND_DONETITLE = Activation code resent
LOGIN_RESEND_SUMMARY = Resend successful!
LOGIN_RESEND_LONGDESC = A new password and an activation link have been send to your email address.
Please check your email for a message with the subject 'Your {V_[sitename]} activation code' and follow the instructions it contains to activate your account.
# Force password change
LOGIN_PASSCHANGE = Change password
LOGIN_FORCECHANGE_INTRO = Before you continue, please choose a new password to set for your account.
diff --git a/templates/default/login/act_form.tem b/templates/default/login/act_form.tem
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49b2664
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/default/login/act_form.tem
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@